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Special Report Transcript Episode 64, Section 4, Time 14:47

When they brought that child, they knew how much I was in love with my son; they knew that I would break down immediately. So this is part of the warfare, part of the game. They put the child there, they knew she will crack; she will do what we want. And I refused to do that.

Notes: Joyce Sikhakhane Ranken (Detained 12 May 1969)

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Hearing Transcripts TRC Final Report TRC Victims
■ GENDERED ROLES AND SOCIALISATION21 While a person’s sex is determined by biology, gender is a social construct. It is determined by the relationships between women and men and by the roles they play. One of the more important divisions in terms of gender analysis is that between the ...
■ SILENCES ABOUT SEXUAL ABUSE 44 One of the particularly difficult areas of silence is sexual abuse. The Commission saw its provision of the opportunity “to relate their own accounts” as a way of restoring “the human and civil dignity” of victims. For many women, relating the story of ...
105 Ms Lita Nombango Mazibuko had a long tale of her suffering at the hands of ANC colleagues while in exile. Ms Mazibuko was responsible for assisting people to cross the border illegally. In 1988, after one of her comrades had been killed, she became “regarded as an enemy and as a spy”. She ...
■ OTHER PHYSICAL ABUSE70 Several women spoke about how their femaleness affected how they were treated, and how they themselves behaved when tortured. Ms Jenny Schreiner described how, when she articulated her rights, she was met with brute force:(Mostert) walked around the table and ...
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