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Search Resultsfor elsies river... know which mortuary it was. The people who were there were scared to meet us. So we went around looking at the mortuaries and found her at Salt River. Where I was not even able to look at her, because at that stage I was still 22 years old, very young. I didn't have the strength to look at ... they left and said they're going to fetch some other comrades in Phalaborwa and then we slept. The following day they took me to Togoyang next to a river called Stubatza. They put something black around my face, they undressed me and poured water on me, and I started feeling pains which I can't ... ... not be found. He surmises that it was dug out by hyenas which were quite common in the area, or swept away by water as it was on the banks of a ... a brief background as to why we are here today. As a black person, and a Zulu too, we knew that whenever the men were fighting they would go to the river and try to wash and heal their wounds. So this is what this is all about. We are talking about reconciliation, as the Chairman has already ... ... and the time but they, who drove ahead, would be in a much better position to get to the point perhaps where we dropped off the members in a dry river bed. That is all that I can ... We came across a big river. I said to Dlamini, where are we going. He said to me, you see, Duma, when we are here, we are going into the Ovambos, to the Ovambo area, which is in the North West, in the South West Africa. When we get there, when we get out we must just grab their guns, we must not ... ... launch another investigation. And I have made the following notes among others. Mr Nofomela stated that I shot the man dead at Vlakplaas, by the river, with a 9mm Baretta pistol with a silencer. I told the General that we had a Baretta with a silencer, he told me that the police did not issue ... ... services there and he gave me 12 million rand. I then went to the regional service council, they gave me the area on the other side of the Jukskei River for administration of that town. There was a guy with the name of Burger who was the chairman of a sub-JMS and the departments doing wonderful ... ... to this case at all, if you want to make sure that somebody is dead, you put another bullet into her or into him, as was the case at the Tugela ... I arrived there at the scene of crime and did some investigations and found blood everywhere, it was just a blood river condition, just like you know it. When I walked there tracking, I found a very tough guy there, and it was a magazine called Scorpion. When I was checking there, I saw three ... ... was Mr Mbele. He asked them, "Why are these people chasing us?" Mr Mbele said, "Maybe it's rushing you for a ticket that you didn't pay at Mooi River." I don't know what date was that for the fine ticket. It seemed it was a speed ticket. My brother said he paid for that ticket. And then ... ... with the Angolan conflict. Firstly there's a map that shows clearly where Lubango was. On the left hand side of the map about from the Okavango River border about one and a half centimetres up, Mr Chairman, you'll find Lubango. Now if you turn to the next page, you will see on the right hand ... ... boys and they searched and they said they wanted guns. They went out. They took a big torch. We had a cart then. We were using that towards Mooi River if our car is out of order. If perhaps there is something wrong with our car. They took that torch. They forget their gun on top of our bed. ... This application arises from the killing of Mr Arthur Duncan Johnston of the farm Sheepdrift in the district of Lions River, Natal. The applicant and his two co-perpetrators, Philani Mjiyako and Mandla Shabalala, overpowered the victim on or about the morning of 15 March 1990. They killed the ... ... to shoot at members of the ANC was his own rifle which he " had always had" and that he only shot after he had been chased to the nearby Jukskei river which he could not cross as it was in ... ... and asked him to point out the area from which IFP supporters attacked the people of Plain hill. The Applicant pointed out an area across the river. Mpangase then stated that an attack should be launched against the IFP supporters in that area and requested the Applicant to recruit people ... ... in 1990. During 1991 unrest broke out between the ANC and IFP in the Umkhomasi area and members of the IFP from the Patheni area used to cross the river and attack the ANC members in his area. Self-defence groups were formed to attack the IFP. The ANC members were aware that farmers were IFP ... ... lifted up his hand and he said to me that they covered his mouth with a towel in an attempt to extract the bullet from his body and there was a river of blood where he was ... ... house. Pretending to be my friend and looking after my interests and everything like that, he had actually double-dealed me and sold me down the river to protect himself. I found that out in 1988 and yes, I did get a conduct sheet and criminal record and I lost my ... ... as commander of a unit of seven who crossed the border in the vicinity of Ellisras and based themselves near Beauty on the banks of the Palala River. On the morning of 8 August 1988 they were surprised by a tracking unit of the SAP and a battle ensued around about 16h00. One member of the ... |