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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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It is very important for this event to be placed in history because it is one of the past activities that led to the existence of our new dispensation. It all started because Pondo people striked the way that we did. … a commission was set up led by Mr. Abraham coming from Pretoria, concerned as ...
Taking on a Coloured identity meant far more than just a change of name. To be a convincing Coloured meant giving up all vestiges of a former black identity. // The only thing that you had in mind now in order to get away from these claws that are haunting you as an African people, you had to give ...
She lives with the memory of her grandson, with the pain she still sees in the eyes of those he left behind and with the words he wanted them to remember him by. // ‘I hurt so I can’t cry anymore. It’s driving me insane. God help me. Come down and speak my pain into people I love. Tell them ...
So I said to him, seeing that there is no South African diplomatic representative here I demand to see British High Commissioner. So, Commissioner looked at me and said, but you got a cheek, you got a cheek. So he calls somebody and says, take him down to the clinic. Then I knew more than ever that ...
... to talk to ANC activist and father of three Skumbuzo Ngwenya. Skumbuzo worked with Peter at the Pietermaritzburg Agency for Christians Social Awareness or PACSA. They were having a Saturday night dinner at a local restaurant with a group of ...
... formed part of one such a death commando at Northern Transvaal Security Police head quarters: Brigadier Jack Cronje, Captain Jacques Hechter and Warrant Officer Paul van Vuuren. The other member of their team was Joe Mamasela; he has turned state witness against his colleagues and is therefore ...
Sipho Hashe, my husband, was in Robben Island. He was arrested 1963 and came back 1973. And they gave him five years banning order, or registration I don’t remember which one is it now, but it was five years. He couldn’t even go out to the near school there. After my husband get through this, ...
Derby-Lewis provided Janusz Walus with a pistol needed for the assassination. // Well the whole objective was to plunge the country into a situation where as a result of the chaos which we anticipated would occur as a result of the assassination that people on the right would be inspired to ...
Wouter Mentz was a Vlakplaas policeman who had killed several people including one of his own colleagues and two deaf children in a Botswana raid. // I didn’t know that there were children, and if I recall they were two deaf-numb children. That was evil in killing them, because they caused no ...
... fathers of Cradock. Justice to me would certainly not be justice to Cradock as a whole, but I would like the people who have killed them to come forward so that people could know them. An eye for an eye wouldn’t do anyone any good, but at least honesty would be one form of justice. ...
... way of coming to terms with the past, but so many more white people in general and Afrikaners in particular have been openly hostile and critical towards the Truth Commission. One only has to read the Rapport on Sundays to realize how deep this resentment lies amongst Afrikaners. Now, many South ...
The name Sophiatown has become much more than a symbol of the forced removal of black people by the apartheid government. It was a magic moment in the history of the people of South Africa, a moment holding the promise of what South Africa could have been.
I made the arrangement that when I join the Truth Commission … I must be in the pulpit on Sunday, every Sunday. And it gives me strength. That is my basis of the strength. I ... the TRC things, I get tired, but I know that there is a spring from which I’m going to draw when it becomes Sunday, ...
... denied everything, calling her accusers ‘ludicrous,’ ‘ridiculous,’ ‘outrageous’ or ‘senile.’ Twice the Truth Commission had to warn her and her supporters not to intimidate witnesses and twice she showed her own racial bias against Indian South Africans. At the end of the ...
The churches must say to those who know that they have a heavy burden of guilt. Confess it, speak the truth, because isn’t it God who says the truth shall make you free. The truth shall make you free. The truth, not so that people must be prosecuted, the truth so that people must become free, the ...
The man they all blamed, Brig Fanie Gilbert, is now deceased. // After all these facts were placed before him, did Brigadier Gilbert tell you to eliminate these people? // That is so Your Honour. // You told me that the second sentence here should read. ‘He then suggested that this operation be ...
This is the man who commanded the CCB, Colonel Joe Verster, for long one of the country’s most secretive people until his appearance before the Truth Commission where he had to face the cameras for the first time.
And the question then is, is the political authority not primarily responsible then. // I agree with you. Perhaps I should refer to my amnesty application. I can only agree with you, that it’s not only against the policemen, but also against the people who gave him his instructions and who ...
We are desperately anxious that people will see that we do want for them to get something material, tangible. But I have to keep saying there is no way in which you could ever compensate anyone adequately for pain suffered by being tortured, for anguish experienced because a loved one was killed. ...
Tomorrow Mamasela and the other askaris will give their version of what happened on that dark day in 1985. Let’s introduce you now to one of the people who drive the truth commission process, Truth Commissioner Glenda Wildschut.
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