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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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In 1968 with the launch of the Black Consciousness movement I ventured into newspaper’s news rooms. What did I find at the Rand Daily Mail? I found black people sitting in a corner designated for black journalists. Mayakiso, Mojapelo these people were put in a corner; they ate in a separate ...
One of the concrete examples of the new plan Gen Joubert was talking about was the brutal murder of Dr Fabian Ribeiro and his wife Florence in their house in Mamelodi in 1986. Fingers were immediately pointed at the state, but the exact identity of the killers has remained largely a mystery. This ...
Pedro had a letter with the names of his contacts in Lesotho. Benzien wanted those names, badly. // I was given instructions to carry a letter which I should not open until such time as I’d cross the Lesotho border and then I would find out who these people were and where I was supposed to meet ...
They killed a lot of askaris; more than six askaris were killed, because in their own language they said these people have out used their usefulness. They have outlived their usefulness. In other words they were not productive and the only way for one to be productive at Vlakplaas is to kill ...
The whole thing to us was a conspiracy. It was something that was planned somewhere that my brother must be executed because hence at the end of the day when they completed that mission of killing him they wrote on the board in the Daveyton police station that ‘Caiphus Nyoka, 999 Lember street ...
If they are able to tell the story, the entire story, of their activities in Zimbabwe, the bombings that took place at Nkomo Barracks, the attempts on our president’s life, etcetera, and tell us why they did it. Who was behind it all? And when the nation is informed of that then I suppose ...
... We told them we had come to find out why our son was in detention. They told us that our son was not detained. Of course, this was proved afterwards to have been a lie. Six months later, his wife phoned me to say TZ was now in an ANC cell and in solitary confinement. And that he was being ...
George Mavundla’s wife and son were among seven people massacred by the IFP at Bhambule near Margate on July 4th, 1992. In that case five men, including the local chief, were convicted and sentenced. // The questions that are still difficult to me … this I don’t understand because when a ...
He was a great man and Victoria Mxenge as well, because they were both attorneys. They were just attorneys of the people. Money was not a first thing to Mrs. Mxenge but her duty was to complete and help that poor somebody, and number two, she thinks about the money. I mean they were very unique, ...
Monday August 12. The anger of the mourners sparked further outbursts all over the township. The revolt gained a momentum of its own that outstripped attempts by leaders to control it. // Most people were killed around the place where there’s Gombo community hall. There was a bottle store in that ...
On the night of 17 June 1989 the Van Straaten brothers, Adriaan, Willem, Gideon and Dawid went into the premises of a transport company in Vereeniging, stole a truck and murdered the two unarmed night watchmen on duty. They crushed the skull of the first guard with a rock and the other was stabbed ...
Cape Town waterfront on a Saturday afternoon. I am talking to David Bilders, a convicted right wing terrorist, who has alleged to have confessed to killing my father. He does not know we are being filmed. // Did you ever come across a guy whose nickname was Rooibaard? // Most certainly. // You ...
1985 Benedict was twelve years old. // I saw my father coming back from work, when I looked around the township I heard the toyi-toyi sound. I ran towards him to meet him. To advise him not to get into the township. And he said, no they won’t do anything to me, because there’s nothing I’ve ...
I think that it is unfortunate that remorse is not a prerequisite for amnesty because it makes it empty, but on the other hand I think that it would have been difficult to legislate remorse. It’s difficult to legislate something that people have to feel, to legislate conscience because in a way ...
All right, let me go back to Cape Town and I want to ask both of you in Cape Town. Can you imagine, this is now two years after the process had started … let me speak for myself, because I’m hardly … I’m going to try to be very neutral, but I’m not because I’ve lived with this process ...
‘On the refusal of judges to appear before the TRC’ // We suffer still in South Africa from a view that judges somehow, just because they have become judges, are set on a pedestal and beyond criticism. I can quite understand the importance of their independence, but they speak as if they are ...
Gideon Niewoudt is now on trial in the Port Elizabeth Supreme Court for murder. // The Motherwell bombing case: the state alleges that he was involved in the murder of other policemen. // At an inquest in 1993 into the murder of four other Eastern Cape activists, Niewoudt once again denied that he ...
How many people have you killed as a security policeman? // Well, as an individual it is hard to say how many but collectively we killed between 30, 35. // Who was the first man you had killed? // It was Griffith Mxenge // Why did you kill him? // It was instructions from Dirk Coetzee and ...
Samson Booysen was one of four people sentenced to death for the murder. They spent two years on death row before being released as political prisoners in 1992. Today he is the mayor of Hanover, but he still insists that mister Nkumbi falsely identified him and that he was sentenced to death for ...
About four or five people died on that day of the 15th. We then continued to, throughout the night and on the following day on Sunday, there was still street battles in Alexandra between the youth and the police and the army. And then, that was the second day. The third day, on a Monday there was a ...
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