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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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Dumisa Ntsebeza, let me ask you the first question. We’ve had a lot of policemen in front of the Amnesty Committee, we’ve heard a lot of evidence in the human rights violations hearings about the police and security police, where is the military in all this? Why haven’t we made a breakthrough ...
Ermelo as such was a peaceful town, so during that time when they were negotiating with the local authority about the Rand boycott there was also a concern that crime was on the increase and amongst the members of the Wesselton Action Committee or people who associated themselves with that ...
Naye Ngema had seen enough. He left within hours and did not return to South Africa until after the African National Congress was unbanned. But while the security police missed him, KwaMashu residents had seen him in the neighbourhood and they drew the wrong conclusions. // Some of them were sure ...
We were busy withdrawing and if this person had not thrown a hand grenade there would have been no shooting. // That is exactly my point. Why did that shooting take place? There were several police officers there. There was the possibility that you could prevent that these people could get away. ...
There was a box in the corner of the room. That box looked very suspicious. When I looked at the box I just heard an explosion. The people who died immediately are Bimbo and Ntshingo. Fanyana was next to me. We could not see each other but we could speak to each other. He could not see or walk. I ...
Jann, we come running through the gap in the fence. We come running for 50, 60 yards. 100, 200 people behind me, many more following. We come to a situation about here at the telecommunication centre, lots of soldiers lined up there.
I was merely commanding, telling people not to do this in this particular area or what what. At no stage as a person did I throw even a stone. Mine was to direct the people. // Within the march there were those that were communicating very carefully as to who is staying where in terms of UDF ...
We were really at the stage where we would have been closed down and one of the parents brought me a number on a little, small piece of paper and said, just for the last time contact these people. And this was a German trust, a Christian development trust and they came out here and they looked at ...
The suffering of the South African people may be over but the psychological damage will have an effect for a long time to come. In tonight’s programme we focus on post traumatic stress disorder. We visit the vast, peaceful plains of the Karoo where the Truth Commission encountered unexpected ...
In the same year that the Ribeiro’s were assassinated, in 1986, Piet Ntuli was minister of the interior in the former homeland of KwaNdebele. He was put there by the South African government but then they lost control over him. As Jack Cronje tells it Ntuli became leader of Imbokodo, a ...
As a result of this attack I sustained injuries of a serious nature to my left arm, left hip and also internal injuries. // Belling lives in constant pain and has to take around 600 tablets a month. He’s angry about the loss of his youth, his dreams and his right to lead a normal life. // My ...
They are the people who went to fetch these people and they are not telling the truth, because every time they talk of arresting but they never attempted to arrest, they just straight away killed.
Leratodi Ikaneng is one of the few people who lived to tell the tale of Jerry Richardson and the Mandela United Football Club’s murder sprees. // I thought I was going to be shot. But at a later stage I discovered that they do not have a gun. Amongst these men, there was another one who was ...
We were forbidden from burying our own without the permit of the oppressor. To minister to our own people was turned either into a criminal offence or an act for which one would be labelled as schismatic from the church catholic. Today we wish to offer an unreserved apology to those who felt that ...
We had come to the end of our tether. We’d been involved in that kind of thing seeing patients, seeing people being killed for 12 months already and all because I wanted to go and heal people and not kill them. And we went to see the local psychiatrist who was resident in Oshakati and the major ...
I was at no stage aware of any unit carrying out assassinations. The Vlakplaas unit as it was explained to me had a totally different objective, a totally different field of activity, I was never part as I’ve said of any decision to assassinate or murder anybody. I totally distance myself from ...
As the government detains people so too do their families join our organisation, join the Detainee Parents Support Committee.
I think it was about two weeks ago when we were able to put the final dot on our Reparations Policy, because that has been worrying me quite a bit. I was very concerned that perpetrators were getting amnesty and in a sense to be seen to be going free and victims were still suffering and without any ...
... Tavern. When we arrived at the tavern Makebu had pulled up on the ‘wrong’ side of the road. When he stopped I jumped out of the car and ran towards the entrance of the tavern armed with an AK47 rifle and I opened fire immediately, indiscriminately, aiming to kill or injure as many people as ...
The tent was that side of the house, here; it goes along the fence there. It was so big that it can accommodate plus minus 300 people and most of these people were there and they were sitting inside.
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