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people's warExplanation Showing 461 to 480 of 1000 First Page•Previous Page 20 •21 •22 •23 •24 •25 •26 •27 •28 Next Page•Last PageBut then there are those who feel the need to ask for forgiveness for those they have wronged. // Forgiveness does not come cheaply; it’s something that comes deeply from the heart. And I can just ask the people that were involved directly or indirectly and who have been affected by this case to ... My husband was active in Pebco and active in politics. The Pebco was trying to solve the community’s problems and there were a lot of problems at that moment. And he was involved too much in politics. He used to tell me about his father; his fighting for the rights of the people and the ... Leratodi Ikaneng is one of the few people who lived to tell the tale of Jerry Richardson and the Mandela United Football Club’s murder sprees. // I thought I was going to be shot. But at a later stage I discovered that they do not have a gun. Amongst these men, there was another one who was ... We were forbidden from burying our own without the permit of the oppressor. To minister to our own people was turned either into a criminal offence or an act for which one would be labelled as schismatic from the church catholic. Today we wish to offer an unreserved apology to those who felt that ... We had come to the end of our tether. We’d been involved in that kind of thing seeing patients, seeing people being killed for 12 months already and all because I wanted to go and heal people and not kill them. And we went to see the local psychiatrist who was resident in Oshakati and the major ... I was at no stage aware of any unit carrying out assassinations. The Vlakplaas unit as it was explained to me had a totally different objective, a totally different field of activity, I was never part as I’ve said of any decision to assassinate or murder anybody. I totally distance myself from ... There is no way in which you can concile and reconcile people if you keep them apart from each other. I think for people to come to know each other they must live together. There is a dramatic example I think in the history of this country. When Moshoeshoe the First, during the beginning of the ... As the government detains people so too do their families join our organisation, join the Detainee Parents Support Committee. I think it was about two weeks ago when we were able to put the final dot on our Reparations Policy, because that has been worrying me quite a bit. I was very concerned that perpetrators were getting amnesty and in a sense to be seen to be going free and victims were still suffering and without any ... ... Tavern. When we arrived at the tavern Makebu had pulled up on the ‘wrong’ side of the road. When he stopped I jumped out of the car and ran towards the entrance of the tavern armed with an AK47 rifle and I opened fire immediately, indiscriminately, aiming to kill or injure as many people as ... The tent was that side of the house, here; it goes along the fence there. It was so big that it can accommodate plus minus 300 people and most of these people were there and they were sitting inside. 95% of the people who were sentenced to death in this country were black and a 100% of the people who were sent them to death were white. You were much more likely to receive a death sentence if your victim was white. // ANC activist and lawyer Paula McBride knew and worked with numerous prisoners ... Nr. Ngo are those two people, were they also in the party of students that were assaulted here in Bloemfontein at some stage which you know of? // Yes that is correct. The truth about South Africa’s past is locked up in the memories of its people, but also in hundreds of thousands of files kept by the state and security forces. Victims and perpetrators have been and are telling their stories to the Truth Commission, but a special challenge to the Truth ... ... go horribly wrong. Now I think that’s what we would like to get an answer on. // I guess nobody has the answer. Maybe, and let me try to put forward some of one’s own views in that regard, maybe it’s just a question that things have developed over a period of time in such a way that in ... Col van Rensburg’s words to me were that a drastic plan should be made very quickly with these particular people and that I accepted to mean that they should be eliminated. We used to hear so many complaints in the bad old days that the allegations of people like ourselves against the security police were exaggerations, were unpatriotic, were disloyal and untrue. You know Herman must take the point surely that there are even the supporters of such people in the past ... This union entrenched European domination and effectively excluded the indigenous people from the political, economic and military dispensation established under the Union of South Africa Act of 1910, adopted by the so-called seat of democracy, the British House of Commons. When Chris was abducted at Zone 12 the people I had mentioned were Hunter, Zandi as well as Themba. And when the people saw those people, these names were mentioned – three people – but Khetisi was not mentioned. One of these Defence Force people, who later became known to me during the court case as a Mr. Law shouted to us and confirmed that they had just come from the area where the shooting incident had taken place and he also said, here are the bloody dogs that killed the policemen. In the back of the ... |