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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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I did report to Dr Lang, as one following dutiful procedure, and his attitude was basically look give these people the treatment they need, you know if they need a Panado give them a Panado, if they need an X-ray have them X-rayed but that’s where our job stops. It’s not our job to find out why ...
I mean you make a braai around the person being burnt alive, being blown to pieces and … nothing! You don’t see it. That’s what I therefore think, that evil has a tendency of not only taking away from you the feeling that you’re human but it blinds your eyes, you can’t see. It blinds your ...
And the ‘them and us’ philosophy will never work for this country and there has been very, very little reconciliation on the part of white people in this country, they don’t want to sacrifice, they don’t want to atone and they shift the blame, they don’t want to take responsibility for ...
... that the house had been burnt down at KwaMashu. Our mother had been burnt down completely, she was in ash. // … and one of the amabutho’s, the warriors, said to us ‘ let me see who’s got an axe’ and I heard they were chopping down our doors and they got inside. I don’t know when ...
Stander warned Holomisa about the assassination plot against him. // Riaan Stander was one of the people who we communicated with, because apparently he was close to a number of these big guns in South Africa. // Why did you warn Holomisa? // I learnt during those years that the ultimate aim ...
... them were family, we’re one people. So, despite of all those things we managed every now and then going back to them. We pleaded with them and towards the end of eighties then they started to realise that really these people they are not behind us. Because, we pointed out to them that on a ...
Committee’s full schedule starts in two weeks’ time, but a serious problem has been that former security force members were reluctant to come forward. That could be changing. In a major breakthrough 22 former security policemen approached the Truth Commission this week to discuss the ...
Queenstown in the Eastern Cape is more or less the same size as Kroonstad, but the stories the Truth Commission heard there were very different. This is Mlungisi cemetery where 11 victims of the 1985 Queenstown massacre lie at rest. The trouble began with a consumer boycott against white businesses ...
During the trial, the policeman which was handling the case had difficulty and committed suicide. The following day, I think two days after the trial, Zandi was killed. So you can see that there was something that is ... that the very police cannot handle it. So I did even predict that those ...
Ethel Ntuli was supported during the hearing by her son, Mbusi. Even though her other son, Victor escaped death by not being home during the massacre Ntuli believes that it was the IFP who finally killed him. No inquest was ever held into his death. // In November last year 18 people were arrested ...
2000 Years ago the southern part of the African continent was inhabited by hunter-gatherer peoples, the Khoi and the Bushmen. Slowly moving down from further Northern Africa into these parts were several groups of farmers called the Bantu. To the people of other continents Africa was unknown until ...
Perhaps I should remind you of the structure of the Truth Commission before we move our focus to the hearings at Phokeng, in North West Province. // The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is divided into 3 committees: The Committee on Human Rights Violations, the Committee on Amnesty, and the ...
When one talks about torture and murder in the Eastern Cape how can one not think of Steven Bantu Biko? // No evidence on his death at the hands of police interrogators in 1977 was heard at the Truth Commission because his widow Ntsiki Biko, still prefers a criminal prosecution to the Truth ...
Now tell us what caused the division between you and the Youth League? // I have already indicated that I was patrolling at night because I was working. Sometimes members of the SDU would be patrolling during the day and people would be looting spaza shops, the taxis would be shot at. If you are a ...
There’s no way that you can take away the rainbow aspect of our nation, it’s there, it’s permanent. It’s just that it has to be cemented further by ensuring that there’s parity between people in terms of conditions of their lives, conditions at work, at school, at their residencies. We ...
Professor Giliomee … // Well I’ve got trouble with Donald Woods’ assertion that people know when they hear the truth or not. I think as a newspaper editor I think he probably will say no that is not quite true. The point is that, certainly in the case of the Biko case we have had revelations, ...
I was actually leaving for Germany on the day when the Commissioners were announced and Sheena Duncan actually phoned me to tell me and shoe! It was incredibly exciting because for me I think that you have law, you have the whole question of jurisprudence, but law doesn’t often bring justice and ...
One of its members was Katiza Cebekhulu; he vanished seven years ago. Today he has a damning story to tell about Winnie Mandela. // There’s a sense in which what Katiza has to say confronts the soul of this nation, and usually people who do that end up on a cross.
They may well be interested parties who would have been or who even did try to prevail upon De Kock not to talk. I am more than satisfied on reports that I have that there are clearly interested parties who would have preferred that he does not talk. He is now giving evidence under oath. He gives ...
‘Khulumani’ meaning ‘let us speak out’ is an organisation run entirely by and for the victims and families of victims of human rights violations. Maggie Friedman’s partner, David Webster was shot dead in front of their Troyeville house in 1989. // I became involved in the setting up of ...
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