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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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I made the arrangement that when I join the Truth Commission … I must be in the pulpit on Sunday, every Sunday. And it gives me strength. That is my basis of the strength. I ... the TRC things, I get tired, but I know that there is a spring from which I’m going to draw when it becomes Sunday, ...
There’s one thing that I will have to live with till the day I die, it’s the corpses that I will have to drag with me to my grave, of the people whom I’ve killed. Remorse, I can assure you a lot, a hell of a lot.
This episode focuses on the Amnesty Committee hearings held in Pretoria (15 to 19 July) and the HRV Committee hearings held in Pietersburg / Polokwane (17 to 19 July). In Pretoria, two members of an ultra right cell, Jean du Plessis and Jean van Wyk, applied for amnesty for killing three people ...
In 1969, there were about seven people, including my father who died in custody. That such a thing should happen... Aki Amikote, number one, my father who passed away on the fourth of February 1969, Nicodimas Kgoathe. Solomon Modipane who also passed away on the 28th of February 1969, James Lengwe ...
And you’ll find that with people knowing that it is possible to burn a person. I mean, that kind of coverage developed psychologically in the minds of other people whereby people felt now that it is a good strategy, it’s a more popular strategy to burn your enemy and in these rural areas most ...
... him. So we were looking for Tandiswa, because we couldn’t find him. But when I looked through I could see that my child was just behind the wardrobe. I could see that it was my daughter. ...
There is a whole range of complicity we’re dealing with. Various countries such as Chile and Uruguay, which went through authoritarian regimes, have documented quite flagrant participation in torture. But they’ve also documented, as have other countries, that quite often what happened is very ...
And at the time our base was Air Force Base Waterkloof, so I arranged to leave there a little bit earlier to first go via Air Force Headquarters so I could collect a certain documentation which I wanted to use for recruiting purposes. I was a fighter controller instructor. We proceeded to Air Force ...
Meanwhile the search for three escapees and two accomplices who shot and wounded a policeman during a daring escape near Otjiwarongo, Namibia has been extended to the South African Namibian border. The wounded policeman, Constable Ricardo van Wyk may have to be transferred to a hospital in Cape ...
Police claimed that the crowd of people who were shot at were armed with sticks, stones, petrol bombs, and bricks with which they had intended to attack the white inhabitants of Uitenhage. Minister of Law and Order, Louis Le Grange immediately appointed judge Kannemeyer to head up a commission of ...
Was the South African government directly involved in the planning of the coup? // Yes that was a direct plan and attempt from Military Intelligence, number one. Number two, Department of Foreign Affairs were very closely involved. In actual fact, a lot of the operations came right out of Umtata ...
I would like the Truth Commission to assist me. I would even like De Kock’s evidence to be followed up, because I’d like these people to reveal the whole truth.
In 1993 more than 1500 people were killed in the orgies of violence that engulfed the East Rand townships near Johannesburg. Most of the violence was rooted in the political conflict between the supporters of the ANC, who were primarily township residents, and Inkatha hostel dwellers. Bloody ...
We actually are talking about creating something that never was in this country. // Conciliation as far as I’m concerned will mean that you have to take away the anger and the animosity in people and make them understand the need to stay and work together.
Let’s get some comment in Johannesburg. // Max, I’d rather focus on where the Truth Commission has succeeded. To me, as a viewer. // OK, let’s talk about that. // I think that a lot of people in the case of Steve Biko’s killing wanted this not to be part of the TRC process. Their argument ...
I didn’t think I would be very surprised by what I heard. I think all of us on the Commission have, in fact I think the whole country has learnt much more about what happened. Prepared in other ways I think I was very reluctant to accept nomination for the Commission. I didn’t want to do this ...
How many people did Winnie kill? Has she ever been in jail for those murders? No. // If anyone gets into the bad books of Winnie she can resort to any solution of her choice. // ‘Roar young lions roar!’ // Now I can say Mrs. Mandela is a murderer and a killer of the nation. She’s no longer ...
It began in November 1978, a warm summer’s day that began like any other for Susan and Jaap van der Merwe on their farm Swartklip at Thabazimbi near the Botswana border. Susan left for a teaching job and Jaap went to a nearby farm to shoot a buck. He left a note saying he might be late, but he ...
... security forces that I have spoken to say, there’s a carrot but they don’t believe the stick. They don’t believe that if they don’t come forward that they will ever be caught. Is that a problem for the Truth Commission; that the investigators are not efficient enough or there are not a ...
This cocktail of God and fatherland was backed up at home with medal parades and military manoeuvres. The news was clinical and heroic. To keep the machine rolling and white South Africa’s morale up, the blood and guts, the dying and killing was not shown. Those who came back from the killing ...
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