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people's warExplanation Showing 641 to 660 of 1000 First Page•Previous Page 29 •30 •31 •32 •33 •34 •35 •36 •37 Next Page•Last PageBut you ended up killing people who are not regarded as white. Could this be regarded as a botched or a messed up operation? // Sir, I cannot comment on that. We were told to go to the tavern …. I don’t know how to respond to your statement. The significance of the shoes that came from the grave, I think it elate all the doubts that one would have, because for now these things that we seek – people being exhumed – you don’t know really, really is this is the truth? But now, with a shred of evidence like what I saw, I’m ... And then obviously the question around medical treatment, people who still have bullet wounds, people who still suffer at a physical level should be given medical treatment and those people also suffering from psychological continuing problems, they should also be given help. Even the most hardened opponent of the Truth Commission process will have to agree, these people have the right to know the full truth and it seems if we might just get there by the end of the year. The flood gates have truly opened with the torrent of new applications for amnesty from former ... The leader of a gang that went on a stabbing spree near Durban’s beach front yesterday has been arrested. Reliable sources say … // … A knife wielding men left eight people injured. // [Inaudible] towers police chief Major-General IG Coetzee has called in a crack team of special ... We’d been at a peace meeting at Ixopo with the IFP to discuss violence in the area. After that meeting we had a meeting with the South African police to discuss some of the security problems that were being experienced in the area and after lunch proceeded back to Maritzburg along this road. I ... On being asked whether he had anything to say before sentence was passed he said I wish to say this to the people who might have lost their friends and kids and families that I’m sorry. Next thing I wish that my country be friendly to its neighbouring countries, referring to what had moved him to ... She was actually coming home as usual on Sundays. On that day she met the accident between Karino and Nelspruit. There the bomb blasted. Lindiwe had a small child with her. The baby was eight months old during that bomb blast. What happened, the message was only received on Monday in the afternoon ... Common purpose was particularly controversial at that time, because the mandatory death sentence for murder was still in place. Death sentences for the members of the Sharpeville Six and the Upington 26 sparked an international outcry. // To apply the principle of common purpose in a case of ... She has never had her house burnt in the first place, let me tell you. There could have been a few incidents where people threw stones at each other, but that house – as far as I’m concerned – has never been burnt, whilst I was still there, it was never burnt. These people were nervous, this man was nervous; he didn’t want to say anything in the office. I then decided that he had to be taken to a field across from the Johannesburg market for interrogation. // Mr. Gerber arrived at the scene after us, and he told us there were people in the vicinity ... But what about white fears and suspicions towards the Truth and Reconciliation Commission? // They must understand that this is part of a process of nation building, or bringing two worlds that have been apart together. The white world and the black world, they must come together into one rainbow ... Griffiths Mxenge, did you do that because you were under duress? // Yes, it was in 1981. // Yes, and in 1985, in this matter, you got involved because you were acting under duress. // Yes if I had not killed these people I was going to be killed. It’s a fact. More than 10 askaris were killed for ... Sophiatown was representative of freedom, to live with whoever was your neighbour. // It was too much of a threat. In February 1955 trucks rolled into Sophiatown, loaded its inhabitants and moved them to a place called Meadowlands. This episode begins with some background to right winger Leonard Veenendal, who gave testimony at the HRV Committee hearings in Newcastle (11 to 12 September). The following segment focuses on the first part of the Bisho massacre special hearings (held in Bisho, 9 to 11 September) where we hear ... The names of some policemen keep coming up during the Commission hearings. This is warrant officer Joe Mamasela. He’s already confessed to being part of the murders of three Port Elizabeth community leaders and Durban lawyer, Griffiths Mxenge. He was mentioned again by the relatives of three ... Some people will be more able to finish their unfinished business, to get peace within themselves if they don’t have a grave, than other people. Some victims will suffer more to have that internal process completed than others. And some of them will need some facilitation to get there and to ... ... to kill people that you are defending your job is to kill him. // After so many years at the forefront of southern Africa’s secret and dirty wars Williamson is now preparing his submission to the Truth Commission. He wants to tell everything. We interviewed him a while ago in the presence ... The decision will not necessarily be a popular one. // Here they want to enforce a name onto the people that’s staying in the area … no, but that’s in the past. // You say they’re enforcing the name onto the people. How can enforce a name … they’re just reinstating the name that was ... ‘Gary Kruser, Former MK Commander, Torture victim.’ // You weren’t arrested by the team in my car. // You personally arrested me, yourself and Piet Goosen. You remember? // It’s difficult to remember sir. // You put me in a kombi yourself, Goosen and Liebenberg and drove me to Culemborg. // ... |