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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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The request that I want to make is that in all that I have done I did it because I was tempted by a very clever person who was older than me. And after such a long time that the Asvat family has been troubled, wanting to know as to the circumstances surrounding their relative, their father or their ...
But the message that was given many people was you’re a coward or there’s something wrong with you, and again there was the attitude of almost a joke, bossies was a sort of a joke. People joked about whether they were or weren’t or whether other people were or weren’t, without really ...
Badenhorst said Webster’s killing came up again, often. // I began to take it seriously when he told me in about 1995 that Calla Botha was the driver of the car. He said Calla was so shocked that he had to threaten him with a gun to get him to drive away. He told me Webster was an ANC activist ...
The Truth Commission can, according to the Act of Parliament that governs them, investigate the gross human rights violations perpetrated by Vlakplaas, but there are other apartheid practices that did even more damage to generations of our people that cannot be narrowly defined as individual human ...
We have seen very few former politicians, generals and foot soldiers expressing genuine regret for the evils of the past. The apologies we have heard so far mostly went along the lines of, if we hurt people, we are sorry, but we didn’t mean it. Adriaan Vlok and Pik Botha also expressed regret.
And yet many of the files do remain. // It’s very difficult for any bureaucracy the size of the South African state to ensure that every copy of every document is destroyed. There is also evidence of certain people who just chose not to destroy documents, that’s all. They just didn’t do it. ...
A lot of the evidence I have listened to at the Truth Commission hearings were really heartbreaking. But when the testimony is about the human rights violations of children, it is more than disturbing. The Truth Commission recently held special children’s hearings in East London and Bloemfontein. ...
On Tuesday morning the TRC led an emotional return to the scene of the shooting. // There should never be a repetition of an act such as this one. So we asked you to pour your holy spirit upon the hearts of your people. // ‘Doreen Rousseau, wounded and crippled.’ // … Do not yield by running ...
There were strong men but at night people cry. When you ask them why are you crying they said I was dreaming I’m on my way to the death row.
I didn’t see anything. I cannot explain what happened … during the shooting, but it lasted about 7 to 8 minutes, the shooting going on. When I stood up the only thing that I heard my sister saying ‘please come and phone most of the people are injured outside here.’ People who knew him ...
In October 1990 three men belonging to the right wing Orde Boerevolk attacked a bus of black commuters. Seven people were killed and 27 injured in this racially motivated attack. Piet Botha, Adriaan Smuts and Eugene Marais had executed the attack. They wanted to kill black people in revenge for an ...
Some people will be more able to finish their unfinished business, to get peace within themselves if they don’t have a grave, than other people. Some victims will suffer more to have that internal process completed than others. And some of them will need some facilitation to get there and to ...
The names of some policemen keep coming up during the Commission hearings. This is warrant officer Joe Mamasela. He’s already confessed to being part of the murders of three Port Elizabeth community leaders and Durban lawyer, Griffiths Mxenge. He was mentioned again by the relatives of three ...
‘Torture and Killing: Stanza Bopape.’ // I would firstly like to emphasize on this question as with the others that obviously that is absolutely unacceptable, it falls outside the parameters of anything which was ever authorised or intended by government policy, government decisions, or any ...
In the morning you would wake up and see a soldier in front of your house with a gun. The whole township was surrounded by the soldiers. This made people to be angry. // We are injured; we have wounds inside because of what they have done to us as black people. They were killing us. // Those who ...
But the ANC is not denying that there were what they called ‘excesses’ in their camps, in fact a lot of what we know of the violations in these camps come from documentation given to the Truth Commission by the ANC and from several commissions of inquiry the ANC itself had appointed. The ANC ...
On the 15th of April last year the Truth and Reconciliation Commission held its very first hearing, it was a session of the Human Rights Violations Committee. This Committee had its last hearing this past week in the Eastern Free State. In the 14 months of Human Rights Violations hearings some 2000 ...
I went to the area to kill all the people who were attacking these people who were running to us. // Did you kill any people and how many people did you kill? // Many things happened, some of them got injured, some died, I can’t remember the number because I used to do this and run away. // Is ...
‘Gary Kruser, Former MK Commander, Torture victim.’ // You weren’t arrested by the team in my car. // You personally arrested me, yourself and Piet Goosen. You remember? // It’s difficult to remember sir. // You put me in a kombi yourself, Goosen and Liebenberg and drove me to Culemborg. // ...
Township residents were expecting a vigilante attack. Matela claims that he went to go and find the ANC members who were on patrol to alert them that the white people were looking for them. The news spread like wild fire and at some stage a large group of angry residents, fearing that these people ...
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