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Special Report
Transcripts for Section 4 of Episode 32

23:25The Truth Commission was surrounded by controversy the last few weeks especially about the allegations of a so-called white liberal clique sidelining blacks.Full Transcript
23:35Nobody was prepared to go on the record with the sensational accusations that whites in the Truth Commission were marginalising black members. Some of those who were prepared to speak out did so very carefully.Full Transcript
23:50I really find it difficult … that kind of reasoning, just to say to people, are there racial tensions, as though you expect me to put a red carrot here and say oh this is a green one. I really find it simplistic and naïve, if I may put it strongly that way. I’m not a spokesperson for the TRC, but if I may speak for myself. We are a system; the TRC is an organisational structure with systems which have developed in the process. There are quite a number of practices which we need to critically examine and begin to confront those which are not helping us to live up to the expectations of the country. Without giving the specifics, like for instance in instances where you feel that look I’m in a position, but somehow there are practices which undermine me and leave me with the feeling that is this a token position. And definitely that for me is a big issue, which I will personally work on to its finality. Full Transcript
25:10It would be naïve of me to assume that there are none, some of them I don’t even know about, I’m sure. This is South Africa, I mean we’re part of this country and we are on a journey. We have a very long way to go, we’ve come from a time of desperate conflict with this enormous oppression and discrimination and whites were in the main privileged. We’ve got to unlearn attitudes and prejudices and you don’t do that immediately. So, sure of course there must be racial tensions, but you know we do have channels for this to be worked through. If there is someone who feels strongly about an issue they have every opportunity and every right to raise it. It’s a difficulty when you don’t know who and why and what. Then you just stand there helpless and you think oh my God, you know, where do we go from here.Full Transcript
26:15Dr Alex Boraine was accused by the faceless officials of leading an alleged white liberal clique. Archbishop Desmond Tutu responded with an angry statement from his hospital bed saying that the allegation was a personal insult to his leadership. Commissioner Dumisa Ntsebeza said the perceived tensions were not a threat to the Commission and simply a reflection of the realities of South Africa.Full Transcript
26:39We have a multi faceted character of tensions within the TRC. That’s the first point. So, it is not only racial. It is manifesting itself in various ways. The second question which we must consider, are those tensions of a nature that we are in a crisis situation in the TRC. I say no. We are not in a crisis. In fact, it is credit to the leadership in this Commission that we have seen a year gone by with all sorts of criticisms that have been levitated. We are not sufficient and even handed… we have had crises. When the Archbishop threatened to resign, that was a crisis, not this.Full Transcript
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