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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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Sophiatown was razed to the ground as if to erase the memory of what could have been and in its place came ‘Triomf’, ‘triumph,’ victory. The sterile suburban streets that emerged were indeed seen as a triumph for white rule. The spirit of Sophiatown was broken, its people dispersed. But in ...
Mr van Zyl, 63 stab wounds were inflicted on the four people you murdered on the night of the 27th 1985. Do you agree with the District Surgeon’s report with that? // I cannot disagree with that Mr Chairman. // Do you agree that the 63 stab wounds is evidence of barbaric conduct? // Mr ...
But we start tonight’s programme with some of the most difficult images of the Truth Commission process. In most cultures the bodily remains of a person are seen as more than just a collection of bones. It is important to most people that the person you loved should have a decent funeral. More ...
It remains however a sad fact that we have to admit that the historic struggle of the Afrikaner for freedom and self realization did not bring about the sensitivity that was needed in order to understand the same motivations and concerns when they came from black people.
Two years later the Sanlam centre in Amanzimtoti was full of Christmas holiday makers and shoppers when a bomb hidden in the arcade went off. The ANC claimed responsibility, and later a youth Andrew Zondo was arrested, charged and hanged for the offence. Five people died in the blast, among them ...
At quarter to three in the morning my wife and I were asleep in a big double bed at the front of the house when somebody fired over the gate with an assault rifle, firing fully automatic. And it’s a dreadful sound you know, the rat-tat-tat. And there was the smell of explosive and the sound of ...
I think part of healing ourselves will be to admit what we did to each other. And that’s not only what we did to the ANC, it’s what the ANC did to other people.
Over the fourteen months the South African truth process developed its own unique identity. Even while listening to the most harrowing testimony people could still laugh. People also sang, gave comfort to others and when there was nothing more to say, they prayed.
We searched all over for Nokuthula and we never found Nokuthula, even at the border we went to inquire if she’s crossed and to no avail. Some in Swaziland said the ANC people sent her to the republic and we went to the ANC people and they denied any knowledge of Nokuthula. In 1985 we decided to ...
... and it was really a large rally, I was there myself) called the people up to the third freedom struggle. As the two previous freedom struggles were wars this was clearly a call to arms for ...
There came a time of violence and fighting and he was chose to lead the people. Really, as his wife I cannot blame him, because of the way he treated me. Oh my God, he had taken care of me, even others used to call me a Mrs.
... it was your prerogative to say, if this means arrest, let it be … in those terms because we don”t want a situation arising afterwards that people will eliminate people, in the sense of killing them, when in fact what was meant was that they should be arrested or be detained. ...
You know, I’m sick because I’m crying. I haven’t got even a chance to talk to you because I’m very upset. // When it comes from the horse’s mouth you know, from the person who had done the thing, really it’s touching my heart. And everybody I’m sure is touched. It is very sad, ...
‘Third Force: Operation Marion.’ // I really can’t give you a very informed opinion. My recollection of that was as I can remember, a case was made out that then Chief Minister Buthelezi’s life was under threat, many of his leading figures had been targeted. There’s need for well trained ...
By 1986 the people in the townships around Phalaborwa were increasingly being harassed and terrorized by soldiers from the nearby army base, housing Reconnaissance Five Commando. On Good Friday, 1986 a hand grenade attack on a meeting of township activists shook the community of Lulekani. The lives ...
... was actually my boss so I had to kind of obey them, etc. but regarding the Mbokodo I couldn’t do it so on several occasions I went to them and I warned them not to use the Mbokodo to set up roadblocks, to attack ...
Our next piece has nothing to do with murder or massacres or torture or forced removals. It still breaks your heart. During the apartheid years many African people living in the so-called Coloured preferential areas gave up their ethnic identities and became ‘Coloured’. In the Karoo they called ...
... 1 at eight o’clock every Sunday evening. It is going to be worth watching in the months to come, the search for truth is becoming more and more rewarding. Until next Sunday, goodbye. ...
Brian Ngqulunga was a frail, pathetic looking person, human being. He took him, he beat him up and when Brian lost consciousness he picked him up, he threw him up in the sky and when Brian landed with this certain thud, he jumped. You know, if you know De Kock, he’s a big guy with a big torso. He ...
Did you accompany them taking the woman around the house, to the back of the house? // No sir, I did not accompany them. // Who cut off the woman’s breast? // I do not know because there were many people. // Who raped the woman? // I did not see who raped her, because at that time it was just ...
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