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Hostels in the provinces of KwaZulu/Natal and the Transvaal, particularly in the PWV (Pretoria/Witwatersrand/Vereeniging) area, became strongholds of the IFP in the early nineties. They became no-go areas for non-Inkatha residents of adjacent communities. In turn, IFP hostel-dwellers were increasingly alienated in these communities and were frequently attacked by resident youth activists. IFP-supporting hostel-dwellers were, however, responsible for launching several large-scale attacks on adjacent townships and informal settlements in these provinces. The overwhelming majority of victims in these attacks were non-IFP township residents.

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CHAIRPERSON: You say it was at the commencement of the violence. Was that the violence involving the residents of Thokoza and the occupants of the hostels in the area?
... camps and possibly for industrial zones. There is the need for defence structures on mine compounds. NUM have established these at some mine hostels and important lessons have been learnt. There is also the need to elaborate some form of protection on the trains, at taxi ranks and in city ...
... weapons. I would not estimate a number of people we were fighting but we managed to defeat them, these were the people we were attacking from the hostels. When we arrived we discovered that people deserted their houses, some of them were burnt. People had just gone away. Because we were ...
MR SIBEKO: No, it is one incident and it is possible that it is Mazibuko hostel, because I am not sure of the names of the hostels at Katlehong, it could be Mazibuko.
CHAIRPERSON: The Induna's Mr Msomi and Shwala and Ngema, what were their functions at the hostels?
MR LAX: There were separate hostels for people that were ANC, they couldn't stay together? There were ANC hostels and there were IFP hostels and the IFP hostels were very different places to the ANC hostels. In some places like Sebokeng, the hostels were ANC and the IFP people were chased out and ...
He averred that this time the township was engulfed in violence with persons staying in hostels fighting the residents in the township and that it was their primary duty as SDU members to defend the community from such attacks. Significantly, all ANC members that had prior to the height of ...
... at the Mzimhlope hostel and the Dube Hostel.  In evidence, when referred to the application of Lengene mentioning the Mzimhlope and Jabulani hostels, Olifant said that he may be mistaken.  He confirmed that they had certainly caused explosions at two hostels but called at others where ...
MR SIBEKO: I'm trying to have a picture in mind of what was happening there, would I be correct to think that you were between the hostels and the houses, the position where you were at the time you were returning fire to the hostels?
... that place. Is that right? --- People who were sent to hostel No 2 were those who were attacked. They were not allowed to go to these other hostels because people were scared. Management gave them money to leave the place. One other thing you haven't told us is that you lost all your ...
ADV SANDI: Did you say as the result of your attack at Mshayazafe Hostel, the occupants of those hostels left, did you say they abandoned those hostels?
... by widespread political conflict and violence. There were regular attacks launched against members of the community by inhabitants of various hostels. These attacks were linked to the Inkatha Freedom Party ("IFP"). The principal function of the SDU was to defend the community against such ...
MR KHUMALO: There was conflict in Johannesburg at that time between IFP and the ANC. IFP people had been chased away from the townships and were residing in hostels and at that time we would supply the hostels with ammunition if they did not have sufficient supplies.
19. As the hostels were perceived as IFP strongholds and thus sources of violent attacks against ANC supporters, the ANC called for the closure of the hostels. This call led to further escalations of violence.
"At the time I was staying at Kwatabega and the comrades viewed Kwatabega as a predominantly IFP area because they had hostels in there. The view of the comrades was that areas whereby you find hostels, it is more likely that the people are predominantly IFP. And the hostel dwellers were viewed ...
The repeated pattern of the nature of what was happening at the hostels is repeated here, it has been found in other Commissions. Where the modus operandi of the IFP was to take over hostels and use those as power-bases, that is I think been found in the TRC Report already, that that is part of ...
and repair that damage. Things that happened in the past won't happen again. We tried to stop everything but still there was still shooting at the hostels. I was a commander then of the ones who were fighting and we decided that I delegate authority amongst my people. ...(indistinct) and the ...
MR STEWART: Thereafter you did some work for Themba Xhosa including gun running and supplying of guns to hostels and so on. Is that right?
... I asked the police to come and guard us because I wanted to do a funeral for my children. I didn't get any assistance from them. People from the hostels, and neighbours who were Inkatha members, and neighbours who were ANC, came and assisted me, and they also came to the funeral. After that I ...
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