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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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... - there must have been people travelling on the road. We have no independent witnesses. We’ve got absolutely nobody who can really come forward and say ‘we were involved, we did this and this and this.’ ...
But maybe the most useful to the Truth Commission’s search for truth was the ANC’s list of more than a 1000 ANC members who died in exile. This included the names of 34 people executed by order of the ANC’s military tribunal. But questions around the mysterious death of MK commander Thami ...
Hopefully we are rid of that problem forever. In July 1985 the minister of police declared a state of emergency. The police and the military were given extraordinary powers to quail the rage that was bursting out of the black communities all over South Africa. But people refused to be put down. By ...
Sophie’s brother, Nelson Sinxoshe was sentenced to 35 years for Geelboy Tshemeshe’s death. // I just got out because we got indemnity. I would still be in prison now, all because of lies. These people, the perpetrators, they are alive. What are you doing about them? My life is ruined. What are ...
Brian Ngqulunga was a frail, pathetic looking person, human being. He took him, he beat him up and when Brian lost consciousness he picked him up, he threw him up in the sky and when Brian landed with this certain thud, he jumped. You know, if you know De Kock, he’s a big guy with a big torso. He ...
In terms of our history it was also felt again that the children need to know the history of this place and in that respect the exhibition can be continued and be expanded. More people need to be drawn into writing the history of Oudtshoorn so that children can go and know that Oudtshoorn wasn’t ...
Did you accompany them taking the woman around the house, to the back of the house? // No sir, I did not accompany them. // Who cut off the woman’s breast? // I do not know because there were many people. // Who raped the woman? // I did not see who raped her, because at that time it was just ...
By 1986 the people in the townships around Phalaborwa were increasingly being harassed and terrorized by soldiers from the nearby army base, housing Reconnaissance Five Commando. On Good Friday, 1986 a hand grenade attack on a meeting of township activists shook the community of Lulekani. The lives ...
We searched all over for Nokuthula and we never found Nokuthula, even at the border we went to inquire if she’s crossed and to no avail. Some in Swaziland said the ANC people sent her to the republic and we went to the ANC people and they denied any knowledge of Nokuthula. In 1985 we decided to ...
‘Third Force: Operation Marion.’ // I really can’t give you a very informed opinion. My recollection of that was as I can remember, a case was made out that then Chief Minister Buthelezi’s life was under threat, many of his leading figures had been targeted. There’s need for well trained ...
‘Kaffir! Waar’s jou pas?’ [Where’s your pass?] // ’17 745 741 people arrested.’
These people wanted to know is it a male or a female that you are carrying, the child. But before they could see that it’s a boy they pulled this child by the foot and they hit this child against the wall and he cracked his skull.
... And we hope to bring you some straight answers in our programme next Sunday. Our team will also be in Upington and Thohoyandouthis week. We look forward to your company next Sunday evening. Good ...
I’d like to emphasise that we’ll always listen and try as much as possible to meet the needs of the people. But what we are going to do is to translate those needs in a way that’s going to be viable for the government and in a way that’s going to help the national healing of the ...
Mister Mitchell, are you now desirous of making amends? // Yes I am. Although it may be impossible to do it, but I am desirous of that. // You’ve become a Christian and understand the value of forgiveness. Will you let us have your thoughts on that? // Yes I understand that forgiveness does not ...
‘The Swazi people have insured that the diamond jubilee is going to be something to remember’ // On TV most things about the year 1981 appeared hunky-dory. // ‘The problems of being overweight are experienced not only by man. The world’s biggest puff adder in captivity has just heard that ...
... with the cruel story that started with the arrest of Mamelodi activist, Stanza Bopape on the ninth of June 1988. His disappearance shortly afterwards became one of the big mysteries of the last decade, because few people believed the convoluted cover-up that reached right into the cabinet and ...
Over the fourteen months the South African truth process developed its own unique identity. Even while listening to the most harrowing testimony people could still laugh. People also sang, gave comfort to others and when there was nothing more to say, they prayed.
... and it was really a large rally, I was there myself) called the people up to the third freedom struggle. As the two previous freedom struggles were wars this was clearly a call to arms for ...
Hello. We cover the whole spectrum of the Truth Commission process in today’s Special Report: brutality, forgiveness and justice. We focus on two assassinations today, David Webster and Anton Lubowski, and not surprisingly the same characters appear in both dramas. We also look at what that old ...
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