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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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... of Law and Order in 1988. // ”Ek wil waarsku dat die regering en die Suid Afrikaanse polisie geen radikale optrede sal duld nie.” [I’m warning that the government and the SAP will not tolerate radical actions] // The former ministers were called to the Truth Commission because they ...
But then there are those who feel the need to ask for forgiveness for those they have wronged. // Forgiveness does not come cheaply; it’s something that comes deeply from the heart. And I can just ask the people that were involved directly or indirectly and who have been affected by this case to ...
My husband was active in Pebco and active in politics. The Pebco was trying to solve the community’s problems and there were a lot of problems at that moment. And he was involved too much in politics. He used to tell me about his father; his fighting for the rights of the people and the ...
They are the people who went to fetch these people and they are not telling the truth, because every time they talk of arresting but they never attempted to arrest, they just straight away killed.
95% of the people who were sentenced to death in this country were black and a 100% of the people who were sent them to death were white. You were much more likely to receive a death sentence if your victim was white. // ANC activist and lawyer Paula McBride knew and worked with numerous prisoners ...
The second half of the Truth Commission process will concentrate on the amnesty applications of perpetrators of gross human rights violations. Until last week some 5500 people had applied for amnesty but a number of key figures and a large number of so-called foot soldiers have not yet submitted ...
Mashikane said the townships are sitting full of informers that want to be integrated into the communities and we don’t provide them with the opportunity. // In this proper context, can I just indicate the process that we possibly will follow? One, we will subpoena these people, because there’s ...
On our arrival there people were actually singing freedom songs. I was standing there looking at the people. As I was looking there up front, it was my first time to see such a big gun. // It was already late, then we found this place full with those who came in before. Then the police have already ...
But maybe the most useful to the Truth Commission’s search for truth was the ANC’s list of more than a 1000 ANC members who died in exile. This included the names of 34 people executed by order of the ANC’s military tribunal. But questions around the mysterious death of MK commander Thami ...
Whoever the guy was that shot me, I have forgiven him, forgiven him unconditionally, but I always said that I would like to meet him and look him in the eye and actually have a chat with him. And yesterday I had the opportunity to do that and it was a wonderful experience for me. We could forgive ...
We have nothing to do with this quarrel between politicians, but we at the Truth Commission Special Report have the duty to say to Mr. De Klerk, we are not saying you killed anybody or that you ordered any assassinations. But why does Mr. De Klerk and his former colleagues shy away from taking ...
By the end of the day the communities of Bridgton and Bongulethu had given their way forward and the Truth Commission’s Committee had taken note. // It was also asked that these people who died in the apartheid era have a monument dedicated to them. It was also asked that the women sit down and ...
He says they were given 30 minutes to destroy. An indication that the attack was planned. // A lot of these houses were burnt and that big house over there was the first to be attacked, it was the first to burn after people had run away. // You also travelled up to this point? // Yes I travelled ...
… Loose everything that you worked for in your life, get out of the country, go and face the so-called enemy. Tell them you’re sorry. And with your back against the wall and with the help of the world media - because they say the pen is mightier than the sword and I firmly believe it up till ...
Inkatha and the Toasters came from the other side; they were carrying guns to attack people here in the township. They started shooting people out there in the streets until they entered my home here.
... fathers of Cradock. Justice to me would certainly not be justice to Cradock as a whole. But I would like the people who have killed them to come forward so that people could know them. An eye for an eye wouldn’t do anyone any good, but at least honesty would be one form of justice. Honesty. ...
Some people feel that Thandi is one of those who started all the trouble, but Thandi may have had a reason for behaving as she did. She was a fighter and she paid a price. Her son was killed by police in a shootout and she was not allowed to see his body. She lost her possessions and was harassed ...
I wake up at night then small fat men with bald heads chase me. They chase me and pin me down. When I call for help no voice comes out. There was a time people said I was mad because they regarded those of us who came from the border as mad.
We cannot tolerate a situation where the regime’s control of state power allows it the space to deny and cover up its role in fostering and fermenting violence. The Boipatong massacre is one of the most chilling instances of the consequences of the actions of the FW de Klerk regime. The regime ...
Taking on a coloured identity meant far more than just a change of name. To be a convincing coloured meant giving up all vestiges of a former black identity. // The only thing that you had in mind now in order to get away from these claws that are haunting you as an African people, you had to give ...
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