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On 2 February 1990, President F W de Klerk announced the unbanning of liberation movements and other organisations, the release of political prisoners, the lifting of restrictions on 33 organisations and a moratorium on judicial executions. Nelson Mandela was released from prison on 11 February 1990. Political conflict and violence broke out on both these dates in several areas across the country, but particularly in KwaZulu/Natal between UDF (and ANC) supporters and Inkatha.

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But he was also a very loyal member of Umkhonto weSizwe and with the opening up of the negotiations process - with the unbanning of the ANC and the South African Communist Party, the armed struggle - there was a cease-fire almost immediately. And then in August of 1990 with the signing of the ...
Mr de Kock, yesterday afternoon we were busy dealing with the position of Vlakplaas, after the unbanning of the organisations such as the ANC.
MR FRANCIS: But you had no problem with that, with the unbanning?
MR HATTINGH: We move to page 72 and we deal with Vlakplaas after the unbanning of the liberation movements. Did you make any recommendations after those organisations were unbanned?
... by the AWB, and it was compiled on the basis of Rightwing attacks over the period starting the 8th of February 1990 after Mr De Klerk announced the unbanning of the SA Communist ...
MR FRANCIS: And is it also not true that the rank and file of the ANC members were caught off-guard when the former President, De Klerk, announced the unbanning of the organisations on the 2nd of February 1990?
... when you were involved in counter-insurgency and the tracing of terrorists, how would you describe the role of Vlakplaas after 1990, after the unbanning of the ANC in your own ...
It is also patently clear that in spite of the unbanning of the ANC/SACP alliance, that the ANC, the IFP, the Security Forces and the Right were still involved in that undeclared, by some, war up until the time of the April 1994 elections.
After the unbanning of the ANC in 1990 we tried to update our records. A full-time Bereaved Parents Committee was set up to take on this task by attempting to find more information on those who had died or disappeared. In addition this group was tasked with making contact with affected families ...
MR HATTINGH: Just a moment please Mr Chairperson. Please turn to page 72. The heading at 2.7 is "Vlakplaas After the Unbanning of Certain Political Organisations".
ADV DE JAGER: So you didn't know whether that massacre was after the unbanning or before the unbanning?
... context of that time, with regard to the Harms Commission, in the Nelspruit incident you will recall that evidence was given about this, after the unbanning of the ANC nothing had changed from the viewpoint of the Security Police and Vlakplaas with regard to the struggle as it reigned at that ...
MR BOOYENS: What was the position with regard to onslaughts on policemen, once again after the unbanning, did it continue or did it cease, what was the position?
MR CORNELIUS: To be able to continue with their activities after the unbanning at the end of 1990?
MR CORNELIUS: Let me take you back to the unbanning of the ANC, the ANC was unbanned in 1990?
But now with the unbanning of the Liberation movements and the return of the exiles, we also had you know, that great expectation, looking, expecting that at one time or another our brother would come back. Exiles were already returning and we tried to enquire from the comrades who were returning ...
MR HATTINGH: After the unbanning of the ANC?
Boputhatswana and of the ANC, both from exile and also following its unbanning in 1990. In addition to this, given the
CHAIRPERSON: The unbanning of the organisations was designed to deceive the people?
MR PRINSLOO: At that stage Doctor, did it influence or effect the policies or the approach of the CP - this is now the unbanning of the ANC and the SACP, did it have an effect?
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