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PassExplanation Showing 801 to 820 of 833 First Page•Previous Page 34 •35 •36 •37 •38 •39 •40 •41 •42 Next Page•Last PageMR MALAN: I just want to make sure Mr Nofomela, did you pass the border in any of the vehicles when you went to abduct Mr Mngomezulu? ... and whose name the rifle was licensed. The rifle was given to the first applicant as a family heirloom, the intention that he would in the future pass it on to his son. The first applicant neglected to have the rifle licensed in his ... MS SEROKE: How did your child pass away? ... put it on the boot and then they would shoot it as a target, and when they shoot it as a target, this bottle, they would make it the bullets would pass next to my head. I kept quiet because I was asking myself what was their intention of doing this. They tried to give me the meat but I ... ... of all, we can only go by what we have and at the same time we are aware that that is not the complete picture. This area for example, besides a pass, a passing reference to the, to the SADF and the SAP involvement, we’ve heard very little of cross-border raids for example. We’ve heard ... ... we can now see what these children had died for. Because today we are living under a new dispensation, there is democracy in this country. May you pass the greetings to your family. Thank ... ... What I want to say, he was just an outstanding kid. Right through his school career he has been distinguishing himself, getting first class pass right from the primary school, right up to the university. He had a very good nature. He was a very good boy. This can be proved by the work ... All these things happened at Mutatema. Let me pass the issue of Mutatema, I want to tell you about Wilson Mashego. He was a detective at that time, he assaulted me from 1984. e used to come to my home with the police and soldiers wearing camouflage. He assaulted me from 1985 until 1988. He ... I just want to ask one question of Mr Gcanga please if you could pass the microphone again. Mr Gcanga I just want to make quite sure that our papers are all correct here. In the written statement that was typed after you made it, it says that you are currently staying at number 12 Phatsha street ... "27. A government must not allow any signs of a developing pattern of revolution or spontaneous uprising to pass unheeded." ... my friend. There was a stayaway that was declared and people were marching. Then I decided to use a round-about way so that these people must pass, but at that instant Caspers emerged and they were chasing this group around. But I was just on my way to my friend's house and they were ... ... people were paid informers and agents. Then there were the majority of the people on my list were like what you can say just friends and I would pass on certain information to specific groups within the media, the groups. So but I didn't say I passed information over to him specifically and ... MR BERGER: And the police let you pass into the township, correct? was dispatched to carry out the operation. Brigadier Goosen remained at his accommodation while I manned a checkpoint which each team member had to pass after completing their various ... ... Usually we as the Bophokeng people, that it's going to happen in Bophokeng has to be known by the chief first and he also has to address it or pass it on to the Bophokeng people. It could be buildings or whatever was going to happen in Phokeng, but Mangope would only erect buildings in ... MS TIRO: I am sorry that I didn't mention the name of the person. Debaga went to Botswana and my son gave the letter to him to pass it on to his aunt. Mohapi is the person that I referred as the man who gave him the parcel and he said to him well open your parcel. Well I related the story ... MR SKOSANA: Let me explain this. When we approached those houses, opposite Mr Shabangu's house there are houses. We had to pass those houses and we left him in between some of those houses, that is where he stood and observed and we continued to go and attack Joe's house on the other side of the ... you saying I must pass on and leave it for argument, Chairperson? ... It's important what you have told us and if you could also let us know how to contact possibly the witness, we will then try and find out. I'll pass you back to the Chairperson. Thank you very ... ... for them. They said they would rather hire a Kombi. There were a lot of policemen alongside the road, you know, watching where are we going to pass. But God was with us. We managed to go through those police barricades up to Lekasi where we had to keep the corpse. The question of a ... |