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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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Their friend, Ruth Gibizela survived, but it is here in the ruins of what was once a witdoek prison that she and others lived a night of terror. // These men asked if we could see the red sea, this here is the red sea. We looked at it, and when we looked we saw the heads of people, the necks were ...
I think that the most difficult, and it’s at the same time a low and a high, is the people who testify before us, especially the women, the aunties that came for the first time to tell their stories, who were thankful for the opportunity that the state paid attention – that moves me – that ...
It was, as I said, a very very unpleasant event in my life and I would not have been able to put them through unnecessary physical pain. // These people were high-profile people; they were learned people. They were politically active and they had no fear of the security branch, neither did they ...
Evidence on the murder of Dr Abubaker Asvat will now only be heard on Monday. That will include the dramatic statement by one of the convicted killers, Zakhele Mbatha that he got the murder weapon from the hands of Winnie Mandela. On Tuesday, the so-called coach of the football club and the man who ...
Mbane’s testimony was at times confusing. // You wanted to do it. // First of all I didn’t know that those people were going to be shot, because when I went to there to show Bellingam that point we were going to, they didn’t tell me that they were going to shoot them. They didn’t tell me ...
... but I don’t need to be noisy about it and I think that’s also a very big and important strength. My daughter gives to me a very strong sense of warmth and I don’t want this to be a gender thing, I don’t want it to be understood as a gender issue. But there’s a sensitivity about her, you ...
I cannot specifically say the number and I won’t be able to know that, because I didn’t count them. I only looked at the place and I saw that there were people inside and there were many. I don’t know how many there were.
... That is a responsibility of all South Africans. And I think that all South Africans must see it as their responsibility to make a contribution towards the nation building and reconciliation process. So, the money which needs to be found to ensure that there is reasonable reparation, whatever ...
I don’t know how the man on the ground saw the position. I don’t know how he could have said the pressure was great and how I can act illegally. Perhaps of the greater pressure we exerted on them, they experienced greater pressure to act illegally and perhaps then that is also part of my ...
But you see where things really went wrong was in the workplace. The one time the Kleynhans brothers were coming to the … and he says to the people, those that have got licenses could they come one side. All the chaps were very happy, they were going to drive trucks and things and then they found ...
By lunchtime as the hearings draw to a close the Committee looks back at the Human Rights Violations hearings which started in April last year. // Over these past months we have been taken by victims like yourselves today, we have been taken into what I can only describe as the very heart of ...
The first address given is that of Mr. Nelson Mandela and then there are some notes: the house of such and so is deliberately not numbered but is easily recognizable by ‘bla bla bla.’ It’s obvious why this description is there mister Chairman to me, and that is because the house was not ...
... a symbol of reconciliation. And I said well how is it a symbol of reconciliation? And he said it’s because at this point people who used to be warders here are now working with former prisoners hand in hand. I just was wondering how this was for you, because you’ve been here for seven ...
That night what happened, I was sitting in the dining room. It was myself and there was another friend of us, Dada, he’s staying in Soweto so he used to visit us and we were playing cards in there with Stompie. It was myself, Dada and Stompie playing cards in the dining room. So we heard a noise, ...
We cannot tolerate a situation where the regime’s control of state power allows it the space to deny and cover up its role in fostering and fermenting violence. The Boipatong massacre is one of the most chilling instances of the consequences of the actions of the FW de Klerk regime. The regime ...
... fire through the Witwatersrand and then the rest of the country. It led to harsh repression, but eventually the sacrifice of the young people was rewarded. Let’s look at some visuals to remind us of that period and some statements of the erstwhile rulers that make one’s blood ...
I’m glad that our generation could call the disease by a name. That if something like this ever happened again that our children or their children need not go through the same hell we did. Remember this PTSD did not only break people – it broke families and households. It caused death. It ...
You know when you heard it you thought it was absolutely impossible, here she was ready to come home in two days and of all the times she’s been in and out of Africa the last four or five years that this happened. And I think, you know, we were totally devastated… // What Linda says is true. If ...
There was more to that, the existence of separate apartheid style newspapers necessitated the demarcation of news rooms on racial lines, even if it was not said so in words in practice it was there. The staffing of the segregated newsroom was also on racial lines and I’m speaking from experience ...
Jacques Hechter of the Northern Transvaal security branch said then that he did not know the ins and outs of the assassination plan, but this week things started becoming a little clearer. The killing of Fabian and Florence Ribeiro here in Mamelodi was in fact part of the broader cooperation plan ...
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