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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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I think it showed the wrongs of the past and I think the work of the TRC on the line, certain things can’t again be done in the same manner as in the past. People should act in another way, they should show their love in another way and in that way I think the TRC challenged us and challenged ...
In thirty minutes’ time 15 people are already sentenced. You just come… Why? What do you want? Why do you come to this area without a permit? As if you can be given a permit if you want to.
The beauty of the Karoo’s wide open spaces belies a cruel apartheid past in which Black people were made to survive by passing themselves off as coloureds. During the apartheid years the Karoo became by law an official coloured preference area. For black people it became a hostile place to live ...
I think there’s no doubt in my mind that there was a final solution in South Africa and the final solution involved the forced removal of more than three million people from their homes. And I think in terms of what that did to the spirit of a people and what it was designed to do, it had ...
Bram Fischer was born in 1908 on a farm near Bloemfontein. He came from a well known legal family. His father, Peter Ulrich Fischer was Judge President of the Free State and his grandfather Abram Fischer had been a cabinet minister in the Union of South Africa. Bram went to Grey College and then ...
‘People exhumed by the TRC so far: // Basil Rich Nzama // Lesaja Sexwale // Sureboy Dali // Thabo Rakubu // Senzan Gakhona // Barney Molokoane // Vincent Sekete // Victor Khayiyane // Abbey More // Patrick Motswaletswale // Basil Zulu // Aaron Makwe // Mzwandile Radebe // Watson Majova // Ndlela ...
After testifying to the Kannemeyer Commission about what he’d seen that day Berry fell victim to his own honesty. // What I did then, I’d say it within the next 100 years I did for the sake of justice. And never will I regret that. Yes, I do regret losing my job. // What I’m actually saying ...
Many people died in a bloody clash between the Ciskei Defence Force and marching ANC supporters.
On the 6th of June 1960 eleven people were killed and 58 injured during the Pondoland revolt. All the victims ask for is a monument to be built on this hill for those who died.
Could there possibly be ANC cabinet ministers and senior government officials who spied on their comrades for the apartheid police? The claim was first made during Jacques Hechter’s evidence and then amplified by his legal counsel, Roelof du Plessis. // There are people in the current ...
In 1988 Durban policemen led by Col Andy Taylor blew up three members of the Umkhonto we Sizwe unit known as ‘The Swimmers’ here at Phoenix Railway Station. The dead were all KwaMashu student activists. Their names were Vusi Mtshali, Sibusiso Ndlovu and Mazwi Vilakazi. But the MK unit had ...
Crossroads eleven years later has survived the social engineering that scorched its people and its land. Today, people live and people die, but that’s normal.
It was during 1986, I was working with my contacts from Botswana and Kenya. One of my contacts by the name of Ata Mabena, he was a person that used to visit in Botswana. One day I met him at a place where we used to meet at the border. He gave me information that he met one ANC member who told him ...
Between September 1984 and August 1989 771 people were necklaced or doused with fuel and burnt to death. The myth perpetuated by the state then was that this was an example of African brutality. The truth we know now is that this repulsive form of killing was first started by white Rhodesian ...
Little Ntemobo was only four years old when he witnessed the violent murder of his father. He lives with this horror every day. // I’m Dudu Ngcobo. We used to stay in Imbali township, section two. We used to be constantly harassed by the police and on their visit, they asked what the surname of ...
Jonathan Shapiro is one of South Africa’s most respected cartoonists ever. Under the name ‘Zapiro,’ his work can be seen every day in newspapers, such as the Sowetan and the Mail & Guardian. Shapiro has produced quite a number of cartoons on the Truth Commission process. // // Some of the ...
For Susan van der Merwe knowing how her husband died has not answered the question of why he had to die. // If it was a military operation, for instance if my son who was in the army, if they had told me he had lost his life it would have been different. Because he was a trained soldier fighting ...
In June 1986 South Africans watched in horror as a woman got burnt to death, on television. Maki Skosana’s very public necklacing started a whole new trend. But few people know about the events which led to this killing frenzy in Duduza on the East Rand. // Joe Mamasela, former Vlakplaas ...
One of the dead was policeman Andre Duvenhage. This week his parents told their side of the story to the Truth Commission in Kagiso. // I felt I must do something for him. The least I can do for him is to expose his murderer in this way because people take no notice of a video. People must know who ...
‘Vlakplaas’ is a new word in the South African vocabulary symbolizing evil. This week the Truth Commission was told that this former police hit squad also had a hand in a cold blooded execution in Cape Town. We bring you a full background report on the killing of the Gugulethu Seven and on the ...
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