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A-Team (OFS)

The A-Team, also known as the 'Phakathis' was a vigilante group set up and headed by a well-known local councillor in the Thabong area of Welkom to counter the activities of the UDF primarily, and in a smaller measure, the ANC. The A-Team carried out a reign of terror in several areas of the province, particularly in Thabong and Parys, under the guise of 'maintaining order'. In at least one case, the A-Team is alleged to have been supported by police and municipal structures.

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MR HATTINGH: And were there members of the South African Task Team that were asked to be of assistance?
COL LOOTS: No, I testified Bokaba joined when Dunira resigned and Sengwane and Bokaba then formed a team.
(Inaudible) ... you approached Captain who? --- Captain P Harter. He was in command of the investigating team. Captain P Harter has now retired. He got promotion, he and Captain Schilling. On Roland's case they got promotion to majors, they're both majors, but he has now retired.
ADV NYOKA: Okay. Let's leave that for now. You said in your evidence in chief, you did not know the three Pebco persons when you were told by Mr Van Zyl to be part of this team, not so, you did not know them. All that you knew was that they were Pebco executive members, is that so?
Another baptism of operating illegally in prison, running communications as part of a team for twelve years and then another six months and a house arrest where I knew I was heavily monitored and I had to escape despite that monitoring. So I knew that look, I had the training, but this man who ...
The applicant also admits to assaulting Mr Jones. He testified to assaulting him a number of times by means of the piece of hosepipe while the two of them were alone after the rest of the interrogating team had left the room for reasons which are not really clear. This was after about eighteen ...
MR NDUDULA: They were part of the investigating team. They were investigating people who were politically active.
MR VISSER: And was this identified to the Investigative Team of the TRC?
MR VISSER: Yes, I don't want to create the impression, my attorney has just checked me on this, I don't want to create the impression that he didn't know about the incident, he obviously knew about the fact that there was an explosion and in fact he also, if I remember correctly, formed part of the ...
MR SNYDERS: He was a worker in my team, I acted as a Lieutenant in command of two teams who operated in the Eastern Transvaal and he was one of the persons who worked in my team.
This operation was executed by Mazibuko on 11 June 1989. After the unit planned the attack, he reconnoitered the stadium for two weekends. A soccer team made up of members of the South African Police came to play matches at the stadium every weekend. A decision was taken to attack the members of ...
The cause of the plane crash in which President Samora Machel and members of his entourage were killed in October 1986 has still not been determined to everyone's satisfaction. Allegations were made at the time that the plane had been diverted off course by a "false beam" device in South Africa. ...
Mr de Kock, both Mr Mose and Mr Manzini, in the two different incidents, left with the whole team to go to these particular points and then passed on to the border. Just go through that bit of detail for me.
MR GOOSEN: Chairperson, as it appears from my application before you, I indicated that I received an instruction from Capt Flip Loots, and I would also like to add that during consultation with Mr Momberg who forms part of the legal team, it became clear that I had received the instruction from ...
According to our investigating team it appears that there was an inquest in the Robertson Court and there is a case number for this investigation. The investigative report says that your son died of a wound due to shooting, fired by Constable T. Pony. According to this investigative report it was ...
Mr Flores, you've prepared an application in terms of Section 18 of Act 34 of 1995, presented it to the TRC Committee in Cape Town and provided your full co-operation with the TRC Committee's Investigating Team, is that correct?
MR WILLS: You met with a special advocate who was attached to the Attorney General's investigative team of Pretoria and you told them all about your incidents in Ermelo and you assisted and are going to be used as a State witness in Ermelo. Is that correct?
MR CURREN: Clinton McAslin. Gregory Nott. Mpuleng Pooe.Jane Evans. That is the team that will be representing that groupof people. We are coordinating as a team, some people are notgoing to be here all the time they are going to be a lot of doingthe taking of statements and preparation and ...
MR BOOYENS: You are part of the team investigating the Motherwell bomb, is that correct?
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has four regional offices, one in Cape Town, one in Durban the other in East London and the fourth in Gauteng. And each of them has a Commissioner as the convenor and for Western Cape/Northern Cape which includes the Southern Cape, the Commissioner convenor ...
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