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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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On the 25th of July 1993 four gunmen burst into the St James Church in Kenilworth and opened fire on the congregation gathered for the evening service. The attack left 11 people dead and more than 50 wounded. This week the man who gave the order for the attack, Letlapa Mphahlele, met one of those ...
Right wing terror took many forms in the old Western Transvaal. Here, in the heartland of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging right-wingers behaved as if South Africa belonged to them only. Many people fell victim to their indiscriminate violence. William Nxanxa, a taxi driver was parked beside the ...
It was me who was there; I gave Major Mbina an order to make a single fire at the people who were coming towards you.
In order to succeed what you need possibly is the stick of the courts and the carrot of the Amnesty Committee or of the Commission. And these two ought to be held in tension. The moment you drop one or the other then I think you’re in trouble, in terms of searching for the truth. Because a whole ...
It was a group of people who were violating the community. It was a group of hooligans who were attacking people and they got my husband and stabbed him to death. When we got there we got the Three Million Gang. I saw him; he had been attacked by the Three Million Gang. When I tried to tell him the ...
Are you prepared to say to the Zimbabwean people you are sorry for what you did? // Yes I would. // Are you really sorry for what you did? // Yes I am. Well it was something that I didn’t want to get involved in. You get put into a situation where you think well let me help get this thing out of ...
This sleepy holiday resort was the unlikely venue for testimony that one Commissioner described as among the most harrowing he has heard. People came to tell their stories inside a cordon of heavy security. This time the police were there to protect the witnesses as much as the commissioners, for ...
They took me to Sotwai at number 9. That is a place in Khayalitsha. That was at night. And when we got there, still handcuffed as I was, there were some people that were dressed in big coats and they had sjamboks, they had some arms with them. And they stood in front of this house. There was also ...
The old symbols that we have, they are there, they are symbols, but they represent a particular history and a particular past that has not been associated with respect for human dignity and human rights, they are integrated. What we need are new symbols. // … And I think we should be able to use ...
’12 Months of Truth’ // In the middle of the night under cover of darkness disguised camouflaged men with silencers on their guns burst into Jacky’s home and murdered her, an unarmed defenceless woman in the supposed sanctuary of her home. They murdered Joe too. // ‘4261 Killings ...
But there have also been many lows. // I remember at a hearing when somebody talked about just walking daily with her child down the street and so on and this most overwhelming sense of sadness… I just felt I wanted to weep no end. And often I think it’s when things resonate with one and often ...
We have seen very few former politicians, generals and foot soldiers expressing genuine regret for the evils of the past. The apologies we have heard so far mostly went along the lines of, if we hurt people, we are sorry, but we didn’t mean it. Adriaan Vlok and Pik Botha also expressed regret.
As far as our collaboration and resistance to the system is concerned there is the community at large. In truth, the community at large was a complacent community, feeble in its responses and going whichever way the wind was going at that particular moment. In 1979 Imam Abdullah Haron was murdered ...
The request that I want to make is that in all that I have done I did it because I was tempted by a very clever person who was older than me. And after such a long time that the Asvat family has been troubled, wanting to know as to the circumstances surrounding their relative, their father or their ...
But the message that was given many people was you’re a coward or there’s something wrong with you, and again there was the attitude of almost a joke, bossies was a sort of a joke. People joked about whether they were or weren’t or whether other people were or weren’t, without really ...
And yet many of the files do remain. // It’s very difficult for any bureaucracy the size of the South African state to ensure that every copy of every document is destroyed. There is also evidence of certain people who just chose not to destroy documents, that’s all. They just didn’t do it. ...
In October 1990 three men belonging to the right wing Orde Boerevolk attacked a bus of black commuters. Seven people were killed and 27 injured in this racially motivated attack. Piet Botha, Adriaan Smuts and Eugene Marais had executed the attack. They wanted to kill black people in revenge for an ...
On Tuesday morning the TRC led an emotional return to the scene of the shooting. // There should never be a repetition of an act such as this one. So we asked you to pour your holy spirit upon the hearts of your people. // ‘Doreen Rousseau, wounded and crippled.’ // … Do not yield by running ...
One of the stories that I heard is that when these people were taken to Ulundi they were found to be weak, they were asked to go back to Wesselton, to kill women, to come back with their private parts, to be used as muti. It’s then that for the first time the local police told us to stop calling ...
A lot of the evidence I have listened to at the Truth Commission hearings were really heartbreaking. But when the testimony is about the human rights violations of children, it is more than disturbing. The Truth Commission recently held special children’s hearings in East London and Bloemfontein. ...
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