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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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‘The Swazi people have insured that the diamond jubilee is going to be something to remember’ // On TV most things about the year 1981 appeared hunky-dory. // ‘The problems of being overweight are experienced not only by man. The world’s biggest puff adder in captivity has just heard that ...
This coming week the Human Rights Violations Committee of the Truth Commission will hold its last public hearing. During the past 14 months we have become familiar with the commissioners and Committee members who listen, question and sympathize with the victims at these hearings. Their faces are ...
I found her lying dead and her stomach was big and her mouth was wide open and her eyes were open as well. // And Sibusiso ran and went to the bridge next to Luzeke. That is where they got him when he was running away from them. // It was after my son’s death, the impi was coming for the second ...
When the PASO executive members ordered us to go out and prepare the groundwork for APLA and to make the township ungovernable I regarded this as an instruction to also harm, injure and kill white people. When I saw that the driver of the vehicle which we had stoned and which had come to a ...
‘One of the growing number of countries plagued by terrorist atrocities is South Africa. There organisation principally responsible is the African National Congress. Its present leader is Oliver Tambo.’ // ‘ANC: VIP’s of Violence’ // ‘The answer is that the ANC is a terrorist ...
A lot of these rituals were also I think based on quite a deep insight into human psychology so that you had rituals that were meant to empower the individual and give the individual boldness and courage to do extraordinary events. But you also had rituals that people realized were necessary in ...
Who did you receive that instruction from? // As I mentioned in my application at that stage it was the then head of the Defence Force General Geldenhuys, he asked me to draw up this plan. // And that would have been a plan as you indicate in your amnesty application to be of support to the SAP in ...
We have asked the Minister of Justice and he has agreed to our request that the Amnesty Committee should be enlarged. This is in order to ensure that all the applications are dealt with by our Committee. We hope that it will be able to have finished its work at best at end of this year. It just ...
Right, final question, Gail. // The bottom line is that people need material reparation out of this process. OK, every time you go into dusty dorpies you see that people don’t have work, they don’t have homes, they’re not getting decent education. There’s major tension in your Commission ...
These people wanted to know is it a male or a female that you are carrying, the child. But before they could see that it’s a boy they pulled this child by the foot and they hit this child against the wall and he cracked his skull.
people sitting on the second, third and fourth row. And so if you don’t do it today I think Brigadier you will be losing a wonderful opportunity toward reaching out to your people. // Please forgive me. I know that I don’t deserve your forgiveness under the circumstances. I will not be ...
‘Kaffir! Waar’s jou pas?’ [Where’s your pass?] // ’17 745 741 people arrested.’
In terms of our history it was also felt again that the children need to know the history of this place and in that respect the exhibition can be continued and be expanded. More people need to be drawn into writing the history of Oudtshoorn so that children can go and know that Oudtshoorn wasn’t ...
Let’s turn our attention now to the Amnesty hearings in East London this past week. Young people play a large role in the transformation of our country. In the 1970s the young lions took to the streets to fight Bantu education. In the 1980s we heard the cry, ‘no education before liberation.’ ...
I’m the father of the late Anton Theodor Lubowski … sorry … Anton was shot and killed at approximately 20 hours 30 on the 12th September and he was about to enter his home at 7 Sanderburg street, Windhoek, Namibia. There’s no doubt that the death of Andre resulted from the politically ...
I’m glad that our generation could call the disease by a name. That if something like this ever happened again that our children or their children need not go through the same hell we did. Remember this PTSD did not only break people – it broke families and households. It caused death. It ...
Hopefully we are rid of that problem forever. In July 1985 the minister of police declared a state of emergency. The police and the military were given extraordinary powers to quail the rage that was bursting out of the black communities all over South Africa. But people refused to be put down. By ...
The judges of the Amnesty Committee in Potchefstroom this week heard four brothers argue that pure racial hatred should qualify as a political motive for murder. The Committee was distinctly sceptical. The Van Straaten brothers brutally killed two security guards at a transport company and said it ...
Sophie’s brother, Nelson Sinxoshe was sentenced to 35 years for Geelboy Tshemeshe’s death. // I just got out because we got indemnity. I would still be in prison now, all because of lies. These people, the perpetrators, they are alive. What are you doing about them? My life is ruined. What are ...
Well, I’d been a sport mad young South African, fanatically into sport: rugby, soccer, cricket, motor racing the lot. And I knew how vital sport was to the maintenance of the white South African psyche and mystique and morale. And so what I came up with as a young political activist getting ...
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