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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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merciless, because your people are dying and you cannot resist it, it’s very much in the deed. You see, so I can say I was born militant. So, afterwards I realised that OK as far as humanity is concerned it doesn’t call for, but that was the only ...
I see in your manifesto, and I quote you what you just said: the National Party does not kill people, the National Party does not threaten people and again I’m sure the relatives of Steve Biko and Dulcie September and David Webster and Anton Lubowski would want me to ask you, when did you change ...
This week, Victor Ntuli’s mother, Kanyesele Ethel Ntuli told the Commission how the event changed her life. She wasn’t there when the incident happened, but her husband and three daughters were killed and her grandchild injured. And she could never go back to her house. // I left my house. I ...
This occurrence changed my life so drastically. I feel I have this deep hatred for a white person. When I see a white person, especially at night, I have these negative thoughts and even at work when a white person speaks to me I just look at him. I totally distrust them, because during the day ...
If there’s anyone out there who are, including our members, who either have knowledge of situations like this or were involved in it then they should report that to the Truth Commission. // Mxolisi Mbewana lost an eye after being shot. During his five weeks at the hospital soldiers are regular ...
In fact by then the situation was very, very tense so that I thought that to stab her was the only way to get what she’s got, like that list of our names. If I couldn’t do that maybe those people who were named could have been also killed. So, I was trying to save the community on what she was ...
The courts have become an important tool for people who don’t like the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In the latest round, four policemen and former policemen have sued the former Cape MEC for safety and security, Dennis Neer, for defamation after he told the Truth Commission in Port ...
I didn’t think I would be very surprised by what I heard. I think all of us on the Commission have, in fact I think the whole country has learnt much more about what happened. Prepared in other ways I think I was very reluctant to accept nomination for the Commission. I didn’t want to do this ...
Let’s get some comment in Johannesburg. // Max, I’d rather focus on where the Truth Commission has succeeded. To me, as a viewer. // OK, let’s talk about that. // I think that a lot of people in the case of Steve Biko’s killing wanted this not to be part of the TRC process. Their argument ...
How many people did Winnie kill? Has she ever been in jail for those murders? No. // If anyone gets into the bad books of Winnie she can resort to any solution of her choice. // ‘Roar young lions roar!’ // Now I can say Mrs. Mandela is a murderer and a killer of the nation. She’s no longer ...
Reliving the past was traumatic for most witnesses, but throughout the week there was a comforting hand to help them through the pain. // Mafu, we’ve been seeing you all week sitting in this chair with your hand on somebody’s shoulder. What was your role here in East London? // Max, I’ve been ...
I think this case is now, in the Eastern Cape region, I know that it’s becoming a very crucial case for where the people are going to take this process of reconciliation via the Truth and Reconciliation Commission seriously, or whether they are going to write it off. We are going to do all in ...
During the marathon three year court case which more than 3000 people brought against the police they denied complicity with the witdoeke and eventually no one was found guilty for the deaths and destruction. But this week the Truth Commission heard this man, Ulrich Schellhase admit the links. ...
In October 1985 the world got to see an amazing piece of television footage shot in South Africa. A number of policemen hid in boxes on an open truck and provoked angry young people to throw stones at them. Like in a violent movie the world watched the policemen jump up and mow down the stone ...
... apparently, when the Buckaneers and the Camberers came in, most of the people were assembled on the parade ground. And, they caught them totally unaware and literally hundreds of people died on the parade ground. Any large external operation that the South African Defence Force did required ...
And the way they killed my husband shows that they are still telling lies. So I see no reason to forgive these people because the only thing they are doing, they are lying.
There are a lot of people killed inside the country and outside the country which the TRC must exhume like in Botswana we’ve got about 600 people who have been killed by the security forces and the army there inside Botswana. We have investigated that and we found the graves.
I think the TRC has helped a great deal in educating people, because no one can say after what we’ve seen on our television screens and heard on our radio and what has happened in an anecdotal way, no one can say we never knew what happened in South Africa. We didn’t know how race was used, not ...
Was the South African government directly involved in the planning of the coup? // Yes that was a direct plan and attempt from Military Intelligence, number one. Number two, Department of Foreign Affairs were very closely involved. In actual fact, a lot of the operations came right out of Umtata ...
I would like the Truth Commission to assist me. I would even like De Kock’s evidence to be followed up, because I’d like these people to reveal the whole truth.
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