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Azanian People's Liberation army, military wing of the PAC, formed in 1967

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The APLA cadres maintain they were simply carrying out orders when they attacked the tavern. They say as soldiers they had no choice, but executed the attack with pride and in the knowledge that they were helping to fight the struggle against the oppressor.
... coins. // The car was to be sold in Lesotho so that the money that we get from that should be used to buy arms in order to further the struggle for APLA. // So, the money remained with you, the clothing remained with you, the motorcar remained with you. What about the camera you stole? Where did ...
Perhaps the most trying time for Ntsebeza was when he was accused of driving the car that took APLA cadres to their grim mission at the Heidelberg Tavern in 1993. Post-TRC life for Ntsebeza means going back to the things he loves doing most, his legal practice.
... of Afrikaner farmers whose families were blown apart by senseless landmines planted by ANC cadres, of bombs that exploded in civilian areas and of APLA guerrillas who stormed into churches and bars and mowed down innocent ...
... what it means is that it’s not a bunch of ex soldiers getting together having a braaivleis and swopping bush stories. What it is, is SWAPO, ANC, APLA, Umkhonto we Sizwe, Koevoet, Recces, all the units, every single unit, everybody whoever was trained in any way militarily getting together and ...
... war on our borders. But post traumatic stress disorder is also a condition suffered by many thousands of former soldiers of Umkhonto we Sizwe and APLA, present and former policemen and ordinary people who have suffered conflict and violence. In Hanover in the Karoo this week two mothers from ...
... Now the four want amnesty for the murder and the robbery that took place that afternoon. They say they were simply carrying out orders from the APLA commander and that the murder and the robbery had a very specific political ...
... Special Report and we ask the question, can racism be a political motive for murder? We start in July of 1993 on Sunday evening the 25th. APLA gunmen burst into an evening service at St. James Church in Kenilworth, Cape Town. They lobbed two hand grenades into the back pews and sprayed ...
... somebody who tells you that you must be the judge and the executioner of people? // I believe that these criminals were members of the ANC, PAC and APLA. They had to pay for the ...
... the pub with bullets, whole hand grenades and tear gas canisters into the bar area. They escape. The killers are members of the PAC’s armed wing, APLA. The dead are Derek Whitfield, Dave Wheeler, Deon-Wayne Harris, Douglas Gates and Stan Hacking. Many others are seriously ...
... Durban in 1990 killing seven passengers. The applicants said this was a revenge attack for an earlier attack on white pedestrians by youths wearing APLA T-shirts. They chose the bus as a target because it was transporting black people. The Committee granted amnesty to the two junior members of ...
Hello. Welcome to the Special Report. Tonight we deal with the bloody conflict in KTC Crossroads in 1987, the vicious APLA attack on an Eastern Cape hotel in 1992 and the death of 11 commuters during the 1983 Mdansane bus boycott. But we start in the Cape Peninsula. The dreaded pass book had always ...
When the PASO executive members ordered us to go out and prepare the groundwork for APLA and to make the township ungovernable I regarded this as an instruction to also harm, injure and kill white people. When I saw that the driver of the vehicle which we had stoned and which had come to a ...
... had executed the attack. They wanted to kill black people in revenge for an attack on white pedestrians on the Durban beach front by youths wearing APLA t-shirts earlier that ...
APLA units across the country were told that we haven’t got enough money, we haven’t got enough guns, we haven’t got enough ammunition and the Boers have lots of money, lots of ammunition, lots of guns and they must go and repossess them, not steal them.
... what it means is that it’s not a bunch of ex soldiers getting together having a braaivleis and swopping bush stories. What it is, is SWAPO, ANC, APLA, Umkhonto we Sizwe, Koevoet, Recces, all the units, every single unit, everybody whoever was trained in any way militarily getting together and ...
The APLA attack on the St James congregation in 1993 was one of the most vicious. Letlapa Mphahlele ordered the attack. Charl van Wyk was one of the survivors. On Friday they met in the PAC offices in Cape Town.
both sides as a war situation lasted for more than thirty years. It was all done on a need to know underground basis, both from the side of the ANC, APLA, South African Police, the army and everyone that participated in this. So, in that situation I say sir, it’s not a normal situation where you ...
... elite security branch, anti-terrorist unit in 1986 that the Benzien reputation took off. The anti-terrorist unit tracked down Umkhonto we Sizwe and APLA cadres and when they were captured the man they were handed to first was Jeffrey Benzien. It was his job to make them talk, what were the ...
... People’s Army was much feared by white South Africans because of their often ruthless attacks on civilians. For the first time this week the APLA high command formerly accepted responsibility for these attacks in an interview with the Special ...
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