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Azanian People's Liberation army, military wing of the PAC, formed in 1967

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We are proud of what we did. We have no regret, it is unfortunate that people had to die, but it is not something that we are ashamed of that we did go to war. War by its very nature is evil and if there was another method of avoiding it we would have avoided it. So, we are not going to have ...
... demonstration, just peaceful demonstrations that’s how you see how the police they come and answer with a bullet. // So even you as part of APLA you didn’t feel that the country was heading towards any kind of reconciliation process? Did you feel it was a necessary thing to go and ...
manifestations. We make no apologies, we have nothing to hide. // But there was a wide expectation that the PAC should explain the brutal attacks by APLA on white civilians. // A new pattern arose in the 1990s where civilians within the white community were attacked. In the nature of guerrilla ...
Hello. Thanks for joining tonight’s Special Report. The Truth Commission process this past week was dominated by the 1993 APLA attack on a pub in Cape Town and by a special hearing into the past role of the legal profession. Tonight we bring you the full drama of both these hearings as well as ...
... heading is ‘Transkei: Military activities of the Azanian People’s Liberation Army.’ The document identifies places in the Transkei at which APLA guerrillas were trained and it names a number of them. One of the places identified in that document is the house of Dumisa Ntsebeza in Cala. ...
Two previous APLA operations, the St James Church and the Heidelberg Tavern attacks, had raised several questions. Those questions came up yet again this week. When exactly did APLA suspend the armed struggle and what role did race play in the attacks?
APLA as a unit, that is APLA high command, is shouldering responsibility of all the activities that took place since its inception in 1961 till the cut-off date that is May 1994.
you forgive me at this point in time but I can ask for your forgiveness. // My name is Walter Tanda, I come from the Eastern Cape and am a member of APLA. I got instruction from the high commander of APLA. I didn’t kill your daughter because it was my decision. I am saying sorry and that ...
APLA then was fighting, returning a bullet with a bullet, protecting the Africans in Azania and the PAC was busy using other tactics so that you people in the government could hear the cries of the children of Azania. If your ears couldn’t listen, APLA decided to take guns to open the ears that ...
Eleven people were killed and more than sixty wounded. This week, these three young men, cadres from the PAC’s Azanian People’s Liberation Army, APLA applied for amnesty for what has become known as the St James massacre. Bassie Mkhumbuzi transported the weapons from the former Transkei for the ...
... knows who the oppressor was. // And did the white man also include young women as well? // According to the education I received the battle APLA was lodging was fighting the oppressor. Who you were or what you were was irrelevant. If you’re an oppressor we would fight against you. // On ...
... Police, the South African Defence Force, the Azanian People’s Liberation Army and Umkhonto we Sizwe. The Azanian People’s Liberation Army or APLA was the armed wing of the Pan Africanist Congress. APLA has been operating for decades, but it really only became well known in 1992 and 1993 ...
... what it means is that it’s not a bunch of ex soldiers getting together having a braaivleis and swopping bush stories. What it is, is SWAPO, ANC, APLA, Umkhonto we Sizwe, Koevoet, Recces, all the units, every single unit, everybody whoever was trained in any way militarily getting together and ...
... on the role of the legal sector in our past and the Amnesty Committee will hear the application of an MK soldier in Kimberley and those of three APLA soldiers responsible for the bloody 1993 attack on the Heidelberg Tavern in Cape Town. Until next Sunday at six, good ...
... in South Africa has amounted to more than just words…’ // East Londoner Chappie Beling is disabled after being severely injured in an APLA attack on his local pub in 1993. He’s one of a handful of victims who hopes to get a lot more than R17 000 from the government. // I’m ...
APLA operatives Walter Falibango Tanda and Andile Schiceka went to New Castle as ordered and after a brief reconnaissance they identified their targets. Tanda, Shiceka and Bongani Malevu appeared before the TRC amnesty committee this week.
In the spirit of reconciliation and healing the Commission wants to facilitate a meeting between the Highgate massacre survivors and members of the APLA command, such as this man, Letlapa Mphahlele, APLA’s director of operations who’s applied for amnesty and takes full responsibility for the ...
The APLA attack on the St James congregation in 1993 was one of the most vicious. Letlapa Mphahlele ordered the attack. Charl van Wyk was one of the survivors. On Friday they met in the PAC offices in Cape Town.
relive more atrocities when the Amnesty Committee listens to the events around the brutal murder of the American exchange student, Amy Biehl and the APLA attack on the St James Church in Cape Town. But we will not honour the victims of our past if we allow the evil to depress us so much that we ...
... benefit particularly from the new amnesty deadlines are the Freedom Front, the ‘Afrikaner Weerstands Beweging’ and the Pan Africanist Congress. APLA, the military wing of the PAC, will now apply for acts such as the shooting at the Heidelberg Tavern in Cape Town on 31 December ...
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