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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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These were the same people I mean these were the same people. This is where the problem comes in … this denial. There is nothing that separated the people that ran the state and the people that ran business. These were the same people. I mean literally the same people, brothers and sisters. These ...
Some people feel that Thandi is one of those who started all the trouble, but Thandi may have had a reason for behaving as she did. She was a fighter and she paid a price. Her son was killed by police in a shootout and she was not allowed to see his body. She lost her possessions and was harassed ...
Those convicted on the basis of common purpose and sent to death row say their lives will never be the same. // The death sentence does not only hurt the person who is to hang. Firstly it hurts your family. It kills you twice, it kills you psychologically. By the time they hang you, you are no ...
But when the interrogation started, Benzien and Nortje were present. They were the only other people in the room with me and when they started interrogating me the intimidation had already taken effect. This intimidation of me had already started when I was in this room and the security policeman ...
Were there cases in which special forces cooperated with the police in eliminating people i.e. killing people in accordance with the plan that you testified to before lunch. // That is correct. // And are those the matters in respect of which you have applied for amnesty? // That is correct. // ...
Although the ‘Handelsinstituut’ was one of those to criticize the wealth tax, they were the only ones to come with some kind of alternative. They suggest that the old South African Security Risk Insurance Fund, which was used to insure people against political violence in the past, be used for ...
Numsa Tshabalala says her son Sibuniso disappeared shortly after Lolo Sono. // Then he said, if you say Lolo was taken by Winnie Madikizela’s people then probably I will be taken there as well. And we left for work, when we came back Sibuniso was not at home. When Sibuniso had gone, that is after ...
... some of PW’s memorabilia, anything of PW in that Museum, it needs to be contextualized. For instance, if you walk into that Museum, he’s got awards from the president of Chili and Savimbi, an AK47. You know, it is totally ridiculous. What we need to say is who are these leaders that gave ...
Although she denies all knowledge of the assassination plan Derby-Lewis told the Amnesty Committee that she believed it was politically inspired. This is what she told the police during her interrogation in 1993. // We had minimal contact with the right in terms of being involved with them. I ...
Did you ever before today disclose that fact that you were a policeman when you were serving on the Star? // No I did not. // Is it today the first time actually that you disclose that? // That I’m disclosing that, yes. Other people may have had, Mr. Chair if I may add, their suspicions and I ...
The room was full of blood, on the walls, and they said to me ‘do you see the blood on the walls?’ They said ‘this is the blood from the people like you, people who do not want to speak the truth.’ Before they could grab me they said, they asked me about Tsepho, that’s my aunt’s child. ...
‘Report by Anneliese Burgess.’ // Claire Stewart lived here in the beautiful but remote extreme north of KwaZulu-Natal. For four years she worked here on a project aimed at improving the Nguni cattle herds of the local people. She lived quietly in the little village of Manguzi with her two ...
I do not suggest that people on both sides did not overstep the bounds of the authority. To keep harping on so-called apartheid crimes, conveniently ignoring the fact that atrocities were also committed by the opponents of apartheid is not conducive to reconciliation and amounts to an attempt to ...
‘On Hearings…’ // My heart goes out for the women, because the women always come there talking about what happened to their sons, to their husbands, they hardly tell us about what has happened and yet when you probe deeper you’ll also find that they also experienced violations and some of ...
If you did hear from the passengers that she was also a Comrade, that day, would you have acted any differently? // I don’t think so. // Can you elaborate? // At the time, we were in very high spirits and the white people were oppressive. We had no mercy on the white people; a white person was a ...
We had come to the end of our tether. We’d been involved in that kind of thing seeing patients, seeing people being killed for 12 months already and all because I wanted to go and heal people and not kill them. And we went to see the local psychiatrist who was resident in Oshakati and the major ...
When they see, even at a bus stop, when they see black people in a queue, they quickly surround them; arrest them, those who have got no passes. Everywhere! Even going to church, on Sunday, going to church, they stop them from going to church. They ask your pass. If you leave your pass you are ...
I was a member of the Afrikaner Broederbond from 1940 until 1963 and I’ve got to be in all fairness and honesty, I’ve got to say I regarded it as a tremendous privilege, I regarded it as, yes let me say ‘a calling of God,’ a mission to promote the cause of the Afrikaner people.
It was a white person wearing balaclavas. Round the eyes I could see and the nose was a sharp nose and it wasn’t that of our black people.
We sat at this table over here, and later on there was, when we actually arrived here there were three black people sitting at the table. And they sat here for quite a while; the one chap actually was staring at my sister. I had my back at them unfortunately. He was staring so hard at my sister ...
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