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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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Joe Mamasela was not at the amnesty hearing and he’s not scheduled to appear before the Commission. We asked Amnesty Committee spokesman Cocky Mpshe, why not? // Joe Mamasela is not here and Joe Mamasela may not be here because he is presently what we call a section 204 witness. That simply means ...
Komape Molapo is a survivor of another grenade attack at the hotel in the Namakgale township in the same month. He believes that soldiers from the same unit were responsible. // Three shots were fired and after that hand grenade, hand grenade, hand grenades were thrown in. It got me on the soldier ...
The first wave of horror came in May 1986. Over three days the ‘fathers,’ or witdoeke systematically burned three satellite squatter camps around Crossroads to the ground. The security forces then stepped in. They encircled the area with barbed wire to prevent the 30 000 left homeless by the ...
Look your position if I understand it correctly is that Vlakplaas is an aberration like a lot of these other things that were debated this morning. And the explanation, as I understand it, that you were proffering was that it must have been an officer or two or whatever, lower down the hierarchy, ...
This week, for the first time ever in the life of the Truth Commission a policeman voluntarily took the stand to give supporting evidence. Capt Peter John Clayton had been on duty the night Adri Faas was shot. He told the Truth Commission what had happened that evening. // I cannot remember ...
Vendaland was ideal guerrilla territory, close to the border countries friendly to the ANC and PAC. Mountainous and clustered with orchards of bananas and avocadoes. But it was the support of Vendaland’s people that made the difference for liberation armies. Willie Mudau, a former black ...
Lunchtime January 25, 1980. Three Umkhonto we Sizwe storm into the Silverton branch of Volkskas bank, but it wasn’t a robbery. It is one of MK’s strangest operations. They kept 25 people hostage for six hours.
Eleven people died in the Trust Feed massacre. Captain Brian Mitchell is serving a 30 year sentence for this crime. Four special policemen who were also convicted have since received indemnity.
The witnesses testified as a group, each one telling their chapter of the story which began as it would end, with a funeral. Almost 2000 people planned to travel from Langa township to KwaNobuhle on the other side of Uitenhage for the burial of six people killed by police during a stay-away the ...
Although the comrades were no match for the gang, retaliation was on the cards. // I think the community realised that this was only a few people. At least if we faced the police then it’s better than facing many people who are coming from different sides. They decided this people should go, and ...
Ja, Kabasa I think was formed by the police when they saw the youth and the people around those townships so united behind the UDF, behind LOYOMO, behind the ANC. And the system thought of a way how to destabilize. It really terrorized this township, it brought about divisions where people never ...
I wish to comment on crimes committed by security forces. Up to 1994 when I was given the job by the then state president in the TEC, of going into the recommendations and findings of the Goldstone Commission, I never realized what was happening in this country in reality. I had a good idea, but ...
Pedro had a letter with the names of his contacts in Lesotho. Benzien wanted those names, badly. // I was given instructions to carry a letter which I should not open until such time as I’d cross the Lesotho border and then I would find out who these people were and where I was supposed to meet ...
Black resistance in South Africa during these years were partly inspired by the spread of ‘uhuru’ in the rest of colonial Africa. By the mid-sixties many African countries had cast off the colonialist yoke and became independent states. // The PAC organised a massive protest against the pass ...
And in the morning the very same people came in the very same uniform. They were still like the previous day. They took my name. They said they needed some statements as to who had injured the people. I was quite scared to tell them that you are the ones that were here yesterday.
I can’t give the exact detail how we did the layout and the planning because for the future those type of plans may be used again, so I can’t divulge information regarding that. But the people waited, Vlakplaas members with Piet Retief members, for the people to infiltrate. And what happened is ...
... of some 100 people gathered around his body and he was stabbed and set alight. // It was dark with the crowd as they were running and they ran downwards. A little while later a boy came in the back door and said Aunty Baby they have already killed Jetta and he is lying there ...
Dozens and dozens and dozens of killings, no prosecutions and the one prosecution that we’ve had so far is just the foot soldiers. And they have killed. I mean, you talk about Eugene de Kock, someone like Israel Hlongwane has killed dozens of people, I mean there are dozens of Eugene de Kock’s ...
It was a truly symbolic moment when these three theologians made their way to the Truth Commission stage this week. Coming from the church seen to have been the theological backbone of the National Party their confession before the people of Paarl and Stellenbosch was a meaningful milestone in the ...
... I say, a person should attack the police or the army, why attack innocent people sitting here enjoying themselves, who never had any ill feeling towards blacks before? And I thought people should be found and justice should be done. Because they haven’t asked forgiveness or anything. ...
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