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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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Did you ever before today disclose that fact that you were a policeman when you were serving on the Star? // No I did not. // Is it today the first time actually that you disclose that? // That I’m disclosing that, yes. Other people may have had, Mr. Chair if I may add, their suspicions and I ...
‘Armed and Dangerous: Self Defence Units, Report by Anneliese Burgess’ // By late 1990, the ANC was increasingly alarmed at the inability to protect their people from the wave of violence that was engulfing many townships.
In November 1989 a man called Dirk Coetzee gave the first documented and detailed account of the South African Police death squad at Vlakplaas. He also told of his share in the murder of activist and lawyer, Griffiths Mxenge. One of his Vlakplaas colleagues, Almond Nofemela confirmed his ...
In the three days that followed the aborted march the police and army let loose with full force on the Cape Flats. Their rampage left 28 dead. At the TRC this week many were shocked at the reminder that those killed included children. Msutu Wilson Palma’s 14 year old daughter Priscilla was shot ...
... Keith Wallace in 1970 who worked for BOSS but was then wanting to expose and was killed by them before he could do so. // They ought to come forward. They ought to be called to the Commission, put it on record so the new South Africa knows what happened then and people apologise for ...
... is serving a long term of imprisonment and it is I think in our opinion very important that he should be represented so that his case can be put forward as best as it ought to be. A number of the applicants might not be particularly well educated people, might not be sufficiently sophisticated in ...
the security branch. In October 1988 this man drove into Swaziland at the Golela border post accompanied by Col Hentie Botha Lt-Col Sam du Preez and Warrant Officer Louis Wasserman. We’d like to show you what these men look like but the South African Police Service says using their personal ...
were responsible for some of these atrocities? You’ve had a second resubmission from some of the political parties. Is that taking us any closer towards the full picture? // The tension that exists between victims and perpetrators is a tension that will be held in place for some time. You need ...
But when the interrogation started, Benzien and Nortje were present. They were the only other people in the room with me and when they started interrogating me the intimidation had already taken effect. This intimidation of me had already started when I was in this room and the security policeman ...
Although the ‘Handelsinstituut’ was one of those to criticize the wealth tax, they were the only ones to come with some kind of alternative. They suggest that the old South African Security Risk Insurance Fund, which was used to insure people against political violence in the past, be used for ...
In dealing with the unconventional strategies from the side of the government, I want to make it clear from the outset that within my knowledge and experience they never included the authorisation of assassination, murder, torture, rape, assault or the like. // Where does political accountability ...
I don’t know, I told you just now I don’t know nothing about it. The first I know about it is when these people, a month ago, two months … two months ago they were on the farm and they asked permission to come and have a look if there are new graves, or whatever. That’s all.
There’s the one question of extradition, and I think that the chair person is absolutely right, we start with our own minister he will then say to us, well we haven’t been asked. So, then we will go back to Namibia and say, well, why haven’t you asked? But, there is a second point and that ...
I would like the people who are in prison to be released because it is not their offence. They weren’t responsible. When we got there, the petitions were handed over, the first petition, the second petition, and the third petition. When it was time to hand over the third petition then there was a ...
We sat at this table over here, and later on there was, when we actually arrived here there were three black people sitting at the table. And they sat here for quite a while; the one chap actually was staring at my sister. I had my back at them unfortunately. He was staring so hard at my sister ...
... we’ve come from that I think that if we had to reverse the roles and would have asked members of the former organisations like the ANC to come forward during the era when Minister De Klerk was in power, none of the ANC people would have come forward to come and ask the then National Party. And ...
It was a fluent kind of living, vibrant community and I think longing for the kind of freedom that hopefully we’re getting into now, that’s what made it such a magical place and I think it will always hold a place in the imaginations of the people that lived through it and maybe those who ...
How did you think by killing these four gentlemen it would serve the interest of the Republic of South Africa? // Along with the instruction that I received Mr Chairman I was convinced at the time the elimination of these people would bring about stability in the area. It was not my decision but I ...
Although she denies all knowledge of the assassination plan Derby-Lewis told the Amnesty Committee that she believed it was politically inspired. This is what she told the police during her interrogation in 1993. // We had minimal contact with the right in terms of being involved with them. I ...
Numsa Tshabalala says her son Sibuniso disappeared shortly after Lolo Sono. // Then he said, if you say Lolo was taken by Winnie Madikizela’s people then probably I will be taken there as well. And we left for work, when we came back Sibuniso was not at home. When Sibuniso had gone, that is after ...
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