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a former guerrilla 'turned' or recruited by the security forces

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Towards that end, perhaps I should start with what I've seen occurring just in the last sitting. We had - the former chap here was an askari, who I believed left the ANC because, by his own admission, he didn't necessarily participate in the physical beating, but maybe violated rights of ...
... Commissioner, he went to the police. I think he then revealed the whole story and the escort had him safely back to South Africa and he became the askari that he ...
MR PRINSLOO: I could have, Chairperson, but after my conversation with him and my questioning of him, I had already come to a decision that he was a possible askari, that I could possibly turn his head.
... of his colleagues.  He was a sergeant and worked under the command of Hechter.  He and Joe Mamasela, a former member of MK who was turned an askari, worked very closely with Hechter and were involved in many illegal operations.  The three (3) of them worked together as a team.  What ...
MR JANSEN: Just to mention this briefly, the incident was also about an askari, but he was not connected to Vlakplaas, he worked for the Bophuthatswana Police.
Applicant was an MK soldier who had been kidnapped and became an askari. He was ordered to identify members of MK who came back to the RSA after they had received training abroad. His commander at Vlakplaas was Captain De Kock.
MR DE KOCK: No Chairperson, I did not know about that. As far as I knew, Ndaba was not an informer, Ndaba was identified by an askari under the command of Col Taylor, that is how he was captured. After he was captured, he in turn pointed out Tshabalala. Furthermore this took place in secrecy, ...
... a member of the Pan Africanist Congress. The reason why this person would have to be killed, was because he would be able to identify the "Askari" who had furnished Fivaz with information. According to the applicant the plans involved members of the Reaction Unit who would penetrate the ...
The applicant instructed Joe Mamasela, an Askari member of the Security Police, to infiltrate the ANC and to find out whether they were awaiting weaponry to be used against the police. He was instructed not to influence them to ask for weapons but those asking for weapons would be supplied with ...
CHAIRPERSON: And it was then that the askari, the deceased, entered the canteen and you could see that he had been drinking as well.
MR LAMEY: Furthermore, as far as you know the beer was tested on an askari.
MR HATTINGH : According to your experience, is this the person who would be suitable for use as an askari, would he be willing to leave everything there and to go and live at Vlakplaas and be of assistance with the identification of terrorists?
... severe torture was afflicted, where the people in fact died and he has not hidden one fact, especially in the matter of Moses Ntalang, who was an askari who was murdered in the canteen at Vlakplaas. That was I think it's a case that really tried his credibility to the utmost. ...
MR VISSER: Well, Mr Ngo said that you instructed them to go with the persons that I mentioned before, Mr Mamome, Mr Ramouseau and Mr Ngo, to Bloemfontein to go and help to go and collect the property of Askari members. Do you know anything about that?
The 1st Applicant instructed an askari from Vlakplaas, Ernest Ramatala, who worked under his command, to contact Bhila, pretending to be a member of MK and tell him that the ANC wanted him to leave the country.  The meeting was arranged and on 22 February 1987 Bhila was intercepted near ...
"At a later stage, an askari, Jimmy Mbane, informed us that he had arranged that the Khubeka woman would be brought to us at the old Railway Police shooting range near Winkelspruit."
... of the ANC and an MK and also served as a bodyguard of the then President of the ANC, O.R. Tambo. The deceased defected from the ANC and turned askari and his activities were mainly focused around the borders of Botswana in particular the Ramatlabama and Zeerust border posts. He also ...
... have a problem about that, they wanted to know why I was associating myself with him. I think this is what led them calling me an informer, an askari or ...
MR LOOTS: Piet was an MK Commander in Botswana, he became disillusioned with the ANC and became an askari later. He was in control of weaponry in Botswana and when he had returned, he had 10 metal containers which were filled with weapons and ammunition, hand grenades and explosives which he ...
MR CHOANE: The ten code is an askari, he's a person who betrayed the movement, it's a person who betrays his own comrades, so I never wanted to indulge myself in such activities.
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