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Ngquza Hill

see Pondoland revolt

An iKongo leader who was shot dead by members of the SADF on 6 June 1960 in the Ngquza Hill massacre in Flagstaff, Transkei. He was hoisting a white flag at Ngquza Hill as a sign of peace during a community meeting when police opened fire on the crowd. This took place during the Pondoland revolt. ...
An iKongo member who was shot by members of the SAP on 6 June 1960 at Ngquza Hill, near Flagstaff, Transkei, during the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt.
An iKongo member who was shot by members of the SAP on 6 June 1960 at Ngquza Hill in Lusikisiki, Transkei, where he had attended a meeting during the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt.
An ANC supporter who was sprayed with teargas by members of the SAP and SADF in a helicopter flying over Ngquza Hill, Transkei, in March 1960 during the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt.
An iKongo member who lost the use of his leg after being shot and injured on 6 June 1960 in Flagstaff, Transkei, during the Ngquza Hill raid in which police members ambushed community members attending a Nonqulwana meeting during the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt.
Was shot in the arm by members of the SADF during the Ngquza Hill massacre on 6 June 1960 in Lusikisiki, Transkei. He was captured and imprisoned for several years for taking part in the Pondoland revolt. Mr Mbondli died of ill health soon after his release. See Pondoland revolt.
Was repeatedly assaulted in 1960 at Bizana, Transkei, and Kokstad prisons after police arrested committee members who attended a Nonqulwana meeting at Ngquza Hill. Mr Juze, an iKongo member, also lost his home in Emdakamfele, Bizana, in an arson attack. See Pondoland revolt.
An ANC supporter who was tortured in detention in 1961 in Bizana, Transkei, after escaping from the Ngquza Hill raid during the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt.
An iKongo member who was assaulted with iron bars by members of the SAP on 7 June 1960 in Flagstaff, Transkei, in the aftermath of the Ngquza Hill massacre. See Pondoland revolt.
An iKongo member who was shot in the leg by named members of the SAP on 6 June 1960 during a raid on a mass meeting at Ngquza Hill, Transkei. Eleven people died in the raid, which was a turning point in the Pondoland revolt. Mr Gxabu and twenty two others were arrested and tortured. See Pondoland ...
An iKongo member who was shot dead by members of the SAP on 6 June 1960 during a protest meeting at Ngquza Hill in Flagstaff, Transkei. See Pondoland revolt.
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