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A-Team (OFS)

The A-Team, also known as the 'Phakathis' was a vigilante group set up and headed by a well-known local councillor in the Thabong area of Welkom to counter the activities of the UDF primarily, and in a smaller measure, the ANC. The A-Team carried out a reign of terror in several areas of the province, particularly in Thabong and Parys, under the guise of 'maintaining order'. In at least one case, the A-Team is alleged to have been supported by police and municipal structures.

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MR MAGQAGQA: Thank you very much for that honest answer. As I said, we will be hearing from the sister and we will also be hearing from other people who were involved in that bucket protest which was very tragic and claimed a number of lives. It’s also tragic that the circumstances at the time ...
MR BOTHA: Col de Kock told us that Mr Baker would take over the operation and that me, Wouter Mentz, Rian Bellingan and Baker himself would form the team who would undertake the work.
MR WASSERMAN: The instruction was to - well there was a bit of pandemonium when the message was that they had left and we were not, we went to great pains to make sure that we could catch up with the vehicle, so that we could inform the team what was happening.
MR PIENAAR: I can only start, Chairperson, by saying that I did not have any knowledge beforehand of this operation that was executed by Capt van Dyk and his team. One morning he approached me in my office and informed me that he had a man at Moolman that was brought from Swaziland, and if I would ...
MR LAMEY: And from there then you made statements to the investigating team from the Attorney-General's office. Can you briefly tell the Committee what the circumstances were surrounding the signing of your initial amnesty application? How did this come about?
MR DU TOIT: It is possible that I spoke to him, but I cannot recall that I said anything to him regarding a disguise or a beard or anything like that. Usually there were many people on such a scene and the first person that one would speak to would be the demolitions expert, who in this case was ...
MR BOSCH: I received my instructions from Mr de Kock, he told me to reserve places in Richards Bay for the whole team. We were then to travel down before the time, me, Vermeulen and Botha and then create an alibi there so that if any queries were ever made we could say that they were somewhere in ...
MR HATTINGH: In Denmark you were represented by various members of an Investigative Team which included Dr D'Oliviera, the then Attorney General for Transvaal as well as people like Adv Pretorius and Adv Ackerman and so forth?
Yes, I suppose one could argue the matter in small detail and try and make headway, but for our purposes, we are not going anywhere. Can I just say this to you, as an example and I think you've mentioned it, is that you questioned the use of - or the training in RPG7s. Now say for instance you're ...
After a burglary at Effesus House, which was the subject matter of another amnesty hearing of 1st and 3rd Applicants, a Vlakplaas team under Eugene de Kock broke into this house and later burnt it down. The 3rd Applicant was normally attached to Unit C2 but was recruited by De Kock for the ...
Hechter testified that during the relevant time he was based in Pretoria where he worked under the command of Cronje.  He was in charge of a team of operatives who occasionally went out at night to attack people whom they saw as enemies of the previous government.  It was their task to defend ...
ADV GCABASHE: In relation to the 31st August which is the day that the Vlakplaas team successfully completed this operation, in relation to that when did you see General Erasmus, one week, one month, two months before?
There was once a rally held at the stadium, and one of the speakers there was comrake Fikile Nkobose, and he mentioned a clique which lived at the corner of Ngwamsa Road that was trying to establish Azapo, and that rally was on a Sunday afternoon. On the Monday morning after that rally, pamphlets ...
MR MANTHATA: Perhaps what I can do would be to request you if you have anything or documentation, be it at home or with you here, that you leave them with us. Perhaps our investigating team can look into the matter, because it seems the matter that is so confused and yet it is so painful. I will ...
The application was fairly extensive and was strenuously opposed, thus compelling the Committee to hold more than one session to dispose of the matter. A number of witnesses were called to testify and a large volume of documentation was placed before us. The matter also had its fair share of ...
Firstly, I was a soccer player before I got this accident - I was very much involved in the soccer. I can no longer play soccer again because I have got an artificial leg. That’s one of the situations when I am seeing my team mates or colleagues or youngsters playing soccer, the pain is being ...
MR VLOK: Mr Chairperson, may I just explain once again. There were often congratulations given to people, because we were a team fighting a common enemy.
MR VAN DER BERG: Because, you see, if the AWB came to Bophuthatswana on the invitation of the government, surely they would have formed part of the same team. In other words the AWB comes there on invitation of the government and of course they all form part of the same team, they’ll strive for ...
MR SIBANYONI: Mr Rorich, I heard you referring to Mr Nofomela and Mr Bosigu as the two Askaris who backed your team, but my understanding is that at that stage they were constables, they were in the employ of the police, is that not correct?
You - you began to tell us a little bit about the fact this incident created quite a [indistinct] there in the press circles and so on. Why do you think that you were banned from coming to the press conferences, the court team - what happened?
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