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for elsies river
Was stabbed to death by IFP supporters during ongoing political conflict in Bruntville, near Mooi River, Natal, on 9 June 1991. See Bruntville attacks.
Was injured in a shooting on 10 December 1992 near Mooi River, Natal. Mr Chonco and six others, including three Chonco brothers, were allegedly targets of an IFP hit squad.
Was stabbed to death by ANC supporters at Bruntville, near Mooi River, Natal, on 4 December 1991 in intense political conflict in the area. See Bruntville attacks.
Was shot and severely injured by members of the SADF at his aunt’s house at Mshayazafe, Mooi River, Natal, on 20 June 1991 in a period of intense political violence in the area.
Was killed by members of the Bophuthatswana Police on 5 February 1994 in Taung, Bophuthatswana during clashes over the chieftainship of the area. His body was found on the bank of a nearby river.
An ANC supporter who was stabbed to death by IFP supporters in Mooi River, Natal, on 19 September 1991, in political conflict in the area. Mr Dladla was on his way home from work when he was attacked.
An MK operative who was killed with four other operatives by a joint Venda and South African security force team on 25 March 1988 at Mutale River in Venda.
An ANC supporter who was stabbed to death by IFP supporters at Lion`s River, near Pieter-maritzburg, on 6 February 1993. The perpetrator was sentenced to five years` imprisonment, suspended for five years.
He died after breaking his neck while fleeing from a group of Inkatha-supporting hostel-dwellers in 1990 in Bruntville, near Mooi River, Natal. See Bruntville attacks.
An ANC supporter who was stabbed to death on 4 December 1991 when IFP-supporting hostel-dwellers attacked ANC supporters in Bruntville, near Mooi River, Natal. See Bruntville attacks.
An ANC supporter who was assaulted and her home was destroyed when IFP-supporting hostel-dwellers attacked ANC supporters in Bruntville, near Mooi River, Natal, in December 1991. See Bruntville attacks.
An MK operative who was killed with four other operatives by a joint Venda and South African security force team on 25 March 1988 at Mutale River in Venda.
An MK operative who was killed with four other operatives by a joint Venda and South African security force team on 25 March 1988 at Mutale River in Venda.
An ANC supporter who was stabbed to death on 4 December 1991 when IFP-supporting hostel-dwellers attacked ANC supporters in Bruntville, near Mooi River, Natal. See Bruntville attacks.
He had his house burnt down by `comrades` in Klau-Klau, White River, Transvaal, on 19 May 1986 because he was a friend of the local chief believed to be a puppet of the apartheid government.
An ANC supporter who was stabbed to death when IFP-supporting hostel-dwellers attacked ANC supporters in Bruntville, near Mooi River, Natal, in November 1990. See Bruntville attacks.
An ANC supporter who died after being shot on 10 December 1992 near Mooi River, Natal. Mr Chonco and six others, including three Chonco brothers, were allegedly targets of an IFP hit squad.
An MK operative who was killed with four other operatives by a joint Venda and South African security force team on 25 March 1988 at Mutale River in Venda.
An ANC supporter who was stabbed to death by IFP-supporting passengers who hijacked his taxi between Estcourt and Mooi River, Natal, on 27 September 1991. The perpetrators accused Mr Raman of transporting ‘comrades’.
An IFP supporter who was abducted by a group of IFP supporters at Gamalakhe, KwaZulu, near Port Shepstone, Natal, in 1991, allegedly to be taken to an IFP self-defence training camp. He was later found dead near the Mjika River with stab and hack wounds.
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