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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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MR PETENI: Yes, I participated because what was important there, or what I knew about that day, was not the fact that -I knew the main purpose of my being there in that meeting that was called by Gen Nqoya, the reason why I went to that meeting is that I knew that we had to remove Brig Gqozo from ...
I would like all the people who gave evidence this morning to stand up so that we can thank all of them.
... regards to my child. She should be cared for. What kind of help can she be offered in this life? And the people who shot at her should come forward and they should tell us the reasons why they shot at my daughter and maybe I will have peace. I will stop there. Thank ...
DR BORAINE: The next witness to appear before the Commission is Cornish Mmeko Makhanya and I would be grateful if he would come forward. Mr Makanya thank you very much for coming, you've had a long wait as well and we have had to rearrange the programme because of different people coming at ...
MR LOOTS: It was so that we were approximately 20 or 25 people who came together.
Sir, as I understand you correctly, you only saw two people assaulting the deceased, am I right?
Thank you - thank you very much, that’s very helpful. I just - can you remember if you think back now did the police ever say why they were taking your brother or what did they accuse him of because he was obviously never tried - he was detained like so many other people but did they ever say ...
CHAIRPERSON: Now I don't know if you want everybody else to return their present bundles to you. I don't think the people who are going to prepare affidavits and other documents, can do so, I think they will need to keep them, but we have returned ours - well my Members of my Committee have. Okay.
forgiven him. This is the kind of life that I am now leading. My mom is here with me and she is also sick. She witnessed the whole thing as I was in the hospital. That is at Sebokeng Hospital. And she was running up and down. We have been to doctors and she said with the grace of God you will ...
Now are we to understand from this firstly, that there were experiments done on animals and in people, and in fact it was used in a combat situation, the incapacitant which was made up of, amongst other things, methaqualone?
"We noticed certain white people in civilian clothes assaulting some black street hawkers with sjambocks."
Thank you Chairperson if I may I then ask Ms Javens to speak to us now, do we need to move the microphone near her. Thank you Ms Javens, this is a story that is quite well known, so we’ll try not to put you through too much as we ask you questions. But your husband was one of the people who was ...
MR SNYDERS: Mr Chairperson, I was treated for post-traumatic stress after I was released or resigned from the police and after this long period of time and I compiled my application, it may be that some of the details I cannot recall or may be confusing some of them and also those people who were ...
At this meeting we made the decision that the facility of Serache must be attacked by the Defence Force and that the people would be killed.
DR RANDERA: I would like to say that there are people here today who have come to make statements. If there are, please if you can go through that entrance at any time during the day of over the next three days. Statement takers are present and will be able to take your statements today and over ...
CHAIRPERSON: The next witness, could those people who are leaving please keep as quiet as possible.
I asked for his clothes which they wouldn't give to me. I then went home. Then I told people there that they had told me when to have his funeral.
JUDGE DE JAGER: Why do you say he practised a bad medicine, what did he do that was so bad? Because some people are doing good things, some bad, what did he do that you considered to be bad medicine tradition?
MR BOOYENS: Did you then give the radio signal that the people were being led in?
MR SIMELANE: Let me start off with the first one. As I was a member of the SDU we were divided into cells and sometimes there would be 10 to 15 people within a cell and each cell had a commander and there was an area commander as well as a central commander.
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