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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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... fire through the Witwatersrand and then the rest of the country. It led to harsh repression, but eventually the sacrifice of the young people was rewarded. Let’s look at some visuals to remind us of that period and some statements of the erstwhile rulers that make one’s blood ...
White South Africa went into deep shock when apartheid’s greatest philosopher Hendrik Verwoerd was stabbed to death in Parliament in 1966. // His successor, John Vorster successfully kept the lid on resistance with bannings, detentions, and imprisonment. // ‘As far as the government of South ...
They shot the photos of our sister as well as other people who had died. They were all naked and they said we should point out my sister. We were told that they had died and they never explained anything.
And now for a completely different story in our search for the truth. In the late 1930s the dreams of the Russian revolution for a better world were shattered by the paranoia of the new Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin. Millions of people were labelled enemies of the revolution and sent to labour camps ...
We drove through Bronkhorstspruit. We drove past the business centre to see whether there were any people around. There were no people around, so we drove past and planted the bomb.
The year is 1993. South Africa was on the eve of a remarkable negotiated settlement. One area was clinging steadfastly to the old order, Lucas Mangope’s homeland of Bophuthatswana. The people of the homeland mobilized for their freedom but Mangope’s security forces did not let go easily. At the ...
... perpetrators, come and they paste yet another picture of the history of South Africa. Sometimes they paste it with their tears, but it is a very rewarding, a very humbling experience to be there, to sit, to listen, to look, to be part of the process. If you look at the thousands of victims who ...
And we had to look at the method where we can specifically look at these people of aggressive behaviour, of escapees … and sort of put them in a programme for a period of three months after which we evaluate them, we talk to them to see that they are prepared to be let into the mainstream prison ...
There was a day in November that you were telling the Commission that an assault took place on Lolo Sono. Correct? // Yes. // Who were the people that participated in the assault? // It was Mrs. Mandela and Richardson and others. // Which particular person inflicted an injury to Mr. Sono and how ...
... but it looks like they’re still dodging some questions and not being able to tell the full story. // People must begin to see change, to move towards reconciliation otherwise you have a kind of talk that is something like this. In the office, yes we’re a rainbow nation and in the taverns ...
That was a rubbish place, I want to tell you. Because mostly people who had been taken there, having a queue and you go naked, without trousers, sometimes they check you how you’re healthy and so forth. But that is another worse story, because you have to queue two to three lines, until your ...
Let’s turn our attention to something else now. Before we go to the heartbreaking story of the people who lost their heritage, we continue our series of short profiles on the people who make the Truth Commission process happen. Tonight we look at Deputy Chairperson Alex Boraine.
... use of the wet-bag method during interrogation. After the first incident during which Jacobs was subjected to the method by Benzien I was however aware of his modus operandi. As set out above, his unconventional actions had brought about the result which our unit was actually striving for and I ...
Jacques Hechter of the Northern Transvaal security branch said then that he did not know the ins and outs of the assassination plan, but this week things started becoming a little clearer. The killing of Fabian and Florence Ribeiro here in Mamelodi was in fact part of the broader cooperation plan ...
‘On Interrogation…’ // I had two sort of major sets of interrogation. The first was the old statue one, draw a line and Swanepoel sat there with the various other people and said ‘Jy gaan praat’ [You will talk] and you know you stand there until you talk. And within, I think maybe it ...
I haven’t even reached 12 yet. I wasn’t even in standard five yet. That’s when I became wanted by these people who call themselves the justice system, but we all know that they were the injustice system. In 1987 nearly the whole organisation I represent here today was arrested. I was still on ...
You know when you heard it you thought it was absolutely impossible, here she was ready to come home in two days and of all the times she’s been in and out of Africa the last four or five years that this happened. And I think, you know, we were totally devastated… // What Linda says is true. If ...
I’m glad that our generation could call the disease by a name. That if something like this ever happened again that our children or their children need not go through the same hell we did. Remember this PTSD did not only break people – it broke families and households. It caused death. It ...
There was more to that, the existence of separate apartheid style newspapers necessitated the demarcation of news rooms on racial lines, even if it was not said so in words in practice it was there. The staffing of the segregated newsroom was also on racial lines and I’m speaking from experience ...
My mom was approached by some people, some Zulu’s and they were telling her that your child who is a comrade has been shot and he’s going to die. And already he has died.
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