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people's warExplanation Showing 341 to 360 of 1000 First Page•Previous Page 14 •15 •16 •17 •18 •19 •20 •21 •22 Next Page•Last PageWe want the truth, nothing else but the truth comrades and while that Botha does not want to go to the TRC or the court the truth is going to come out comrades, because our people want to know what happened to their sons and daughters, the mothers and fathers, Maqabane. It’s again the deep conviction on the part of the Afrikaner people. You have to do your duty, especially to those in authority. You hear, you listen, you obey and you’re not critical enough to ask the question. But why do I necessarily need to obey? They must choose whether they’re Africans or still Europeans and it takes a lot of courage to make that choice. It takes a lot of courage, because you are saying, I am no longer European and I’m saying that to Indians as well. Those people who continue to call themselves Indians in Africa. If ... Sophiatown was representative of freedom, to live with whoever was your neighbour. // It was too much of a threat. In February 1955 trucks rolled into Sophiatown, loaded its inhabitants and moved them to a place called Meadowlands. ... to pick up Godolozi, we knew. He started with Godolozi first, and they went for Champion Golela. So, we knew all that; and as they were driving towards the airport we had a running commenter about their movement and as they drove into the entrance of the airport itself, it was as if we’re ... Anti-apartheid activist and ANC lawyer Griffiths Mxenge. On the 19th of November 1991, his body was found on this sports field in Umlazi near Durban. He had 45 stab wounds, his throat was slit and his ear severed. The murder of Griffiths Mxenge became one of the most notorious political ... ... Rooigrond then on that day I was put in isolation, taken to a cell where I stayed alone for a period of almost two months. Whilst in detention the warders in jail were telling us, all of us, not me alone that ‘you people are going to be hanged; you are facing a very serious crime of ... Ironically, a few hours after this interview Niewoudt was sentenced with two other former policemen for the murder of four of their colleagues. De Bruyn stressed in his argument and litigation that his clients believed they acted in the interests of the country. // The argument was that you have ... By the end of the next day scores of people were wounded and dead. Many wounded were treated at home for fear of being arrested at hospitals. But these were the lucky ones. Some say, up to 17 people lost their lives. // I will say for people that were hurt, I will call it something like 300 to ... June 17, 1992. About 300 residents at the Kwamadala Hostel and members of the security forces turned Boipatong into a place of terror. 49 people died that night. News of the massacre reverberated throughout South Africa and the world. This week, some of the survivors told the Truth Commission their ... Steyn was worried that the two gang members would escape from custody, as had happened in the past and so would never be brought to justice. // I told the Defence Force people that they should shoot and if there were any queries about the deaths they should just say that they had died on their way ... Having been overcome by the colonialists because of their superior weapons, mobility and fire power the African people correctly decided to resist the unholy alliance by setting up political organisations, drawing up petitions, organising protest marches as well as involving students and workers in ... Chief Lebone Molotlegi returned to a changed South Africa in 1994. He died a year later, before he could witness the reconciliation of his people. His eldest son, Chief Lebone II now has to unify the Bafokeng. // This is the first amnesty hearing in the whole South Africa and this is the time to ... There was this particular police who was always everywhere especially among the blacks. A certain group that would be victorious out of all this groups he would be … this policeman were just shooting at the children and he was accompanied by other police. // Are you saying some of the children ... I thought I knew what happened in this country. I was involved, so when I was appointed I didn’t expect surprises. But I was shocked again and again and again as I sit at hearings to realize how little I knew. I was deeply touched by people who refused to be crushed. Deeply moving moments, which ... The conflict of the past is not only about white oppressors. When we talk of reconciliation there are so many shades of the past that now have become levels for reconciliation. What about black informers, black policemen, black councillors, black collaborators? What about the ongoing strife between ... be compiled now at the exclusion of evidences of other parties. Now we have a situation where we are seated with all the victims that are looking forward to be given reparation at the end of the day, which they are going to miss as far as I’m concerned in the sense that the Tokoza massacre, ... Although Van Zyl was more forthright, disruption obviously included assassination and his first task when he took up his post in Cape Town in 1989 was to hire people with special skills. Dr. Asvat said: Well, what can I do? Being visited by big people like this. He made it a joke. We laughed. She said. Doctor, I have a problem. This boy has been sodomised by Paul Verryn. The doctor said. Oh really? Come inside. So the doctor he only checked my blood. We are looking for measures which will restore people’s dignity which has been lost. We felt, we are looking for measures which will somehow assist people to more or less be able to live a life they would have lived was it not for the violation. |