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for elsies river
MR CRAUSE: That is paragraph 103, Chairperson. During March/April '87 with Loots I had a meeting at Pienaarsrivier. I just want to put it correctly, I wasn't quite sure at which river, but it must have been the Hennops Pride River.
MR HATTINGH: Yes, there was a shooting range near the river, where there was also some form of a picnic area?
... members and the other members had gone with Maponya, where they were interrogating him, and we were told that they were at the braai area by the river and Mr de Kock went to the braai area by the river. I stayed at the canteen and I had one or two drinks and then Willie Nortje and I went down ...
... to the commemoration of that day? --- It was the specific day that God has given the Zulus into the hands of the Voortrekkers at Blood River, and a covenant that was made that day, a promise that was made that day to God. It will be a yearly commemoration of the specific day for the ...
My position on that day was in the river bed, in a sandy ditch. Please could you refer to Exhibit C.
I was also told that observation points had already been created, and that these posts would be responsible for monitoring these people from the moment that they entered the Republic, or the moment they crossed the border and that was across the Limpopo River.
MR NAUDE: The evidence is also right there because it was an incline but on the other side of the river there was a tree, and it went through the river into the tree.
was a river and on the RSA side there was just an ordinary
... go and look at Buffalo. Don’t you know that your children have not been well brought up. I could connect the fact that I had to go to the Buffalo River and the other kids were drenching wet. I wasn’t sure what was happening. I just went to the police station with the R40-00 as instructed. ...
... explain to you now what the surroundings looked like there. It is mountainous. We were on a little koppie or hill, five to 800 metres from the river. That's where we took up our positions. ...
MS POSWA: So you sit two people by a river, you come from behind and you shoot them in the head. One man presumably one of your own, and now you want this Committee to forgive you for that and the families, moreover the families, to forgive you having committed this cold-blooded and callous murder ...
... with regard to the elimination method was decided that the two would be shot dead the same evening and that their bodies be thrown into the river. van der Westhuizen was a fisherman and knew the rivers well and he went on a reconnaissance tour of the Tugela. van der Westhuizen departed ...
MR CRAUSE: Upon our arrival at the border, we found that - I am not sure, but I think that it is the Ramotswe river - that it was in flood, seeing as it rained a lot the previous day. Mr Modise was afraid to go into the water or to walk through the river and Brigadier Loots gave me an order to ...
MR McCASKILL: Before they asked me to take Leon to the river for the firearms.
MR BOSCH: In this operation my role was to supply transport for the persons who were going to Mr McCaskill's house. We obtained the vehicles in Lesotho after we went through the river.
MR HATTINGH: Do you know how the driver of your vehicle knew that you had to go to the river, or to the shooting range?
VIDEO FOOTAGE: I could not believe how many we are, we are enough. The first thing we must remember is that we are white people, but the most important thing of all is that we believe in God who helped us out of Blood River.
(Inaudible) --- Lions River.
... was. She had run away with my younger sister. And they started asking me as to where Dudu was. At that time Dudu had run away across the small river. They found her there. That's when they started beating her and throwing stones on her and the bush knives, they used bush knives as well to ...
MR VAN DER MERWE: The border of the particular area went form Northam in the west along the Limpopo including the interior areas around the bend of the Limpopo river to where the Olifants River crosses the game reserve and then to Pienaars River.
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