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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter K

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KGORO, AudreyWas injured in a hand grenade explosion on 25 May 1993 in Kimberley, Cape, during an ANC protest march to the Bophuthatswana consulate. Two MK operatives threw a hand grenade at the building, but it bounced back into the crowd, killing one person and injuring forty one others. Two ANC members were wrongly convicted of the killing. Four MK operatives and ANC members, two of whom denied guilt, were refused amnesty (AC/2000/053 and AC/2000/241).References
KGOROEABOGO, Mokalobe John 53Was severely beaten with a chain by a member of the Bophuthatswana Police in Taung, Bophuthatswana, in 1988 because he refused to give the police access to Chief Mankuroane’s office. The Bophuthatswana Police supported Chief Mangope.References
KGOSIEMANG, MothusiWas subjected to severe damage to house and property as a result of a car-bomb explosion in Gaborone, Botswana, on 22 April 1987. The head of the Security Branch and four Northern and Western Transvaal Security Branch operatives were granted amnesty for this operation (AC/2000/214). See Gaborone car bomb. References
KGOSIETSILE, Mohlouwa Jonas 34An ANC supporter and trade union leader who was beaten to death in police cells in Rustenburg, Transvaal, on 19 January 1992, allegedly because he was seen to be an ‘instigator’ of political activity on the mines.References
KGWAHLA, James Mashilo25An MK operative who was killed in Ellisras, Transvaal, in August 1988 during a skirmish with members of the SAP soon after his unit had entered South Africa.References
KGWAKGWA, Bosinki John 42Was severely beaten and tortured in Chief Moilwa’s yard and in detention by members of the Bophuthatswana Police in Lekubu, Bophuthatswana, on 8 July 1989 while residents of Lekubu were resisting incorporation into Bophuthatswana. Mr Kgwakgwa was accused of being involved in the killing of nine policemen for their weapons.References
KGWAKGWA, Mmakgaje Sophy29An ANC supporter who was severely tortured and assaulted while in detention by alleged Bophuthatswana Police in Zeerust, Transvaal, on 5 August 1989 during conflict over the Mangope government.References
KGWALE, Mare Simon 43He had his home in GaMatlala, Lebowa, burnt down by supporters of Chief BK Matlala on 2 February 1980 because he resisted Lebowa’s proposed independence from South Africa.References
KGWEDI, RaymondWas shot and injured by MK operatives in Meadowlands, Soweto, Johannesburg, on 29 January 1988. The perpetrators ambushed and fired at the police vehicle, injuring four persons. Two MK operatives applied for amnesty. One withdrew his application and the other was granted amnesty (AC/2000/134).References
KGWETE, Makgabutlane Frans29An ANC supporter who was injured when thrown from a moving train by IFP supporters in Germiston, Transvaal, on 17 May 1991. See train violence.References
KGWETE, Moraka John63Was abducted and tortured by members of the Imbokodo vigilante group in Moutse, KwaNdebele, on 1 January 1986. The Imbokodo supported state plans for incorporation into KwaNdebele. See Imbokodo. References
KHABA, Ntombizodwa Christina41Was stabbed to death by members of the Black Cats on 12 April 1992 in Wesselton, Transvaal. She was allegedly killed because her son left the IFP for the ANC.References
KHABANYANE, Mavuzo Atwell40An ANC supporter who was shot dead by members of the ISU in Katlehong, Transvaal, on 22 July 1993. A named SAP captain allegedly shot Mr Khabanyane in the head and kicked his body.References
KHABINGCA, Aaron Saki 31An ANC activist who was arrested in Engcobo, Transkei, in 1962, during the ANC’s ‘Mayibuye’ sabotage campaign, and taken to Van Rensburg prison, Cape Town, where he was tortured. Mr Khabingca was later charged with attempted murder and served a six-year sentence on Robben Island.References
KHADI, MbuyiseliAn ANC member who was burnt to death by UDF-supporting AmaButho members in Xolani, Grahamstown, Cape, on 23 September 1984, allegedly because he was suspected of being a state collaborator. See AmaButho Eastern Cape. References
KHAHLA, Veronica Nomvula18A UDF supporter who was shot and injured by members of the SAP on 16 July 1985 in Graaff-Reinet, Cape, in political unrest and conflict following the killing of the Cradock Four. See Cradock Four. References
KHAILE, Elizabeth Meme 20Was stabbed to death by IFP supporters on 17 June 1992 in the Boipatong massacre in Boipatong, near Vanderbijlpark, Transvaal, which left forty five people dead and twenty seven seriously injured. Other members of Ms Khaile’s family were killed and injured. Thirteen perpetrators were granted amnesty; a further three applications were refused (AC/2000/209).References
KHAILE, Mokete21Was stabbed to death on 17 June 1992 in the Boipatong massacre in Boipatong, near Vanderbijlpark, Transvaal, which left forty five people dead and twenty seven seriously injured. Other members of Mr Khaile’s family were also killed and injured in the massacre. Thirteen perpetrators were granted amnesty; a further three applications were refused (AC/2000/209).References
KHAILE, Ntaoleng Selinah 33Was stabbed and injured on 17 June 1992 in the Boipatong massacre in Boipatong, near Vanderbijlpark, Transvaal, which left forty five people dead and twenty seven seriously injured. Other members of Ms Khaile’s family were also killed and injured in the massacre. Thirteen perpetrators were granted amnesty; a further three applications were refused (AC/2000/209).References
KHAKANA, Buti John37His home was lost in an arson attack by UDF supporters in Cookhouse, Cape, in February 1986, after members of the Kakana family were accused of being police collaborators.References
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