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for elsies river
I observed this black handgrenade in his hands and I could see that this man's determined to throw this handgrenade towards me. As I was facing the river - or no, my back was facing the river and I didn't really have a chance to get away, I immediately drew my weapon and fired a shot towards ...
... in the incident, you would have destroyed it, not so, as you had burnt your clothes and your tackies and gotten rid of the iron bar in the river as you say you did, burnt the car, used false number plates? How far would you have gone Mr Lotz, let's ...
ADV VISSER: And it is quite hilly there and the river is about 100 to 150 metres wide and there is no water in the river, it is just a sandy bottom.
... to Bangilizwe Joyi who was his older brother who use to have a tractor. He asked for the tractor so that he can transport sand from the Basha River. He did give it to him. He was also given a driver to drive this tractor. So they went on with the transporting of this sand. At the time ...
... weeks and he was shot. The bullet had gone through his ears. And his head split and some of his brains was - were out, we found him in the Salt River ...
... When those children arrived they woke my daughter, so that she could show them where I were. When they told me that Stanley had fallen into the river, because the police were chasing them from the bridge at Morokolos on their way to Temba. They said when the police was still chasing them ...
MR DE KOCK: We moved then to our rendezvous point next to the Caledon River and we decided what our next action would be and about fifteen minutes later, Lieut Adamson and Mr Coetser arrived there with the source, McCaskill, and I then decided we shall set fire to the vehicles there and we shall ...
MR SHONGWE: That happened in White River, the main town is White River but the area is called Gogogeo.
... a different road, that would be specifically the Khanyamazaan Road. Sgt Holtzhausen also told me that as soon as I had gone underneath the White River Road, underneath the bridge, I had to drive faster because this is where the ambush would take ...
... as to what happened to Donne Meyers.  There is a complete difference between the two Applicants as to her condition on arrival at the Bashee River.  Kulman talks of a girl with a bullet through her head, groaning and unconscious.  Thutha heard none of this and saw no blood despite the ...
... arrival, I showed him the operation area and plan. The following day, the 27th August 1993 at 12 midnight, we attacked the Translux bus at Ghamka River bridge near Fort Beaufort town. The Translux bus was from Cape Town en route to Johannesburg. We both retreated after firing some shots. We ...
MR LUPUWANA: Then we proceeded on that gravel road, as I have a memory it was a river or a "vlei" in front of us where he stopped the car.
... away, and they picked up the three of us, two Coloured people and myself. They took us to town and they took us to the bridge over the Orange River and they said we had to get out of the vehicle and they, I ask him what was happening now - and they asked who was causing all this chaos and ...
What I do remember is the place where we met. It is just over the Mbashi river. We got there, Thandekulo had parked his car already next to the road. There were shrubs, bushes next to the road. He had parked his car behind a bush.
I was standing on the bank of the river and I watched whilst this was being done.
... uncle who use to teach at the primary school at Qoqoleni. They told him that they are telling him about Mahle's death who has drowned himself in a river while trying to hide money. They went also again to my uncle. They also told him about Mahle's death. Then when my uncle asked are you not ...
MR HATTINGH: Very well then. And my impression of your evidence was that when you arrived in Lesotho, after you had crossed the river, that you did not even know where the house was.
MR BERGER: You went down to the river, is that right?
MS MILLER: If I can explain what the area is like, there's a river running through at the base of a valley, so the river is on the side closest - there's a river in the valley and then there would have been a brickyard next to the river, then there would have been those houses that were there in ...
MR VAN ECK: The farm does not go up to the river, there are still farms between this farm and the border or the river.
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