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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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My father believed the white race was superior. He believed that all other races were mud races, sub-races that did not have a right to exist. // Du Plessis and Van Wyk attended services of the ”Church of the Creator.” Their bible was called ‘the white man’s bible’. // I believed that ...
Later on when the case was tried at the Supreme Court Captain Mitchell said it was a mistake. Now I want to state here, categorically, it was never a mistake, because the murder was planned with the logistics and everything, special constables brought there, put in strategic areas and they knew ...
The problem was, the communities, the people themselves felt they’ve been oppressed by the apartheid government. At the same time, when they go back to their place of living, they are now under threat from the witches. So you can see that in the course of that struggle, people have two opponents ...
Five people were killed that day. They were the three attackers: Humphrey Makhubo, Fanie Mafoko, and Wilfred Madela, Annamaria’s colleague: Cindy Anderson, who died in her arms, and another colleague, Annetjie de Klerk. Annetjie’s husband Willem had to take on a second job to support their ...
First victim was seventeen year old Kwanele Bucwa who was riding his bicycle at the head of the procession of mourners. // And I was riding in front of the crowd of people who were chanting songs and there were two hippos at the back of them. There was one policeman who lifted up whose name was ...
Reverend Simon Farisani had some explanation for the support the Venda community gave to the liberation armies. // Many of them did operate in this area. It was hospitable, people accommodated them. There were few instances where they were reported to the security forces. But generally people ...
The security system of the then National Party government infiltrated our communities and during the infiltration you cannot really say that this is not a comrade and this is not a member of the ANC or SAYCO for that matter. What you see, you see members of the ANC and through their actions and ...
Not far from Worcester is the town of Ashton where most people depend on seasonal work on farms and the canning factories for a living. In the late eighties vigilantes called Amasolomzi took control of Zulani township. It all started when a group of parents decided that their children should be ...
... apparently, when the Buckaneers and the Camberers came in, most of the people were assembled on the parade ground. And, they caught them totally unaware and literally hundreds of people died on the parade ground. Any large external operation that the South African Defence Force did required ...
Nobody can think that people can be buried here,but now my worry is… I want know about this white manwho was allowing these things here in his farm.
... 1985 Benedict was 12 years old. // I saw my father coming back from work, when I looked around the township I heard the toyi-toyi sound. I ran towards him to meet him, to advise him not to get into the township. And he said no they won’t do anything to me, because there’s nothing I’ve ...
The state’s relation with the media as a macro continuum, it goes right from the owners of the media, the people that own the newspaper, the editors who control the policy of the newspaper right down to the chap who clean the dustbin at night and stuff it all in an envelope and give it to you.
This episode starts with the Amnesty Committee hearings held in Johannesburg (7 to 11 April) and covers the amnesty applications of two paramilitary right wingers, Leo Froneman and Peter Harmse, for the 1993 Bronkhorstspruit bomb attack and that of Daveyton Youth Congress member, Phineas Ndlovu, ...
... into Natal command. The information given was that Natal command off-duty personal go to this particular areas and also people from the C R Swarts police barracks. // In this time of truth and reconciliation, isn’t it time that you named your commanders who gave you this order. Why ...
As a result of the way in which the South African police were utilized in Zimbabwe and Namibia, where they were actually used as ordinary soldiers. They hunted people, tried to kill them and eliminate them. Then these members of the South African Police came back to the Republic and were then ...
‘It is a national duty to request and insist that the exact figures on fatal casualties, suicide, disabled and mentally disturbed national servicemen be released according to the Freedom of Information Act, to be put on record in a book of remembrance.’ // What hurts a lot is that they ...
But you see where things really went wrong was in the workplace. The one time the Kleynhans brothers were coming to the … and he says to the people, those that have got licenses could they come one side. All the chaps were very happy, they were going to drive trucks and things and then they found ...
By lunchtime as the hearings draw to a close the Committee looks back at the Human Rights Violations hearings which started in April last year. // Over these past months we have been taken by victims like yourselves today, we have been taken into what I can only describe as the very heart of ...
The first address given is that of Mr. Nelson Mandela and then there are some notes: the house of such and so is deliberately not numbered but is easily recognizable by ‘bla bla bla.’ It’s obvious why this description is there mister Chairman to me, and that is because the house was not ...
... a symbol of reconciliation. And I said well how is it a symbol of reconciliation? And he said it’s because at this point people who used to be warders here are now working with former prisoners hand in hand. I just was wondering how this was for you, because you’ve been here for seven ...
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