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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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Are you saying you never did anything wrong, that’s why you won’t apologise? // No but you are always in front to do wrong things. I know that gentleman, I know that gentleman. He’s one of the gentlemen I don’t like. // Are you going to apologise for the people who died in jail, who died in ...
... next? Madikizela-Mandela consulted with her lawyer, but clearly she had no choice, she had to offer some form of apology. But as people asked afterwards, how much does an apology mean when you have denied so vehemently before that you had done anything wrong. ...
And in the morning the very same people came in the very same uniform. They were still like the previous day. They took my name. They said they needed some statements as to who had injured the people. I was quite scared to tell them that you are the ones that were here yesterday.
We are sorry for what we have done. It was the situation in South Africa. Although people died during that struggle we didn’t do that out of our own will. It’s the situation that we were living under. We are asking from you, please do forgive us.
My hands are clean and it’s nonsense to say that I knew about it. It is a lie and it is untrue that I ever had a strategy to through violence destabilize on the one hand people that we were negotiating with.
Perhaps this is the real spirit of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, a day requested by and devoted to the communities of Bongulethu and Bridgton in Oudtshoorn. A day to speak not only about their pain and anger but also about their hopes and dreams. There were many unique features to this ...
The headline of the Pretoria news today is that these people are actually probably going to refuse. They are feeling that they don’t want to give the names and we may well get to a situation, even if they are subpoenaed, according to the lawyer who represents them, that they don’t want to ...
The issue of amnesty raised many eyebrows and controversial opinions. // ‘We give them amnesty so what they can live here with these crimes in them and we have to rely on their conscience to bring about some sort of change within them, but if they had the guts and the facilities to do these ...
as a principle must be accepted by South African society, believe that in fact young people in this country and in general what you call children of wars have been highly militarized precisely because of where this country comes from. The key challenge that faces this country is to create ...
The highs have really been very individual things and I think of specific events like workshops that I ran for victims in Port Elizabeth - also very early on in the process when I was learning and they were learning - and Brandon Hamber from the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation ...
They were fellow Afrikaners, part of my people. I knew many of them. And I have asked myself, was it possible, how is it possible that they could have done what they did and that some of them seemingly could have enjoyed what they did. Were they so deeply impregnated by this ideological concept of ...
Good evening. Two of the four people injured in two separate landmine blasts in the Eastern Transvaal yesterday are in a critical condition in the Rob Ferreira Hospital in Nelspruit. The latest blast near Nelspruit came just hours after terrorists launched an attack on a sewerage works near the ...
Mbeki also spoke about the Amanzimtoti supermarket bomb in 1985 where five people were killed and more than 40 injured. MK cadre Andrew Zondo planted the bomb after hearing about a South African attack on Lesotho in which more than forty people died. Zondo was later hanged for this deed.
Today, Dan Mtembu, one of the people she implicated, works for an insurance company. He denies that he ever attacked anybody, but says that he did defend himself against what he calls the tsotsi element. And about the house he says.
During the eighties the common purpose principle was widely used in our courts. Sharpeville, Upington and Delmas saw some of the high profile cases in which people were found guilty of murders they had not actually committed. But what exactly is common purpose? // // Common purpose is a principle ...
Sekulu reserve near Empangeni is surrounded by plantations. The trees, like people, go through cycles of life and death; and in nature as in life death often comes before its time. On the 14th of August 1992 a group of policemen attacked the house of Michael Mthethwa. Three policemen were killed ...
Margo is right; there is no proof of the decoy beacon. But on the other hand there is no real proof that there wasn’t one. There is one odd aspect, local people reported that a big army tent was pitched near the crash site on the day of the crash but it wasn’t there the next day. It might not ...
I think if I look back at it now, I would see it as being naïve to think that one could really change the country and the future of people in South Africa. // I was terribly afraid of the unknown of what would happen in South Africa. At that stage I feared an ANC takeover and now I know it was ...
as Ubuntu, right, that is humanity, respect of other people’s integrity and life. // But in general, people are saying give them a chance, come forward. In other words, they are forgiving them. One of the reasons is the Mandela factor. The kind of leader we have in South Africa is an example, a ...
Sophiatown happened almost by accident. The owner of the farm Waterval, one H Tobianski planned a private lease hold township for low income white people. He named the area after his wife, Sophia, but he failed to attract white buyers to the area. It became a place where black people could buy land ...
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