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right-wing attacks

Prior to February 1990, violations committed by members of right-wing organisations took the form of isolated attacks with a strong racist character. During the early 1990s, members of right-wing organisations, perceiving themselves to be placed under siege by the process of constitutional negotiations for a democratic dispensation, carried out a large number of attacks aimed at securing the political interests of conservative Afrikaners. Isolated racist attacks on individuals were replaced by mass demonstrations and orchestrated bombing and sabotage campaigns. Between April 1993 and May 1994, right-wing groups engaged in a range of activities to disrupt the negotiations process then underway, and later to destabilise the electoral process. Many of these acts were directed against persons perceived to be supporters and leaders of the ANC, the SACP, the UDF, the PAC and the National Party, and resulted in gross violations of human rights. Violations of a purely racial character were also carried out against black people. During the pre-election period, the AWB and other right-wing organisations engaged in a bombing campaign with the aim of derailing the electoral process. The objective of these activities was to move towards 'overthrowing' the National Party government and to establish a Boererepubliek (Boer republic) and volkstaat. Public areas such as taxi ranks, bus stops and railway stations were targeted, as were private residential and business premises of those associated with the ANC or the unfolding democratic order. State property was also targeted, especially following the announcement that the Group Areas Act was to be repealed and schools opened to all. A number of formerly 'white' schools were bombed. The campaign involved many acts of sabotage, some of which led to the loss of life.

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MR VISSER: And this was in the matter attacks on houses, can you recall the names of the persons?
... that was dealing with what? Or tell us a little bit about the organisation. --- That women organisation was formed as a result of these attacks. We came together as women because we were all facing this problem of losing our children ranging around the ages of 17. And also one other ...
MS MTANGA: Did you know about any plot to kill anyone who refused to participate in the revenge attacks?
... flowing from the incident. We further recommend to the Reparation and Rehabilitation Committee those persons identified above as targets of the attacks for which amnesty is being sought, be declared victims and considered for the award of ...
MR PATEL: And finally you claim amnesty for a general instruction to set up self-defence units who were to illegally arm themselves and to protect themselves in the community from unlawful attacks and at all costs to achieve stability in the area, do you confirm that?
MS LOONAT: So in fact, when you planned to carry out these retaliatory attacks on the other party, were you given any particular order or instruction to do so? Or to report to anybody when you'd done so?
Will you please tell us about that. Colonel van Rensburg proposed and gave order that the attacks should appear as if it was a vigilante or ...(indistinct) attack,
I have to address Mr Coleridge because unfortunately there are attacks on myself as a legal representative and my client. Well, first of all, we don't profess to exert any power. What we do have, is a Court order. We followed the justice process and the justice process agreed with my client. ...
... this organisation sought to disrupt the election which was to take place during this period. As part of this attempt to disrupt the election, attacks were launched on the lives of candidates who were running for election and apart from this, bomb attacks were also launched on premises which ...
The Applicant had not seen the deceased, Lifa Alwin Mtimkulu, during any of the attacks on the hostel. Lifa was, however, known to him as an ANC member or supporter. This is what led to him being attacked at Meadowlands Zone 4 where a wedding party was in progress.
MR VAN ZYL: But the fact is that we have heard evidence here that there were previous attacks also where there was a direct confrontation with the authorities regarding the records of patients. We asked the first witness. Unfortunately, I couldn't at that time ...(intervention)
MR VISSER: Tell me this, you say you were involved in other operations as well, attacks carried out within the borders of the Republic of South Africa?
If you refer to vigilante attacks, which form did these vigilante attacks take, according to the best of your knowledge?
MR TAYLOR: It was mostly, at that time, between AZAPO and the UDF, also assaults on policemen amongst others, the assaults on presons who at stage were under suspicion that they were informers. Those types of attacks were what we were referring to when we spoke of vigilante attacks.
... have fired a warning shot so as to avoid shooting innocent people. His subsequent shooting of the women who he conceded had nothing to do with the attacks, thus makes no sense in the light of this ...
MR WILLS: And then the other incidents you are applying for amnesty concern attacks when you were stationed at Ndwedwe and there are attacks on ANC areas, and there are two incidents there, there’s an attack which we’re going to get into the details of in respect of where a pregnant woman was ...
CHAIRPERSON: Yes, but most of the attacks the objective was to kill people, but that also necessitated some sort of planning. What Ms van der Westhuizen wants to know is, did you people when you set off, when you got those firearms, did you have any plan in mind how you would go about killing ...
MR LUBBE: Maybe you should ...(indistinct) into the detail just indicate to the Committee what led the Black Cats to proceed from Ermelo to Davel. What was the reason behind this, why did you move from point A to point B to pursue your attacks in that area?
... what this week was all about in the amnesty application where certain applicants applied to appear in front of the Commission to hear evidence of attacks that took place in the early years '88 and this is why the Commission sits this week and can I ask you, are you aware of the facts that were ...
... which Capt Prinsloo has set out in his application, that he knew about the informers with the Security Branch, that he was involved in planning attacks on the residences of policemen or at least that it was his objective to do so, that he was a trained MK terrorist, that he was interrogated ...
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