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people's warExplanation Showing 801 to 820 of 1000 First Page•Previous Page 37 •38 •39 •40 •41 •42 •43 •44 •45 Next Page•Last PageToday the cinema is a bricked up cavern. Bits of glass on the ground recall that there were once windows and doors reflecting the throng of people arriving for an evening’s entertainment or discussion. Now it stands empty as a monument to horror. 15 people died and the police made no attempt to ... As the TRC left Port Shepstone this week the question of a third force remained. Selvan Chetty of the Network of Independent Monitors has spent years investigating claims that a hidden hand has intervened to pit one side against the other. // I think if you really want to look at the hidden hand ... By Thursday there were at least 23 dead. The people were battered and exhausted. The local UDF leadership grasped this opportunity of a pause in the fighting to step in and take control. // On Thursday afternoon we had to call a meeting to say to the people look now we have so many victims and the ... These are people that permanently are disabled. They will never be able to handle stress again. Their lives will never be normal again. They will always suffer from this syndrome. It’s a living hell. As one person put it to me, he said it’s like watching a horror movie over and over and over ... How many agents did you manage? // I suppose serious ones, about ten, and the casual ones maybe a lot more, up to 25 in total. You know I had a Spanish professor working for me who was a professor at Wits. I’m not prepared to tell you his name because it’s not the way I operate, but he worked ... I gave the instruction for them to flatten the huts with a caspir and that we would open fire at the same time. It’s the overkill situation that was typically Koevoet. We would shoot as much concentrated fire into a space as possible. We didn’t know how many people might be in there with them, ... The day after the Sebokeng night vigil massacre the house of Emma Kheswa and her son, Khetisi Kheswa, was burned down. It was retaliation. Many believed that Khetisi was responsible, not only for the death of Christopher Nangalembe, but for the killing of 38 people at the vigil one week later. Hello. Welcome to the Special Report. There were no hearings of the Truth Commission this past week. Instead, we focus on three issues very relevant to the Truth Commission process. We examine the concept of evil, we look at the death and destruction the South African armed forces had caused in ... It is perpetrated, we believe, by forces that are against the talks about peace. The violence is particularly connected with Inkatha and people are saying that openly. As the life of the Truth Commission comes to an end we have to ask ourselves what role its activities have played in reconciling our nation. Throughout this programme you have seen amazing moments at hearings where people reached out to each other, forgave each other, embraced each other, moments ... ... to even feel that we may have failed the victims by saying that there is an atmosphere in this country where reconciliation could take place. I am aware that our role as a Commission and with the presentation of the report to the president, how the president deals with the report is really ... ‘The Violated’ // On the 15th of April 1996, almost exactly two years ago, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission took its seat for the first time in the East London City Hall. The road ahead was an unknown one. As Archbishop Desmond Tutu symbolically opened proceedings a solemn hymn swept ... So that when I was born at Mzimkulu on a farm, I grew up there, I schooled there but my father was interested that we must not lose touch with Natal. So, most of my father’s children, including me, did most of their schooling in Natal so that we could not lose touch with our roots. That is why ... ‘Comrades, die dag is ‘n ander dag vir ons. Dit is ‘n seer dag vir ons wat onse mense in die verlede swaar getref het … wat sal vandag voor die hof verskyn. So comrades, ek sal laaik laat ons nie almal onder die bome staan nie. Ons moet saam wys dat ons het pyn van onse comrades wat in die ... Why are you seeking to discredit people who I think honestly tried to come and give evidence? I think that for me that’s a problem. The second question I want to put to you is however you perceive the situation these were youngsters who congregated around you, you in fact took them along with you ... Dr Francis Aims was head of the University of Cape Town’s neurology department when a severely ill Mtimkulu was sent to her at Groote Schuur Hospital in November 1981. // He was on discharge after five months in prison with only the police having access to him. He was ill immediately after ... ‘Any changes which are to come can only come as a result of a programme worked out by black people. And for black people to be able to work out a programme they need to defeat the one main element in politics which was working against them and this was a psychological feeling of inferiority.’ ... were of torture and abduction, rumours that became reality. // ‘This is Siphiwo’s hair, this is the scalp’ // They spoke about massacres and wars; they spoke about death of a single child and about the killing of whole families. // ‘I heard their voices, no one screamed twice, each one ... After Nelson Mandela’s release and after the last political prisoners left Robben Island in 1991 there were many questions about the Island’s future. After much debate is has now been declared a National Monument and Museum. More than 250 people now make this trip across Table Bay every day to ... ‘Ek wil ‘n beroep doen op die NG Kerk familie, dis die vier apartheids kerke, dat hulle sigbaarheid moet verleen aan die eenheid van Christus, nie vir mense nie, dat hulle sigbaarheid moet verleen aan die eenheid van Christus dat ons nie die volgende millennium in moet gaan as ‘n verdeelde ... |