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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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By the 15th of June, 1986 many of the experienced activists were in detention or in the underground. But across the valley a group of young comrades had gathered on a hill to prepare for the next day’s June 16 commemoration. Again the enemy came in the night. When they had finished their job six ...
For three days this week the Uitenhage town hall was filled to capacity as people came to observe and participate in the work of the TRC’s Human Rights Violations Committee. On Tuesday the hearing was dedicated to a single event: a massacre which took place at Langa township on March 21 1985 when ...
I remember two days before that fateful day my wife and I and another couple were driving to Natal where I was going to address a graduation function at the Lutheran Theological College. And on our way out we got word that Ike had been detained the night before. We thought it was one of those ...
... And while my brother was laying on the ground the policeman’s colleagues came out and congratulated him telling him it was a good shot. Afterwards there was a court case but the decision of the court was that no one was to blame, that the policeman acted in the line of his duty, so no one ...
The late eighties and early nineties were bloody years in KwaZulu-Natal. South Africans became almost immune to daily bulletins of massacres and running battles in especially the KwaZulu-Natal midlands. Our next report looks at the people affected by this turmoil and how they face the future.
The beauty of the Karoo’s wide open spaces belies a cruel apartheid past in which black people were made to survive by passing themselves off as Coloureds. During the apartheid years the Karoo became by law an official Coloured area. For black people it became a hostile place to live and work. // ...
It was not our purpose to kill as many people as possible. Our purpose was to prove that if these attacks were launched against the Boer people that we would retaliate, that we would hit back. There’s no point in just shooting people at random, then we could have done that in Richards Bay for ...
... to members from National Intelligence, Military Intelligence, as well as the other intelligence agencies and nobody seems to be able to come forward with any shred of evidence. We are investigating this case as a murder case, be it KwaZulu police involvement, the KwaZulu government ...
Konyimane Ranyaka was a MK cadre who disappeared mysteriously. His brother, Molekoane has received conflicting statements from the ANC and is still seeking answers. // I’m bitter, very bitter. I know, our people, how they think you know, they mystify the ANC, they must separate the quest for ...
In dealing with the unconventional strategies from the side of the government, I want to make it clear from the outset that within my knowledge and experience they never included the authorisation of assassination, murder, torture, rape, assault or the like. // Where does political accountability ...
To my mind I’ve always been clear that the person I hold responsible ultimately for my bombing is F. W. de Klerk. I spoke to Van Zyl Slabbert, and he said, I Van Zyl Slabbert went to De Klerk and told him about the death squads. He cannot say he didn’t know. And so, I hold him politically and ...
Some preferred to stay behind. And this week they told the Commission of torture, of killings and of the pain that is so hard to forget. // He removed those electric wires from my neck and then they turned me on the other side. He opened my trousers at the back and then they took these electric ...
I was in the field with my animals, with the cows under a tree. While I was sitting there relaxing, and the cows were grazing, I just saw something like a car and when I looked at it I saw a group of people. I started to run away. I tried to, but they beat me and the others were screaming at me, ...
‘On Hearings…’ // My heart goes out for the women, because the women always come there talking about what happened to their sons, to their husbands, they hardly tell us about what has happened and yet when you probe deeper you’ll also find that they also experienced violations and some of ...
‘Report by Anneliese Burgess.’ // Claire Stewart lived here in the beautiful but remote extreme north of KwaZulu-Natal. For four years she worked here on a project aimed at improving the Nguni cattle herds of the local people. She lived quietly in the little village of Manguzi with her two ...
Most probably first impression is not that good, but in all honesty if I can explain to you, 750 obviously for the motorcar and CCB being Carl Casteling Botha, which is my Christian name. // You don’t think this might be a bit offensive in the new South Africa? // Mam that wasn’t my intention, ...
Alright, we only have five minutes left and I want to address the whole concept of reconciliation now. Maki Mandela, let’s look at what has happened in the Truth Commission in terms of reconciliation and what lies ahead. Your views. Where are we now in terms of reconciliation? Are we stuck in a ...
Two people came to the house. Mr Mandela told me to show them the house of Dr Asvat. We went to Rockville and I showed them the house.
There’s the one question of extradition, and I think that the chair person is absolutely right, we start with our own minister he will then say to us, well we haven’t been asked. So, then we will go back to Namibia and say, well, why haven’t you asked? But, there is a second point and that ...
... we’ve come from that I think that if we had to reverse the roles and would have asked members of the former organisations like the ANC to come forward during the era when Minister De Klerk was in power, none of the ANC people would have come forward to come and ask the then National Party. And ...
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