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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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‘Ek wil ‘n beroep doen op die NG Kerk familie, dis die vier apartheids kerke, dat hulle sigbaarheid moet verleen aan die eenheid van Christus, nie vir mense nie, dat hulle sigbaarheid moet verleen aan die eenheid van Christus dat ons nie die volgende millennium in moet gaan as ‘n verdeelde ...
After Nelson Mandela’s release and after the last political prisoners left Robben Island in 1991 there were many questions about the Island’s future. After much debate is has now been declared a National Monument and Museum. More than 250 people now make this trip across Table Bay every day to ...
I gave the instruction for them to flatten the huts with a caspir and that we would open fire at the same time. It’s the overkill situation that was typically Koevoet. We would shoot as much concentrated fire into a space as possible. We didn’t know how many people might be in there with them, ...
Since the first white people from Europe set foot on the beaches of the Cape of Good Hope 350 years ago race has been at the heart of most of the conflict in our country. Colonialism and later apartheid meant the subjugation of darker skinned people by light skinned people, but this week the Truth ...
Will there be a breakdown at the end of this year when the Truth Commission ends its activities? Will the R & R, the reparation and rehabilitation process, be able to go one beyond that? Or if you haven’t helped somebody by Christmas 1997, there’s no help? // No, we have said that our ...
According to Hechter the youths had already gone to KwaNdebele to escape harassment by the security police in Mamelodi. Mamasela knew where to find them. Mamasela took us to the address. Mamasela, Gouws and Oosthuizen then entered the house and the next moment I heard gunfire. It was organized, it ...
The whole operation went wrong, where the wrong people became victims. // The community of Trust Feed has also requested me to advise the Amnesty Committee that they would try to forgive mister Brian Mitchell if he becomes actively involved in the reconstruction of the community that he was ...
Comrade Chris Hani, as he was explaining the complaints from the people, he tell us that we must discipline people so that we can train them, we can show them how to shoot, how to patrol, how to stand in a post in the night, how to change, all those things. So that they can be a self defence unit.
On that fateful day eleven people were fatally shot and 36 were injured. // My leg was very painful, the bullet struck me in my thigh. // To their dismay the victims of the shooting that took place at Egerton station were ironically charged with contempt of court. They were forced to pay large ...
Not so, says Terreblanche. There will be no journey of reconciliation until all political prisoners are free. // I not only have a problem with my people but with all political prisoners. If the government really wants freedom and peace in South Africa then they should release those leaders who are ...
I was born in Potchefstroom. I can’t say the township, or the Indian township ... at that time it was just one area. And in a sense yes my early years takes place in that area because my grandfather, when he came from India, I imagine around 1920, 1921, many people actually then started moving ...
This week, for the first time ever in the life of the Truth Commission a policeman voluntarily took the stand to give supporting evidence. Capt Peter John Clayton had been on duty the night Adri Faas was shot. He told the Truth Commission what had happened that evening. // I cannot remember ...
Vendaland was ideal guerrilla territory, close to the border countries friendly to the ANC and PAC. Mountainous and clustered with orchards of bananas and avocadoes. But it was the support of Vendaland’s people that made the difference for liberation armies. Willie Mudau, a former black ...
And this is exactly what many black people did. The passport out of the hardship of being black was trying to be Coloured. Many took on a Coloured identity or an Afrikaans sounding surname, usually both. // Yes, they called it turning your jacket inside out. You put the inside outside and the ...
My mom was approached by some people, some Zulu’s and they were telling her that your child who is a comrade has been shot and he’s going to die. And already he has died.
Komape Molapo is a survivor of another grenade attack at the hotel in the Namakgale township in the same month. He believes that soldiers from the same unit were responsible. // Three shots were fired and after that hand grenade, hand grenade, hand grenades were thrown in. It got me on the soldier ...
Joe Mamasela was not at the amnesty hearing and he’s not scheduled to appear before the Commission. We asked Amnesty Committee spokesman Cocky Mpshe, why not? // Joe Mamasela is not here and Joe Mamasela may not be here because he is presently what we call a section 204 witness. That simply means ...
Ja, Kabasa I think was formed by the police when they saw the youth and the people around those townships so united behind the UDF, behind LOYOMO, behind the ANC. And the system thought of a way how to destabilize. It really terrorized this township, it brought about divisions where people never ...
Although the comrades were no match for the gang, retaliation was on the cards. // I think the community realised that this was only a few people. At least if we faced the police then it’s better than facing many people who are coming from different sides. They decided this people should go, and ...
Why is it that form the 1980s young people began to be actively involved in violence concerning witch craft? It was largely political. There were people who wanted to see the country ungovernable, so they used young people to do what they wanted to see accomplished.
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