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Hostels in the provinces of KwaZulu/Natal and the Transvaal, particularly in the PWV (Pretoria/Witwatersrand/Vereeniging) area, became strongholds of the IFP in the early nineties. They became no-go areas for non-Inkatha residents of adjacent communities. In turn, IFP hostel-dwellers were increasingly alienated in these communities and were frequently attacked by resident youth activists. IFP-supporting hostel-dwellers were, however, responsible for launching several large-scale attacks on adjacent townships and informal settlements in these provinces. The overwhelming majority of victims in these attacks were non-IFP township residents.

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The Applicant is therefore GRANTED amnesty for the attacks on the 23rd and 24th April 1994 on the Msboyazofe and Bhuyafuti hostels respectively, which attacks were carried out by the launching of rockets into the hostels, as well as for the illegal possession of two Bazooka rocket launchers ...
... in the fight at Mshayazafe hostel. It was one of the bigger battles of the Thokoza/Katlehong SDU's against the IFP members who occupied the hostels and used these as bases. The applicant was armed with an AK47, which he used to fire at opponents. He also used an RPG7 in this attack. ...
... some more information in that respect. We've heard many stories and some people are even coming today to that effect that people were taken into hostels from taxis, individuals were taken into hostels, either tortured or never seen again. Can you comment on ...
MR SIBEKO: No, it is one incident and it is possible that it is Mazibuko hostel, because I am not sure of the names of the hostels at Katlehong, it could be Mazibuko.
CHAIRPERSON: You say it was at the commencement of the violence. Was that the violence involving the residents of Thokoza and the occupants of the hostels in the area?
CHAIRPERSON: The Induna's Mr Msomi and Shwala and Ngema, what were their functions at the hostels?
MS MAKHUBELE: In most townships there were hostels, what was the position in Vosloorus, was there a hostel?
During that time violence continued because there are still hostels near Polla Park. It was again exacerbated by the media that the ANC was fighting, I mean Xhosa speaking people were fighting Zulu speaking people. We know by the time that it was not true.
MS THABETE: When you say outside the firm, what do you mean? Were they attacking you at the hostels?
... the Youth League that we should shoot all members of Inkatha who are in the township, because they give the people, Inkatha members who are in the hostels, about the ...
... camps and possibly for industrial zones. There is the need for defence structures on mine compounds. NUM have established these at some mine hostels and important lessons have been learnt. There is also the need to elaborate some form of protection on the trains, at taxi ranks and in city ...
... and if they didn't find any they would smash the windows, smash the doors and take whatever is inside that they can carry along with them to the ...
... weapons. I would not estimate a number of people we were fighting but we managed to defeat them, these were the people we were attacking from the hostels. When we arrived we discovered that people deserted their houses, some of them were burnt. People had just gone away. Because we were ...
A large group of IFP supporters from the hostels were moving in Khumalo street towards the Thokoza stadium to attend a rally called by their leaders. A group of youths displaying placards and singing "toyi-toyi" songs led the procession. They were followed at a distance by the first group of ...
... had information that the rally was going to be big and the intention of the rally was to drive out all ANC members from eSikhawini. There are four hostels that were targeted for attack. On the eve of the rally in the evening the ANC also mobilised it's own people and they put barricades at the ...
"This was after all Zulus were chased out of other hostels and townships."
MR PADI: Thank you. Mr Hlophe is applying for amnesty for the incident that occurred on the 23rd of April 1994, in which he attacked the hostels by using two rocket launchers.
MR SIBEKO: Will I be correct to say that the incident that you are referring to or the hostel that you are referring to is one of the hostels which are situated at Khumalo Street, Thokoza?
... dispute structures which have acquired a new impotence in Northern and Southern Natal and the Midlands and I’m also thinking of the very important hostels initiative here in the ...
Mr Bellingan, you are saying that you considered an armed attack and a response, a reaction, an armed reaction by yourself, in a residential area, where there are two hostels, to be preferable to every conceivable effort that you could make to arrest these people beforehand?
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