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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter J

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JANKIE, Limakatso Flora43Her house was burnt down in an arson attack in Maboloka, Bophuthatswana, in 1975 during Maboloko resistance to the leadership of Phillemon Tshajwa.References
JANNA, Thembinkosi Abednego12Was shot and blinded in one eye by members of the SAP in Guguletu, Cape Town, after the Soweto uprising in 1976. See Soweto uprising. References
JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Catharina Elizabeth24Was severely injured when a limpet mine planted by MK operatives exploded during lunchtime at the Wimpy restaurant in Benoni, Transvaal, on 30 July 1988. One woman was killed and at least sixty six people were injured. Four MK operatives were granted amnesty for the planning and execution of the attack (AC/1999/0294).References
JANSE VAN RENSBURG, Tarina7 monthsWas severely injured when a limpet mine planted by MK operatives exploded during lunchtime at the Wimpy restaurant in Benoni, Transvaal, on 30 July 1988. One woman was killed and at least sixty six people were injured. Four MK operatives were granted amnesty for the planning and execution of the attack (AC/1999/0294).References
JANSE VAN VUUREN, AWas injured when MK operatives detonated an explosive in a car outside the South African Air Force (SAAF) headquarters in Church Street, Pretoria, on 20 May 1983. Twenty one people were killed and two hundred and seventeen injured. The overall commander of MK’s Special Operations Unit and two MK operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/003 and (AC/2001/023). See Church Street Bombing, Pretoria. References
JANSEN VAN VUUREN, Hendrick ChristoffelA Fidelity Guards employee who was shot and injured when MK operatives conducted an armed robbery of cash trunks being collected by a Fidelity Guards van in Dube, Soweto, Johannesburg, on 5 November 1988. Two of the four guards were injured in the robbery, which was intended to acquire funds for the MK unit. Four MK operatives were granted amnesty for the incident (AC/2000/0013).References
JANSEN, Frederick Casper 'Fritz' 46A building contractor who was attacked by a crowd of protesters as he drove near Crossroads, Cape Town, on 11 August 1980. He was stoned and burnt and died in hospital the following day. Another motorist had been attacked and killed that afternoon, during protests related to a bus boycott. Six people were convicted of the two killings and sentenced to lengthy prison sentences. One of those convicted, an ANC supporter, was granted amnesty for the killing (AC/1999/0298).References
JANSEN, Thomas39An ANC chairperson who was harassed, assaulted and repeatedly detained during 1992 and 1993 in Villiersdorp, Cape.References
JANSEN, Zirkie Bernadus 24Was hit by glass and shrapnel fragments and suffered severe burns when MK operatives detonated an explosive in a car outside the South African Air Force (SAAF) headquarters in Church Street, Pretoria, on 20 May 1983. Twenty one people were killed and two hundred and seventeen injured. The overall commander of MK’s Special Operations Unit and two MK operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/003 and AC/2001/023). See Church Street Bombing, Pretoria. References
JANTJIE, Tozama Thelma 30A UDF supporter who was shot and injured by a named perpetrator in Mtingane Street, Uitenhage, Cape, in September 1985, allegedly while others were busy lighting a tyre in order to ‘necklace’ her. She was allegedly targeted because she had called the police during the killing of her brother who was labelled as an informer.References
JANTJIES, (first name not given)Was severely beaten when arrested by police in Ashton, Cape, on 20 November 1985. He was one in a large group of residents arrested that day for allegedly burning down houses in the area.References
JANTJIES, Boy41A UDF supporter who was shot dead by members of the Municipal Police during protests in Aberdeen, Cape, on 7 July 1987.References
JANTJIES, Daniso45Was stabbed to death by his nephew in Ashton, Cape, on 4 November 1985, when a group of vigilantes, including Mr Jantjies, severely beat school students engaged in a school boycott.References
JANTJIES, Hennie43An ANC supporter who was severely beaten and had her home damaged by SAP members during her arrest in Thembalesizwe, Aberdeen, Cape, in June 1986. She was then detained under emergency regulations for five months. See police brutality.References
JANTJIES, Nkotliso FransWas shot and arrested by members of the SAP in Bloemhof, Transvaal, in December 1990 at the launch of an ANC branch while singing freedom songs in the streets. This resulted in chronic epilepsy and a permanent hearing problem.References
JANTJIES, Siphiwo Stanley20Was severely beaten with knobkerries by named Amasolomzi vigilantes and members of the SAP while being arrested in Zolani, Ashton, Cape, on 20 November 1985. He later served three years in prison for public violence.References
JANTJIES, ThembaWas severely beaten by Amasolomzi vigilantes and members of the SAP while being arrested in Zolani, Ashton, Cape, on 20 November 1985.References
JANTJIES, WilfredA civilian who was injured when APLA operatives attacked members and guests at the King William’s Town Golf Club, Cape, on 28 November 1992. Four people were killed and seventeen injured in the attack. Four APLA members were granted amnesty (AC/2001/182). See APLA attacks. References
JANTSHI, Sipho Elijah29A UDF supporter who was stabbed by IFP supporters in Zola, Soweto, Johannesburg, on 11 December 1988 in violent conflict during forced removals of people from Moshenguville to Orange Farm.References
JANUARIE, Ragel18Was shot and injured by a named member of the SAP in Kakamas, Cape, on 13 February 1988. The perpetrator opened fire on residents outside a house being raided by police. Two children were shot dead and thirteen people were injured.References
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