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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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There had been much speculation in newspapers about possible clashes between large numbers of right wingers and ANC demonstrators. The white people of George were holding their breath and the police were ready for anything. But when the first groups of chanting protestors arrived from the township ...
And in the course of it … I remember Bishop’s story, I think he is the one who asked why I thought I ought to be a Commissioner. Then I said well maybe I ought to be the one because first of all I’m a Marxist, which I think blew everybody, because I mean we had people from the Freedom Front ...
We need to address the poverty that is gripping the people, all of us together at this point in time, and then I think conciliation, reconciliation, rainbow nation will mean something to the majority of the people of this country.
Finca is also deeply disappointed by what he calls the apathetic way in which most white people in this country have responded to the TRC.
... I say, a person should attack the police or the army, why attack innocent people sitting here enjoying themselves, who never had any ill feeling towards blacks before? And I thought people should be found and justice should be done. Because they haven’t asked forgiveness or anything. ...
And in the morning the very same people came in the very same uniform. They were still like the previous day. They took my name. They said they needed some statements as to who had injured the people. I was quite scared to tell them that you are the ones that were here yesterday.
This has been an incredible day. I was terribly impressed that the Oudtshoorn community in the discussions was not saying to the Truth Commission, we wait for you to solve our problems. In fact, people were very aggressive about saying that Oudtshoorn has to take it and move with it…
Reference book, pass book, dompas, stinker, different names for the same thing. The hated document that determined the life of every black South African for decades, where they could sleep, live, work, visit and for how long. The main aim of the pass laws was to control the movement of black South ...
What I say to you today is we fought for a just cause. We’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. We were obliged to fight by law, yes we were obliged to fight by law, but morally we were obliged to fight for our country and for our people to keep them out of the clutches of communism. // This is what ...
Mister Froneman, when were you born? // I was born 19 June 1974 in Pretoria. Harmse told me that the BWB told him that they would have a coup d’état and that at various power stations they had people on duty who were ready to cut the power and he told me that the officers had also been ...
Claire’s killers have still not been found and for her family the Truth Commission is the last hope in finding answers to the mystery surrounding her death. In a letter to the Special Report her aunt Anne Hope writes. ‘We understand the anger of black people and do not want revenge, we do very ...
A lot of incidents in Natal, a lot of them I was involved, directly or indirectly, but I was involved. Wherever there was a Caprivian really there was no need of people killing each other this way, but because of the infiltration of the Military Intelligence and the security branch within the IFP, ...
‘The IFP stands for ‘I’m for peace.’ What a laugh. The people of Natal who had been dying since 1983 when the UDF was created had been painting up on the … walls in tegranny and Pietermaritzburg ‘IFP = Inkatha fears progress.’’
I think it is legitimate for us to ask the Truth Commissioners tonight. Is it your role to force suspected bad guys to eat humble pie, to humiliate them in public? Is it not more important to illicit the truth than to try and force people to say how sorry they are? I have a feeling that ...
I can’t give the exact detail how we did the layout and the planning because for the future those type of plans may be used again, so I can’t divulge information regarding that. But the people waited, Vlakplaas members with Piet Retief members, for the people to infiltrate. And what happened is ...
Black resistance in South Africa during these years were partly inspired by the spread of ‘uhuru’ in the rest of colonial Africa. By the mid-sixties many African countries had cast off the colonialist yoke and became independent states. // The PAC organised a massive protest against the pass ...
... of some 100 people gathered around his body and he was stabbed and set alight. // It was dark with the crowd as they were running and they ran downwards. A little while later a boy came in the back door and said Aunty Baby they have already killed Jetta and he is lying there ...
It was a truly symbolic moment when these three theologians made their way to the Truth Commission stage this week. Coming from the church seen to have been the theological backbone of the National Party their confession before the people of Paarl and Stellenbosch was a meaningful milestone in the ...
Dozens and dozens and dozens of killings, no prosecutions and the one prosecution that we’ve had so far is just the foot soldiers. And they have killed. I mean, you talk about Eugene de Kock, someone like Israel Hlongwane has killed dozens of people, I mean there are dozens of Eugene de Kock’s ...
... That is a responsibility of all South Africans. And I think that all South Africans must see it as their responsibility to make a contribution towards the nation building and reconciliation process. So, the money which needs to be found to ensure that there is reasonable reparation, whatever ...
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