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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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One of its members was Katiza Cebekhulu; he vanished seven years ago. Today he has a damning story to tell about Winnie Mandela. // There’s a sense in which what Katiza has to say confronts the soul of this nation, and usually people who do that end up on a cross.
De Kock gave instructions that we should go and help Port Elizabeth Police, because there were some chaps that were making Port Elizabeth ungovernable and those people had to be eliminated.
I personally can perceive no definition of direct human rights violations which could possibly be attributed to business generally during that period. My view is that business could certainly have been seen to be doing more, but whether that would have had any affect on a government determined to ...
That’s the area that I am finding a little bit difficult in giving a one and definite answer. I can only say, since I say also in my affidavit, that this is not new to me. I’ve just been handed in, in fact, from my office I’ve had it faxed. In 1992 there is a press statement which apparently ...
The six young men got life sentences for these gruesome deaths. Phineas spent two years on death row before his sentence was changed to 18 years imprisonment. This week he asked for amnesty in a bid to start a new life. // I’m sorry it ever happened. I can’t sleep ever since, there is something ...
Every morning when he found us in the stores he wanted us to say, ‘good morning sir,’ but I wanted to know why doesn’t he greet us first because he found us there as Africans. He should greet first. We used to fight over that because he wanted me to greet him first and say ‘good morning ...
... of the student representative council of UNIBO, now it’s called University of Northwest. I was also a member of South African Student Congress. Towards the end of January 1993, after we realized together with the student leadership in South African Student Congress, we decided that we should ...
I remember that my brother uttered a word to me that I will never forget in my life. I had visited him at the Garangua hospital. That’s where he told me and said ‘my own colleagues are going to kill me,’ so I then asked ‘what do you mean they are going to kill you? There is no way you as ...
This was a clear case; racism is not an acceptable political motive, but what of the seven young applicants this week? Lawyer Norman Arendse gives his impression. // It’s a matter of locating what they did in the political context at the time. And clearly the political context at the time was ...
‘On Hearings…’ // There’s always something that comes up, there’s always something that you don’t expect that comes up and it’s actually very difficult to keep control, because if you don’t keep control then it’s… I mean, we are not the important people; we’re merely the ...
They pulled this child by the foot and they hit the child against the wall and she cracked her skull. // After I’ve seen these people I suspected that those were the people who might have killed my brother. They were not alone. They were with some other people from another section at Vusimuzi; it ...
In Jo’burg it was worse because mostly people that was arrested, anyhow, anytime. Tress passers get in their houses, hotels, the police go inside of the houses or the flats; they search all these people. They want to know, where do you sleep, where do you come from, who’s your boss, what are ...
If Alexandra can be a presidential project I think it will be a best befitting honour to the people of Alexandra. We have carried the flag of freedom since 1912 when Alexander came in to being.
Mining is what keeps the wheels of Welkom turning. Together with Alanridge and Virginia, it forms the second richest gold mining area in the country. The city is young and growing. It is surrounded by rural Free State towns like Brandfort, Odendaalsrus and Kroonstad, traditional farming ...
We are divided by the river, the Umsunduzi river, down there at the valley. That is KwaShange and this is KwaMnyandu. So, when I looked there across I saw that there were many houses burning, sound of gunshots and all that and there were trucks moving up there with some impi’s, people in the ...
The term ‘East Rand Unrest’ was used excessively in the eighties and early nineties to describe virtually continuous conflict between the people of this vast area east of Johannesburg and the police and army. This week the Truth Commission listened to a story from one of the East Rand ...
I really find it difficult … that kind of reasoning, just to say to people, are there racial tensions, as though you expect me to put a red carrot here and say oh this is a green one. I really find it simplistic and naïve, if I may put it strongly that way. I’m not a spokesperson for the TRC, ...
[And in Cape Town today the PAC declared the following about the attack:] // ‘We think that this is the work of the third force, operating in this country to destabilize the transition to democracy. We are busy discussing the constitution here and it is no accident that this attack has occurred ...
There was also some law which determined that while people of any racial group could rise to supervisory and management positions; they could only do this so long as those they supervised or managed were of the same racial group with the exception of course of whites. This meant that there was a ...
I think what Verwoerd and Hitler had in common was the fanatics, that’s the one thing and I always regard fanatics as potentially very dangerous people, because they’ll go through the wall if necessary in order to realize their plans, their schemes. Secondly they propounded, I think a policy ...
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