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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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We are waiting as are many other people to see what the outcome of that case will be and judgement is expected fairly soon, later in September. And we will decide after judgement has been handed down as to whether we will subpoena those people. They may well apply for amnesty; one would expect them ...
The day after the Sebokeng night vigil massacre the house of Emma Kheswa and her son, Khetisi Kheswa, was burned down. It was retaliation. Many believed that Khetisi was responsible, not only for the death of Christopher Nangalembe, but for the killing of 38 people at the vigil one week later.
Mamasela spoke very little of his own actions during this torture. This man who by his own admission helped kill more than 35 people for the security police today insists that it was all against his will.
Sophiatown happened almost by accident. The owner of the farm Waterval, one H Tobianski planned a private lease hold township for low income white people. He named the area after his wife, Sophia, but he failed to attract white buyers to the area. It became a place where black people could buy land ...
Are you saying you never did anything wrong, that’s why you won’t apologise? // No but you are always in front to do wrong things. I know that gentleman, I know that gentleman. He’s one of the gentlemen I don’t like. // Are you going to apologise for the people who died in jail, who died in ...
... next? Madikizela-Mandela consulted with her lawyer, but clearly she had no choice, she had to offer some form of apology. But as people asked afterwards, how much does an apology mean when you have denied so vehemently before that you had done anything wrong. ...
The highs have really been very individual things and I think of specific events like workshops that I ran for victims in Port Elizabeth - also very early on in the process when I was learning and they were learning - and Brandon Hamber from the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation ...
They were fellow Afrikaners, part of my people. I knew many of them. And I have asked myself, was it possible, how is it possible that they could have done what they did and that some of them seemingly could have enjoyed what they did. Were they so deeply impregnated by this ideological concept of ...
For a person to be guilty of a crime there must be intent and we cannot therefore say citizens who had no intention to set up Vlakplaas and kill people that they should carry the burden of this. We cannot hold responsible ordinary shunters, farmers and so on who supported apartheid because they ...
In many ways De Kock has merely confirmed what people like Dirk Coetzee had said seven years ago. One of the people who must take responsibility for the fact that politicians and generals could go on lying and denying until De Kock came clean is Mr. Justice Louis Harms. In 1990 Judge Harms led a ...
Also, on the steering committee is Sylvia Dhlomo, who lost her son Sicolo. Sylvia works in the Khulumani office taking statements, setting up counseling and arranging weekly and monthly meetings for victims and their families. // We feel pity for our own people who have suffered. That is why it’s ...
‘The Dark Side, The ANC in exile’ // What traumatized me most is to see people being tortured. // ‘Torture, Quatro Camp’ // Lots of people, others beaten, their jaws broken and some… there’s another colleague of mine who was one of the mutinees. He had his skull opened up, with a ...
‘Ambush and Killing: Cradock 4’ // It has never been the policy of the government, the National Party that people should be murdered, should be assassinated. I’ve said that clearly. Such instruction is in conflict with the policy as it has been at all times within my knowledge.
‘Peter Jacobs, Former MK Cadre, Torture victim.’ // If I said to Mr. Jacobs I put the electrodes in his nose, I may be wrong; if I said I attached it to his genitals, I may be wrong; if I had put a probe into his rectum, I may be wrong. That is way the specific methods I could have used any of ...
If there was an UDF stronghold the Theloweni group will be taken because it knew the place very well. They know they targeted houses, which would be burnt, so when they arrived at night their task will be to throw petrol bombs and run away and the Caprivians will stay behind and they will shoot ...
I was very upset about that, looking at a man who pulled a trigger to kill my son. And there is no evidence they are giving that Siphiwo did … there was no reason for them to do that, I can say. They should have prosecuted Siphiwo. // No, no forgiveness at all. // Why not? // Because they killed ...
You have got 200 people sent for paramilitary training and you have, if you look at the Umkhonto we Sizwe certified personal register of members who are eligible to be integrated into the National Defence Force: 18, 19 maybe even 20 000 members of MK, you put these two things in balance and you ...
In tonight’s bulletin, 17 people killed and more than 30 wounded in unrest in the Eastern Cape. The incident was sparked off by a confrontation between less than 20 policemen and between 3000 and 4000 blacks.
On a Saturday night in September 1990 four young whites, including a woman drove into Kutloanong township. The first person they met was Philip Matela who is now asking for amnesty for their murder. // They said to me they were looking for the ANC comrades and we knew that the right wingers and the ...
This hostel on the other side of town housed a gang called the Toasters. They were young IFP members who got out of hand. Their political and criminal activities included murder, rape, assault and robbery. The Toasters left a trail of destruction behind them. Their signature: burnt houses, property ...
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