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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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The beauty of the Karoo’s wide open spaces belies a cruel apartheid past in which Black people were made to survive by passing themselves off as coloureds. During the apartheid years the Karoo became by law an official coloured preference area. For black people it became a hostile place to live ...
I haven’t stopped coming home and when I started watching what was going on, especially in terms of the Truth Commission, it really struck a chord. I mean it’s absolutely a universal subject, one of forces of good and evil; that are completely universal. And it reminded I guess of the Nuremberg ...
The legislation did play a very vital role in hindering the free flow of information during those days, but that is an excuse that is used by people who ran the media at the time ... as an excuse for not having gone further in exposing the atrocities and the injustices that were happening in the ...
Zweli Dlamini, another Caprivi trainee testified in a balaclava because he did not want the people in his village to know about his testimony. // We were dealing with the learning about arms, the attacking of houses. During the demonstration there was a house which was locked and we were shown as ...
For Bokaba, the perpetrators are people he knew and who had constantly threatened him about his life and ironically when their homeland shrine they were preserving has shattered they still have not approached him and asked him for forgiveness. // I feel that it’s for me to ensure that I reconcile ...
Jacobus Johannes de Ru worked as a detective for the Sasolburg murder and robbery squad in 1990. On 15 June he was called up by his commanding officer to interrogate a suspect arrested for the gruesome murder of the Bezuidenhout’s, a couple who had lived on a farm in the Kroonstad district. They ...
Paul van Vuuren, one of the five policemen implicated in Richard and Busisiwe Motasi’s murder offered to meet Thsidiso. // Hi Tshidiso, how are you? // I’m fine. // I’m glad to hear that. // This is Mandla, his cousin. // Hello Mandla, how are you? // Alright. // Listen let me tell you, all ...
... times, but after his death even those who hated him came to appreciate that not only was he a communist and a fearless soldier, he was also a warm, pragmatic man and a deeply loved leader committed to lasting ...
‘UWC History Project: Interview with the late Ivy Kriel read by her daughter Michelle Kriel.’ // Even before he started thinking in a political way was his personality at the time, he could not watch people suffer. // Ashley was a working class boy from Bonteheuwel in Cape Town born in the era ...
In thirty minutes’ time 15 people are already sentenced. You just come… Why? What do you want? Why do you come to this area without a permit? As if you can be given a permit if you want to.
I think there’s no doubt in my mind that there was a final solution in South Africa and the final solution involved the forced removal of more than three million people from their homes. And I think in terms of what that did to the spirit of a people and what it was designed to do, it had ...
Some of the issues that we would argue that need to be addressed are identifying and documenting past abuses. We would also argue that the same processes that apply to the Truth Commission in general should also apply to the medical profession so we’ve seen that the many witnesses testifying at ...
But what precisely is a witch? And what do they do that people fear them so? // Although we are speaking of one province here each area has got a large number of certain ethnic groups. If you take Northern Sotho speaking people many people were accused of having caused lightning, whereas if you go ...
The case went to the Cape Town Supreme Court. The 26 men spent almost 18 months in prison before the state star witness finally admitted to lying. // This x54 who testified in court was a boy from Victoria West. We never really noticed him. He’s originally from Molteno this Harry Maphiri. He was ...
After testifying to the Kannemeyer Commission about what he’d seen that day Berry fell victim to his own honesty. // What I did then, I’d say it within the next 100 years I did for the sake of justice. And never will I regret that. Yes, I do regret losing my job. // What I’m actually saying ...
For Susan van der Merwe knowing how her husband died has not answered the question of why he had to die. // If it was a military operation, for instance if my son who was in the army, if they had told me he had lost his life it would have been different. Because he was a trained soldier fighting ...
Many people died in a bloody clash between the Ciskei Defence Force and marching ANC supporters.
By the 1960s the repression that resulted after then after the banning of the ANC and the shooting of people at Sharpeville, you know, covered the whole country. And, at this time they began whole scale arrests of opponents of apartheid, and repression was really all round.
Stander warned Holomisa about the assassination plot against him. // Riaan Stander was one of the people who we communicated with, because apparently he was close to a number of these big guns in South Africa. // Why did you warn Holomisa? // I learnt during those years that the ultimate aim ...
‘People exhumed by the TRC so far: // Basil Rich Nzama // Lesaja Sexwale // Sureboy Dali // Thabo Rakubu // Senzan Gakhona // Barney Molokoane // Vincent Sekete // Victor Khayiyane // Abbey More // Patrick Motswaletswale // Basil Zulu // Aaron Makwe // Mzwandile Radebe // Watson Majova // Ndlela ...
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