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Search Resultsfor elsies riverOn the banks of this river, more than a decade ago, horrific rituals were played out in the dead of night. This is where security policemen got rid of the burnt plastic wrapped remains of Siphiwo Mtimkulu, Topsy Madaka, Sipho Hashe, Champion Galela and Qaqawuli Godolozi. On Wednesday this week, a ... Besides the Komati river and the mineshaft versions of where Stanza’s remains are, a former kitskonstabel, Johnny Mokaleng claimed that he was buried in Phokeng. However the TRC excavation team could not find any evidence. IFP / ANC conflict Bruntville near Mooi river, Kwazulu-Natal Midlands Their bodies they say were burnt and the remains thrown into the Fish river at Cradock. The Amnesty Committee will now have to decide who to believe, because if they accept Joe Mamasela’s version of what happened here the other men are liars and will not get amnesty. But if they accept the ... We are divided by the river, the Umsunduzi river, down there at the valley. That is KwaShange and this is KwaMnyandu. So, when I looked there across I saw that there were many houses burning, sound of gunshots and all that and there were trucks moving up there with some impi’s, people in the ... ... the ash together, put it into black bags. I had the instruction from Capt van Zyl to destroy all evidence of what I had done. I took it to the Fish River, just before Cradock, before you enter Cradock. I emptied the bags into the river and we left for Port Elizabeth. ... This is the river that we used to cross at the time of the state of emergency, where the police were having their road blocks. We used to cross this river only because we don’t want to get in touch with the police. This is the only entrance to Zwelethemba. At the four way stop here is always ... Chalmers police station where they were given drinks spiked with sedatives and then shot. Their bodies were burnt and the remains thrown in the Fish River. Nick van Rensburg and Gideon Niewoudt are both applying for amnesty for their deaths. They are now admitting that they lied. At the Truth ... I just think about my husband now; I started to think about him a lot now because I didn’t know that they put them here in this river. So I feel upset, so upset. I feel lonely and upset. ... // Yes. // Is it true that Lt Niewoudt removed these bags with the ashes and reported back to you later that he had thrown the bags in the Fish River? // That’s ... ... So how will you know where the truth is? My mind tells me that they killed him and that they burned his corpse. But they say they dumped him in the river. They know that we will never find him there because they can say that the crocodiles ate him. All I am asking of them is to tell the truth and ... Like the Umsunduzi river which runs through the Edendale valley a thread of police complicity runs through the story of the 1990 massacre in this valley. But senior men in the police and army have not taken any responsibility for those seven days of death and destruction. It is the foot soldiers, ... ... on the Swaziland border, his jacket and wallet burnt and the watch and number plates of his car thrown into the reeds on the banks of the Pongola river. The car was set alight. But the family and friends of Griffiths Mxenge never believed the cover up. They are opposing Coetzee’s amnesty ... ... Now, according to documentation in our possession and it’s also been stated during the course of the hearings the body was dumped in the Komati River. Obviously the TRC that gave evidence still has to be led fully and the TRC then have to assess it and make whatever judgement it makes, but as ... ... Pebco Three who were abducted and murdered by the notorious Eastern Cape security police in May 1985. Their bodies were then thrown into the Fish River. Mrs. Hashe says if it had not been for the Truth and Reconciliation process she may never have discovered the one thing she’d wanted most, ... ... a great deal of wood was available and that we should rather burn the body and they would ensure that the remains would be thrown into the Komati River. And Mr Coetzee also mentioned to me that he had a sleeping drug, Mr Coetzee gave him something to drink, I don’t know whether it was a cold ... This is South African police footage shot from a helicopter which shows David Ntombela’s car driving over the bridge over the flooded Umsunduzi river as the AmaButho to attack the rural community of KwaShange in Vulindlela. It is significant that the police had full awareness of this event taking ... ... asking for amnesty for the 1978 feathering and tarring of university professor Floors van Jaarsveld who questioned the sanctity of the vow of Blood River. Terreblanche also wants amnesty for the so-called battle of Ventersdorp when AWB supporters armed with teargas and fire arms disrupted FW de ... the families how they kidnapped, tortured and murdered their loved ones, before their bodies were set alight and their ashes strewn here in the Fish River. After more than ten years their families find nothing but painful memories in these ... 16 December 1991. Many Afrikaner families celebrated the day of the Vaal or Dingaan’s day, the commemoration of the battle of Blood river. Umkhonto we Sizwe celebrated its thirtieth birthday on the same day. But CODESA was on the horizon, the ruling National Party and the liberation movements ... |