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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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I think there’s no doubt in my mind that there was a final solution in South Africa and the final solution involved the forced removal of more than three million people from their homes. And I think in terms of what that did to the spirit of a people and what it was designed to do, it had ...
In thirty minutes’ time 15 people are already sentenced. You just come… Why? What do you want? Why do you come to this area without a permit? As if you can be given a permit if you want to.
Bram Fischer was born in 1908 on a farm near Bloemfontein. He came from a well known legal family. His father, Peter Ulrich Fischer was Judge President of the Free State and his grandfather Abram Fischer had been a cabinet minister in the Union of South Africa. Bram went to Grey College and then ...
‘People exhumed by the TRC so far: // Basil Rich Nzama // Lesaja Sexwale // Sureboy Dali // Thabo Rakubu // Senzan Gakhona // Barney Molokoane // Vincent Sekete // Victor Khayiyane // Abbey More // Patrick Motswaletswale // Basil Zulu // Aaron Makwe // Mzwandile Radebe // Watson Majova // Ndlela ...
De Kock gave instructions that we should go and help Port Elizabeth Police, because there were some chaps that were making Port Elizabeth ungovernable and those people had to be eliminated.
I think it showed the wrongs of the past and I think the work of the TRC on the line, certain things can’t again be done in the same manner as in the past. People should act in another way, they should show their love in another way and in that way I think the TRC challenged us and challenged ...
The beauty of the Karoo’s wide open spaces belies a cruel apartheid past in which Black people were made to survive by passing themselves off as coloureds. During the apartheid years the Karoo became by law an official coloured preference area. For black people it became a hostile place to live ...
I haven’t stopped coming home and when I started watching what was going on, especially in terms of the Truth Commission, it really struck a chord. I mean it’s absolutely a universal subject, one of forces of good and evil; that are completely universal. And it reminded I guess of the Nuremberg ...
... fathers of Cradock. Justice to me would certainly not be justice to Cradock as a whole, but I would like the people who have killed them to come forward so that people could know them. An eye for an eye wouldn’t do anyone any good, but at least honesty would be one form of justice. ...
The legislation did play a very vital role in hindering the free flow of information during those days, but that is an excuse that is used by people who ran the media at the time ... as an excuse for not having gone further in exposing the atrocities and the injustices that were happening in the ...
Sipho Hashe, my husband, was in Robben Island. He was arrested 1963 and came back 1973. And they gave him five years banning order, or registration I don’t remember which one is it now, but it was five years. He couldn’t even go out to the near school there. After my husband get through this, ...
So I said to him, seeing that there is no South African diplomatic representative here I demand to see British High Commissioner. So, Commissioner looked at me and said, but you got a cheek, you got a cheek. So he calls somebody and says, take him down to the clinic. Then I knew more than ever that ...
I see that Mrs. Seipei is in the audience here today and the thing that has been most difficult for me is that having heard the allegations I did not remove him from the mission house and get him to a place where he could be safe and I think if I acted in another way he could be alive today. And so ...
Our intentions were to take these people and hit them. And that happened, but while we were beating them we found that … while this thing was happening the people were very angry, people were singing freedom songs and they were toyi-toying as well and there was just chaos. And you could not say ...
On the 28th of October this Lieutenant from the security police visited me again. He alleged that the security police had a file on Jurgens. And his words to me were, if we find him, we’ll shoot him, we’ll kill him. // On the 8th of November Hester Grobbelaar heard a radio news report of two ...
There were shots and people were crying. As I was running a white person said ‘Zulu, capture him, there he is’ and I went straight into the passage. When I got into the passage they couldn’t see me anymore and I heard a loud bang of a gun behind me, seven times. I ran just alongside the ...
This cocktail of God and fatherland was backed up at home with medal parades and military manoeuvres. The news was clinical and heroic. To keep the machine rolling and white South Africa’s morale up, the blood and guts, the dying and killing was not shown. Those who came back from the killing ...
As advocate Bizos clearly said today, we knew that when you get taken by these people they can get anything out of you, because if they don’t get it from you voluntarily they’ll smash you up to get it and that is what they have done with all of us and that is what our, of course presumption is ...
... whole armed struggle was the continuation of that. And actually we can draw the ancient wisdom from our forefathers when Dingaan said to the Zulu warriors ‘Bulala abathakathi.’ What did he mean? He meant that those dispossessors, abathakathi, the Zulu warriors didn’t ask among themselves ...
That’s the area that I am finding a little bit difficult in giving a one and definite answer. I can only say, since I say also in my affidavit, that this is not new to me. I’ve just been handed in, in fact, from my office I’ve had it faxed. In 1992 there is a press statement which apparently ...
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