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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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Why was a bomb placed and incidentally under the table where my daughter just happened to sit? She walked in, it was an empty table, and she sat there, to having a usual breakfast in Wimpy bar. I believe she was expecting some friends as well. I’m glad, and I always thank Lord for that, that my ...
We have nothing to do with this quarrel between politicians, but we at the Truth Commission Special Report have the duty to say to Mr. De Klerk, we are not saying you killed anybody or that you ordered any assassinations. But why does Mr. De Klerk and his former colleagues shy away from taking ...
By the end of the day the communities of Bridgton and Bongulethu had given their way forward and the Truth Commission’s Committee had taken note. // It was also asked that these people who died in the apartheid era have a monument dedicated to them. It was also asked that the women sit down and ...
In the same year that the Ribeiro’s were assassinated, in 1986, Piet Ntuli was minister of the interior in the former homeland of KwaNdebele. He was put there by the South African government but then they lost control over him. As Jack Cronje tells it Ntuli became leader of Imbokodo, a ...
The suffering of the South African people may be over but the psychological damage will have an effect for a long time to come. In tonight’s programme we focus on post traumatic stress disorder. We visit the vast, peaceful plains of the Karoo where the Truth Commission encountered unexpected ...
The police occurrence book at John Vorster Square … warrant officer Mostert is one of the people who took Stanza out for the investigation, during which it was alleged that he escaped. We can only infer that those were the people that were actually involved with this interrogation and who would ...
For those who stayed behind in South Africa the late eighties was a time of confusion and conflict between those in the struggle and those perceived to be sell-outs. Metabo Mantsunyane was a member of the Dikwankwetla party in QwaQwa. The comrades branded her a traitor and burnt her house three ...
I was merely commanding, telling people not to do this in this particular area or what what. At no stage as a person did I throw even a stone. Mine was to direct the people. // Within the march there were those that were communicating very carefully as to who is staying where in terms of UDF ...
Jann, we come running through the gap in the fence. We come running for 50, 60 yards. 100, 200 people behind me, many more following. We come to a situation about here at the telecommunication centre, lots of soldiers lined up there.
We were really at the stage where we would have been closed down and one of the parents brought me a number on a little, small piece of paper and said, just for the last time contact these people. And this was a German trust, a Christian development trust and they came out here and they looked at ...
... go horribly wrong. Now I think that’s what we would like to get an answer on. // I guess nobody has the answer. Maybe, and let me try to put forward some of one’s own views in that regard, maybe it’s just a question that things have developed over a period of time in such a way that in ...
The truth about South Africa’s past is locked up in the memories of its people, but also in hundreds of thousands of files kept by the state and security forces. Victims and perpetrators have been and are telling their stories to the Truth Commission, but a special challenge to the Truth ...
I think if I look back at it now, I would see it as being naïve to think that one could really change the country and the future of people in South Africa. // I was terribly afraid of the unknown of what would happen in South Africa. At that stage I feared an ANC takeover and now I know it was ...
as Ubuntu, right, that is humanity, respect of other people’s integrity and life. // But in general, people are saying give them a chance, come forward. In other words, they are forgiving them. One of the reasons is the Mandela factor. The kind of leader we have in South Africa is an example, a ...
Mbeki also spoke about the Amanzimtoti supermarket bomb in 1985 where five people were killed and more than 40 injured. MK cadre Andrew Zondo planted the bomb after hearing about a South African attack on Lesotho in which more than forty people died. Zondo was later hanged for this deed.
Good evening. Two of the four people injured in two separate landmine blasts in the Eastern Transvaal yesterday are in a critical condition in the Rob Ferreira Hospital in Nelspruit. The latest blast near Nelspruit came just hours after terrorists launched an attack on a sewerage works near the ...
During the eighties the common purpose principle was widely used in our courts. Sharpeville, Upington and Delmas saw some of the high profile cases in which people were found guilty of murders they had not actually committed. But what exactly is common purpose? // // Common purpose is a principle ...
Today, Dan Mtembu, one of the people she implicated, works for an insurance company. He denies that he ever attacked anybody, but says that he did defend himself against what he calls the tsotsi element. And about the house he says.
The remains of a deceased person are very important to the family. People would want to know where their grave is, so that when the time comes for that family, members of that family to communicate with the dead people, the deceased, they will know where to go and stand or where to go and kneel so ...
Sicelo Dhlomo was a bright young activist well known in Gauteng in the 1980s. Police were hunting for him, long before his death in January 1988. // His mother, Sylvia Dhlomo-Jele, began to fear for his life, but is seems as if Sicelo too had a premonition about his fate. // …referring to his ...
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