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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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We had come to the end of our tether. We’d been involved in that kind of thing seeing patients, seeing people being killed for 12 months already and all because I wanted to go and heal people and not kill them. And we went to see the local psychiatrist who was resident in Oshakati and the major ...
I was at no stage aware of any unit carrying out assassinations. The Vlakplaas unit as it was explained to me had a totally different objective, a totally different field of activity, I was never part as I’ve said of any decision to assassinate or murder anybody. I totally distance myself from ...
There is no way in which you can concile and reconcile people if you keep them apart from each other. I think for people to come to know each other they must live together. There is a dramatic example I think in the history of this country. When Moshoeshoe the First, during the beginning of the ...
As the government detains people so too do their families join our organisation, join the Detainee Parents Support Committee.
I think it was about two weeks ago when we were able to put the final dot on our Reparations Policy, because that has been worrying me quite a bit. I was very concerned that perpetrators were getting amnesty and in a sense to be seen to be going free and victims were still suffering and without any ...
... Tavern. When we arrived at the tavern Makebu had pulled up on the ‘wrong’ side of the road. When he stopped I jumped out of the car and ran towards the entrance of the tavern armed with an AK47 rifle and I opened fire immediately, indiscriminately, aiming to kill or injure as many people as ...
The tent was that side of the house, here; it goes along the fence there. It was so big that it can accommodate plus minus 300 people and most of these people were there and they were sitting inside.
95% of the people who were sentenced to death in this country were black and a 100% of the people who were sent them to death were white. You were much more likely to receive a death sentence if your victim was white. // ANC activist and lawyer Paula McBride knew and worked with numerous prisoners ...
Nr. Ngo are those two people, were they also in the party of students that were assaulted here in Bloemfontein at some stage which you know of? // Yes that is correct.
The truth about South Africa’s past is locked up in the memories of its people, but also in hundreds of thousands of files kept by the state and security forces. Victims and perpetrators have been and are telling their stories to the Truth Commission, but a special challenge to the Truth ...
... go horribly wrong. Now I think that’s what we would like to get an answer on. // I guess nobody has the answer. Maybe, and let me try to put forward some of one’s own views in that regard, maybe it’s just a question that things have developed over a period of time in such a way that in ...
I think if I look back at it now, I would see it as being naïve to think that one could really change the country and the future of people in South Africa. // I was terribly afraid of the unknown of what would happen in South Africa. At that stage I feared an ANC takeover and now I know it was ...
as Ubuntu, right, that is humanity, respect of other people’s integrity and life. // But in general, people are saying give them a chance, come forward. In other words, they are forgiving them. One of the reasons is the Mandela factor. The kind of leader we have in South Africa is an example, a ...
‘The Dark Side, The ANC in exile’ // What traumatized me most is to see people being tortured. // ‘Torture, Quatro Camp’ // Lots of people, others beaten, their jaws broken and some… there’s another colleague of mine who was one of the mutinees. He had his skull opened up, with a ...
‘Ambush and Killing: Cradock 4’ // It has never been the policy of the government, the National Party that people should be murdered, should be assassinated. I’ve said that clearly. Such instruction is in conflict with the policy as it has been at all times within my knowledge.
‘Peter Jacobs, Former MK Cadre, Torture victim.’ // If I said to Mr. Jacobs I put the electrodes in his nose, I may be wrong; if I said I attached it to his genitals, I may be wrong; if I had put a probe into his rectum, I may be wrong. That is way the specific methods I could have used any of ...
If there was an UDF stronghold the Theloweni group will be taken because it knew the place very well. They know they targeted houses, which would be burnt, so when they arrived at night their task will be to throw petrol bombs and run away and the Caprivians will stay behind and they will shoot ...
I was very upset about that, looking at a man who pulled a trigger to kill my son. And there is no evidence they are giving that Siphiwo did … there was no reason for them to do that, I can say. They should have prosecuted Siphiwo. // No, no forgiveness at all. // Why not? // Because they killed ...
You have got 200 people sent for paramilitary training and you have, if you look at the Umkhonto we Sizwe certified personal register of members who are eligible to be integrated into the National Defence Force: 18, 19 maybe even 20 000 members of MK, you put these two things in balance and you ...
In tonight’s bulletin, 17 people killed and more than 30 wounded in unrest in the Eastern Cape. The incident was sparked off by a confrontation between less than 20 policemen and between 3000 and 4000 blacks.
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