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for elsies river
... I went through all the wards but I couldn’t find him there. I came back. I told myself, my wife, that I couldn’t find him. So, I went to Salt River. There I went to the police station. I asked them. They said no, they don’t know anything. They said no; you’re wasting our time. They said ...
... shopkeeper, three black women who were found speared to death in a plantation and a black man whose headless body was found floating in the Berg River in Paarl. 197 The Snyman Commission appointed to investigate the Paarl violence highlighted corruption and bad management in the Bantu ...
... he had been shot: When I got to the scene where the whole thing took place, the scene of crime, I found him lying down on the sofa in blood, a river of blood. I just heard him talking, whispering, saying, “Come in. Come in, I am still alive”. Siphiwe [Mvuyane] was not there, but there ...
... Despite the assault, they failed to extract any information from the unknown man. 304 They then took him to a quiet place in the Pienaar’s River area to interrogate him further. The captain began the interrogation behind the minibus. When the victim would not co-operate, the captain ...
... this time. 65 On the night of 4 February 1963, Poqo members attacked a group of whites who were sleeping at the roadside near Bashee (Mbashe) River bridge in Transkei, killing five people. A massive police crackdown on the PAC followed and fifty-five people were arrested and charged with ...
pistols, and hand grenades. In addition, the trainees were taught how to manufacture and use petrol bombs. Shooting practice took place in the Mlaba river bed. A (then) Vlakplaas operative N J ‘Snor’ Vermeulen, who was for a period involved in the training at Mlaba, said that Powell had ...
... ESTIMATED NUMBER OF EIGHTY PEOPLE DURING THE FIVE NAMED MASSACRES. Hankey shootings: May 1986 203 Hankey is a small farming town on the Gamtoos river, about 100 km west of Port Elizabeth. In Hankey, as in many other small Eastern Cape towns, 1984–86 saw the emergence of youth and community ...
... political strongholds or of what became known as ‘no-go zones’. Townships were divided according to sections; rural areas according to valleys, rivers, ridges or roads. Often a party flag or graffiti would serve to stake out the party stronghold. It was impossible for people to be ...
... of resistance in the local township, Paballelo. Although only fifteen years of age at the time, he was repeatedly thrown off a high bridge into a river in an attempt to elicit information. 143 Such attacks by the police and security forces undermined the dignity and sense of security of ...
... boundaries of Richmond, such as in Ixopo52 . 367 Sifiso Nkabinde mobilised support in areas further afield, including Impendle, Bulwer and Mooi River.53 It is alleged that Nkabinde garnered support by providing weapons to ANC members in these areas.54 In response, his counterparts in the IFP, ...
by supporting the building of the Cahora Bassa and the Gove and Calueque dams, as well as the hydro-electric power stations at Ruacana in the Cunene river basin and at Cahora Bassa on the Zambezi, and i followed the state’s guidelines in response to the threat of economic sanctions by ...
... on guerrillas moving into the cease-fire assembly points in the Tshipise Tribal Trust area. His group operated from a camp “on the side of the river at Gumbu Mine” in Botswana. The attacks, Verster claimed, were ordered by “military headquarters” using intelligence provided by the ...
... of the TDF, was detained; partly, it seems, because he opposed the Katzen planners. Weeks later, on 19 February, TDF troops crossed the Kei River border between Transkei and South Africa, and drove on to launch an abortive attack on Ciskei president Lennox Sebe's private palace in Bisho. ...
on the South Coast. Both were still serving KZP members. They both made full admissions of guilt. Mitchell was arrested on the 2 August 1991 in Mooi River, despite being warned by colleagues of his impending arrest. Immediately after this, General Van der Westhuizen, Colonel Langenhoven and ...
... in Port Elizabeth on 28 January 1977, it was revealed that the bodies of Mthimkulu and Madaka had been burnt and their remains thrown into the Fish River near the disused Post Charmers police station near Cradock. The Commission took the families to the site of the killings and disposal of the ...
... John NKOFUNGA, Mkululi NKOHLA, Darlington Nkosinathi NKOHLA, Fungile Livingstone NKOHLA, Lulama Vivian NKOHLA, Nomziwakhe Francina NKOHLA, Zolisa Elsies NKOKO, Julien NKOKO, Ramokoeni NKOMANA, Nibidyara Francis NKOMBI, Kholeka NKOMBI, Winifred Zodwa NKOMBISA, Monde Matthews NKOMBONI, Simon ...
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