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ANC camps

The ANC established bases in several African countries. The Department of Intelligence and Security (DIS), together with the military headquarters of MK, had control over residential centres and the Angolan camps, including 'Camp 32' or the Morris Seabelo Rehabilitation Centre (popularly known as 'Quatro'), Panga, Viana and the Nova Catengue camp. Following the SADF bombing of Nova Catengue camp in 1979, there was an atmosphere of paranoia about infiltration by South African agents. A number of ANC members were detained and tortured; some died as a result of assaults and some were executed. Dissatisfaction in MK training camps in Angola led to mutinies at the Viana and Pango camps during 1984. Both mutinies were put down with loss of lives on both sides. Many MK members were detained in connection with the uprisings, and some were tortured. Two groups of mutineers were tried by military tribunals and seven were executed.

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... to Camp Quatro, he was assaulted by an ANC member in charge of prisoners. One ANC member applied for and was granted amnesty (AC/2000/149). See ANC ...
... and Pango camps in 1984, two ANC military tribunals ordered the execution of seven MK operatives. Mr Namba was one of those executed in 1984. See ANC camps. ...
... and severely ill-treated. In 1984, he was detained following the Viana mutiny and held for four years during which he was severely tortured. (See ANC camps) Mr Mthembu`s difficulties in the ANC began after his father, acting Deputy-President of the Transvaal ANC in 1958, was shot dead in an ANC ...
A member of the Zulu Royal household who was incarcerated in various ANC camps in Angola and Zambia between 1978 and 1983. Although an Inkatha supporter, Mr Buthelezi stated that he joined the ANC in exile to bear witness to the alleged victimisation of Zulu members by the ANC. During his ...
An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by other ANC supporters at Bhambayi, near KwaMashu, Durban, on 10 June 1993, allegedly for refusing to attend ANC self-defence training camps.
... and severe ill-treatment. During this period in detention, his brother was executed on the order of an ANC military tribunal, in April 1983. See ANC camps. Earlier, in 1965, his father, Mr Penrose Moshoeu, had died in police custody in ...
An ANC supporter who was severely beaten and tortured by members of the SADF and named members of the Security Police in Komatipoort, Tvl, on 23 March 1990. Police wanted the names of previously-exiled ANC members. Mr Mohlala left the area twice and each time he returned he was tortured at ...
An ANC member from Adelaide, Cape, who was executed in Angola in 1984 following mutinies in the ANC camps of Viana and Pango, in Angola. Two groups of mutineers were tried by military tribunals and seven were executed.
... In 1984, he was executed by firing squad in Angola in 1984 on the orders of an ANC military tribunal, following a mutiny in the Pango camp. See ANC ...
An ANC member who was shot dead on 10 June 1988 allegedly by UNITA forces when he was transporting food between ANC camps in Angola. MK soldiers based in Angola assisted the FAPLA forces of the ruling MPLA government in its war against UNITA, which was assisted by the South African government. ...
An MK member who was detained in 1984 in Angola by ANC security department members and subsequently incarcerated in Quatro camp. Dissatisfaction in MK training camps in Angola led to mutinies at the Viana and Pango camps in 1984. Both were put down with loss of lives on both sides. Many MK members ...
Was detained by the ANC security department in Angola in 1984 and held in custody until November 1988. During his incarceration he was severely tortured. He was a resident of Meadowlands, Johannesburg. See ANC camps.
An MK member from Soweto, Johannesburg, who was detained by ANC members in Angola in 1984. Accused of mutiny, Mr Shange was held for four years in Quadro camp where he was subjected to severe beatings. See ANC camps.
An MK member who was incarcerated by members of the ANC security department in 1984. He was held in the Quatro camp and was kicked and beaten. He appeared before a tribunal which found him not guilty of participating in the mutiny. See ANC camps.
An MK operative from Mdantsane, Ciskei, who was executed in 1984 in the Pango camp in Angola, for his part in a mutiny. Following mutinies in the Viana and Pango camps in 1984, two military tribunals ordered the execution of seven MK operatives. Mr Tonisi was one of those executed. See ANC camps.
Was repeatedly tortured in October 1985 and January 1986 in Zambia, and at Nova Stella Sao prison and Quatro camp in Angola, by named ANC security members who falsely accused him of being an enemy agent. He was from Meadowlands, Soweto, Johannesburg. See ANC camps.
An MK member who was detained by ANC members in Angola in 1984. He was held for six years without trial in Quatro camp, and was subjected to torture and severe ill-treatment. He was then transferred and detained for a further eight months in Tanzania. See ANC camps.
An ANC supporter who was shot dead in Nyanga, Cape Town, on 17 May 1986, during the mass destruction of UDF-supporting squatter camps near Crossroads by Witdoeke vigilantes acting with the support and sanction of the security forces.
An ANC supporter who was shot dead by members of the SAP in Crossroads, Cape Town, on 10 June 1986, during the mass destruction of UDF-supporting squatter camps by Witdoeke vigilantes, acting with the tacit approval and aid of the security forces. Over 60 people were killed and 20 000 homes ...
An ANC supporter who lost his home on 9 June 1986 in KTC, Cape Town, in an arson attack by Witdoeke vigilantes during the mass destruction of UDF-supporting squatter camps by the vigilantes, acting with the tacit approval and aid of the security forces. Over sixty people were killed and twenty ...
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