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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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On the 15th of April last year the Truth and Reconciliation Commission held its very first hearing, it was a session of the Human Rights Violations Committee. This Committee had its last hearing this past week in the Eastern Free State. In the 14 months of Human Rights Violations hearings some 2000 ...
I went to the area to kill all the people who were attacking these people who were running to us. // Did you kill any people and how many people did you kill? // Many things happened, some of them got injured, some died, I can’t remember the number because I used to do this and run away. // Is ...
While the politicians accuse and counter accuse, ordinary people are dying; nowhere do they die more frequently than in the beautiful Natal midlands. This is where Robert Zuma and Mduduzi Gumbi, supporters of the IFP, wasted the lives of fourteen people in 1991. They now want amnesty from the Truth ...
The news and these revelations are only coming to the fore now and I simply couldn”t believe my eyes and my ears as to what these people were saying. That people were saying that they had gained the impression that they were authorised to do certain things. And they are saying that they gained ...
My impression with great piety your honour, my impression was that he was extremely militant because of the conflict of the black ideology and the white really came to the fore. // He was a leader among the people involved in the schools unrest. He was also responsible for chasing pupils out of the ...
But the ANC is not denying that there were what they called ‘excesses’ in their camps, in fact a lot of what we know of the violations in these camps come from documentation given to the Truth Commission by the ANC and from several commissions of inquiry the ANC itself had appointed. The ANC ...
‘Torture and Killing: Stanza Bopape.’ // I would firstly like to emphasize on this question as with the others that obviously that is absolutely unacceptable, it falls outside the parameters of anything which was ever authorised or intended by government policy, government decisions, or any ...
In 30 minutes’ time 15 people are already sentenced. You just come… Why? What do you want? Why do you come to this area without a permit? As if you can be given a permit if you want to.
Solomon Mahlangu was one of the many UDF comrades who got a taste of Mbokodo’s venom. He too was taken to the Siyabuswa hall and tortured. // At about 6 pm. They came at the chief minister of that time, mister SS Skosana. Then he asked me several questions then he said to me. ”Mister Mahlangu ...
He planned acts of terror from his home. He also used the house as a hiding place for terrorists. He was also involved in strikes and boycotts. Myself, Capt Hechter, Mamasela and Captain Crafford as well as a certain Bafana on a particular morning were driving in my official vehicle until we were ...
Township residents were expecting a vigilante attack. Matela claims that he went to go and find the ANC members who were on patrol to alert them that the white people were looking for them. The news spread like wild fire and at some stage a large group of angry residents, fearing that these people ...
In the morning you would wake up and see a soldier in front of your house with a gun. The whole township was surrounded by the soldiers. This made people to be angry. // We are injured; we have wounds inside because of what they have done to us as black people. They were killing us. // Those who ...
They must choose whether they’re Africans or still Europeans and it takes a lot of courage to make that choice. It takes a lot of courage, because you are saying, I am no longer European and I’m saying that to Indians as well. Those people who continue to call themselves Indians in Africa. If ...
It’s again the deep conviction on the part of the Afrikaner people. You have to do your duty, especially to those in authority. You hear, you listen, you obey and you’re not critical enough to ask the question. But why do I necessarily need to obey?
What is distressing me now, and together with the family is that we don’t know the truth. So knowing the truth to us now becomes the prime thing, the most important thing. But as I indicate that I know that the whole thing, the whole issue here, it’s a process. So maybe immediately we know the ...
I do not know if he made a deal. I wouldn’t know. You see, I’m not a politician. Quite frankly, when I understood that there had been an intervention by him I was on leave and I was sick and I was not here. But I understood that he was doing so at the request of the minister of safety and ...
This school in the township of Thabong was at the heart of student mobilization. In 1986 literally hundreds of young men and women from the goldfields skipped the country. Testimonies at the TRC this week suggested the flood into exile was caused by the push of the security forces rather than by ...
… Loose everything that you worked for in your life, get out of the country, go and face the so-called enemy. Tell them you’re sorry. And with your back against the wall and with the help of the world media - because they say the pen is mightier than the sword and I firmly believe it up till ...
Inkatha and the Toasters came from the other side; they were carrying guns to attack people here in the township. They started shooting people out there in the streets until they entered my home here.
He says they were given 30 minutes to destroy. An indication that the attack was planned. // A lot of these houses were burnt and that big house over there was the first to be attacked, it was the first to burn after people had run away. // You also travelled up to this point? // Yes I travelled ...
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