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for elsies river
release the two men, the Durban Security Branch members decided to kill them, which they did on 14 July 1990. The bodies were dumped into the Tugela River mouth.48 47 An ANC operation aimed at strengthening local underground structures and bringing exiled leaders into the country. 48 Amnesty ...
... [JB00402/03WR] and the wounding of two other youths whom they had abducted from a house in Khutsong on 20 November 1990. The youths were taken to a river bank outside the township where they were allegedly kicked, punched, beaten with sticks and iron bars, thrown into the water and shot at by ...
... Steyn [AM4513/97] and HJP ‘Hentie’ Botha [AM4117/97], Shabalala and Ndaba were detained for about seven days before being killed at the Tugela River mouth on 14 July 1990. Their bodies were thrown into the Tugela River. The applications implicate two high-ranking police officers. Other ...
... was travelling in a minibus from Zimbabwe when the vehicle was stopped at a roadblock. He was shot and killed by security forces near the Motale River in Venda. Richard B Molokwane9 (aka Mmutle Ramanase) Age 26; ANC/MK. Vincent Sekete (aka Sydney Sebephu) Age 32; ANC/MK. Killed 28 ...
... where they were interrogated, drugged and finally shot in the head. Their bodies were burnt on a wooden pyre and their remains thrown in the Fish River. The applicants denied any knowledge of Mthimkulu’s earlier poisoning. THE COMMISSION IS SATISFIED THAT ALL EVIDENCE POINTS TO THE FACT THAT ...
... by the Security Branch 239 Members of the Security Branch planted limpet mines in public buildings during this period. Community House in Salt River, which housed many anti-apartheid organisations, was bombed in early September 1987 by Vlakplaas and Security Branch operatives, some of whom ...
... Roy Lovely Gondwe [JB01223/01MPNEL], 26 years old and of unknown political affiliation, was visited by two black men at his place of work in White River, Transvaal, on 5 August 1985. The two men returned later and spoke to Mr Gondwe again. Before leaving his place of work, Mr Gondwe gave a ...
... of being a police informer. All four youths were assaulted, Seipei severely. 53 In early January, Seipei’s decomposing body was found in a river-bed on the outskirts of Soweto. His body and head were riddled with injuries and he had been stabbed in the neck three times. 54 For two ...
... CHEMICALS Killed by poison, drugs, or household substance, such as bleach or drain cleaner. Killed by drowning DROWNING Drowned in a river, swimming pool, or even in a bucket of water. Killed by electrocution ELECTRIC Killed by an electric shock. Killing by death ...
... movement into the country – for example, details about the movements of Venda and South African security forces and the levels of the Limpopo River. 206 Residents who assisted insurgents often suffered severe consequences and frequently became victims of gross human rights violations. ...
... large-scale attacks on adjacent townships and informal settlements in these provinces. Examples are to be found in attacks in Bruntville, Mooi River, in KwaZulu/ Natal on 8 November 1990 (killing sixteen people) and on 3 and 4 December (killing eighteen people). The overwhelming majority of ...
... in 1986 and 1987. 75. Mr Dick Mkhonto, one of the operatives involved in placing the landmines, spoke of careful reconnaissance at the White River hearing on 2 May 1999: After the reconnaissance we found that that place was only used by the military and the police and there were no ...
... in regional profile, Volume Three); h the killing of thirty-four people in two armed attacks by IFP supporters in Bruntville township, Mooi River, in November and December 1990; i the deployment of a joint KZP-IFP hit squad in Esikhawini township in 1990, and the resultant killing of ...
hostel-dwellers travelling through the township to and from the hostels were frequently attacked by township youth. 199 In Bruntville outside Mooi River in the Natal Midlands, hostel-dwellers were predominantly Inkatha-supporting and members of the Inkatha-aligned United Workers’ Union of ...
... hall, where armed men in KZP uniforms questioned and assaulted the union members. They were then bundled into a car and driven towards Lions River. Though shot and injured, Micca Sibiya managed to escape. The charred bodies of the remaining captives were found the following day. A formal ...
... van Loggerenberg. Van Loggerenberg could see that it was a human body covered in plastic. He drove directly to a crocodile hole in the Komati River close to Komatipoort, near a picnic spot frequented by police officers. He pushed the body partially into the hole and it sank away. On his ...
... for amnesty were received for over twenty attacks on offices or buildings, including the following: a The bombing of Community House in Salt River, Cape Town on 29 August 1987. Tenants of the recently completed building were to include COSATU and several anti-apartheid organisations and ...
... amnesty for the abduction and killing of Siphiwe Mthimkulu whose body they claimed they had burnt to ashes that they afterwards threw into the Fish River. The impact of the Human Rights Violations hearings 28 For the eighteen-month period during which they were a major part of the work of the ...
... specifically targeted whites and government agents. 9. The February 1963 attack on a group of whites sleeping at the roadside near Bashee (Mbashe) River Bridge in Transkei, in which five whites were killed, was also found to be an indiscriminate targeting of civilians. A massive police crackdown ...
... 46. Mrs Twabu made the following plea to the Commission: I request that my child’s body be exhumed from Lesotho because he is buried next to a river. The riverbanks are quite big and it is not safe. Could the Commission help me with medical aid, I am mentally ill, I am also – my heart also ...
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